posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 01:09 PM
The Federal rights of individuals as enumerated by the bill of rights are usurped not only by many of the 50 state, they are also usurped by local
governments as well.
Laws Should Be The Same In All States
Example: Why should how my auto is manufactured be legal in one state and not the other? I should not need to sell my car when I move to
another state, because one state has restrictive laws. (california)
Example: Why should my right to carry a gun change when I travel from one locality to the another in the same state? Ignorance of the law is no
excuse we are told. I would argue that their is no excuse for ignorant and variable laws.
Example: Virgina restricts the user of police radar/laser detectors when passing through the state. Everyone is not aware of these laws and
they should not have to be aware of it, but none-the-less they can still be punished under these laws.
Example: Why should Gay marriage be allowed in one state and not the other? A gay couple's travel is also restricted by these so called
'states rights' as some states refuse to recognize the marriage.
America should not be a bunch of 50 banana republics each with its own group petty fiefdoms, it is a single country and the same laws should be
reflected over the entire country. States rights is a fools fantasy, it always has been and always will be.
State and Local Governments Usurp Individual Rights
The federally protected rights enumerated in the bill of rights are not federally protected at all and are in fact blantantly usurped by the creep of
state and local government without a peep from the federal government.
1--Where is the federal government when local official pass ordinances restricting the rights of people to peaceably by requiring permits to assemble,
by dictating the location that people may assemble and bys specifying the number of people assembled.
2--We have local and state governments passing a wide variety of gun laws including complete prohibition of gun possession in some areas. No federal
government in sight.
3--We have local and state government making random stops and conducting all manner of random search with no probable cause and often with no search
warrant. Still no federal government.
4--We have states and local government depriving people of their property without due process via various drunk driver laws and drug laws. Nope no
feds here either.
5--Various states deprive one of the ownership of property by requiring individuals to carry auto insurance by state law. This is an illegal tax when
required by government. Still no feds.
Saying that individuals can challenge these issues in court is poppycock, when the people are poor, or when the assets they can use to mount a
challenge are seized by the state and local government. As I said previously, this is a conspiracy between all levels of government to enslave the
populace in a confusing mess of contradictory laws.
Federal Laws
I have no problem curtailing federal laws. I want to see federal laws, state laws and local laws all curtailed for the purpose of protecting
individual rights. The tyranny flowing in this cesspool of laws goes in both directions. The states rights issue is completely bogus, laws are to
protect individuals, not to protect the rights of soulless states and locality.
God Save America, The Politicians Won't
PS: I done with thread.
[edit on 14-7-2004 by df1]