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alex jones fan begs alex to come clean about caller from white house leaking pole shift

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull

Take ;

a crank phone call


one really paranoid guy on utube(guy needs to get off internet for a while or could even be acting)


over 150 stars on ats thread

= Alex Jones has a lot more people listening to his show.

Good work ATS members
Alex will be very happy.
You can look at it that way or if it turned out to be true and this is far fetched,but could have turned out that the tenacious ATSmembers could have saved lives.Or at the very least spread the news to all,this is why I come to this site because one way or another the good people at ATS will crack the case.......................go ATS!!!

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by Whitbit
What is that pole shift thing?
Sorry if it's already been posted... but a pole shift is not going to be cataclysmic, and takes thousands of years to complete. We are not going to be left naked for the sun to fry us or anything like that. Everyone just needs to take a chill pill about it, this guy in the article is 100% right.

PEOPLE CAN SAY ANYTHING NOW--- since the hype over 2012 ----TO CASH IN!

Reminds me of Y2K only 20 times worse. I'm not saying something bad ISNT going to happen... because it's already happening with our economy. Everyone should be prepared but panic is going to do no one any good. That's my two cents, have a nice day

edit on 4-2-2011 by Whitbit because: (no reason given)

Where do you get your information from? A pole shift takes 1000s of years? I didn't know they timed it!

Just how do you supposed they gauged this event 13,000 years ago?

May I remind you of the Wholly Mammoths found with undigested food in their stomachs implying, they were flash-dead!
Mammoth remains have puzzled scientists and laymen for hundreds of years. Many explanations have been offered. One of the most popular hypotheses is that one eventful day, the hairy elephants were peacefully grazing on grass and buttercups when suddenly, tragedy struck, and millions of them froze instantly.

No one knows what happened to the dinosaur either. It's suspected they flash-died too. For that matter, know one even knows what happened to the Mayans either.

Science doesn't even know what happened 500 years ago so I wouldn't put too much stock in their 'theories' of pole shifts because they can't even agree on when the last one occurred anyway let alone, how long it took.

I posted the source with my info. And the mammoths and dinosaurs may have 'flash-died' but no one knows how. One theory is a huge meteor or asteroid. Geologists study the 'layers' of the earth and can find approximate dates when certain things happened. So why hasn't it been publicised and the theory changed from 'asteroid' possibility to 'pole switch' possibility for cause of death?? I'm not here to argue anything, just presenting more facts. I don't see the hype, really.

Read this NASA article for more info:
edit on 5-2-2011 by Whitbit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:08 AM
mike84ever,your willingness to be prepared to accept an uncertain future is admirable accept why not have that bbq of yours up on a clifftop with an incredible view of the movie?

You hit the mark with noahs ark.The bible and all major religous doctrines ARE ORIGINALLY ONE HISTORY BOOK THE STORY OF THE LAST CYCLICAL GLOBAL EVENT AND OUR TRUE HISTORY AS A SPECIES.

Reverse extrapolate your bible and you will be seeking high ground soon.I mean take a pen and cross out all words phrases and dynamics that are emotion based or emotion invoking and you will be left with the true story of humanities history.
All religous doctrines stem from this history but have been added to to allow emotional content to be included to enable the manipulation and control of other people for a fraudulent and misrepresented gain.This addition of hocus pocus emotional content has created a false reality that includes literall hundreds of millions of humans,capturing and controlling their ability to excercise their free will and make choices of that free will based on true accurate real time information.

Attaining the knowledge needed to choose to participate in a possible future is the main point,there are no gaurantees just like real estate buddy its all about location location location and of course having the information available to have really good timing as to being at that location.Just ask noah.

Coincidentally did you know that a christian engineer is the man who discovered that the ark as designed was truly functional and perfectly engineered up to and possibly exceeding our abilities for design today.

That the ark by real design was a purpose built piece of engineering not a piece of someones imagination,and also that it was covered and enclosed and was designed to be inundated with water and still be able to float.The ark was designed to handle a violent meeting with water not a slow increase in the water table.

Its no big deal to call the bible a history book people have always done it,but to reverse extrapolate all of the emotional dynamic manipulation in it and then to do the same with the koran and prove that they have a common beginning has never been done,call it my gift.

Our biggest chance at high numbers of survivors is to unite major religons and wake them up to this new reality together with a common purpose or bond,and my friends this purpose and bond was purposefully written into these doctrines for a reason and a time ,the reason is to unite us and the time is now.Religous differences have been used to fragment humanity and to stop us from attaining our rightful power as a cumulative group.

Just try to tell me that the revelation of this common beginning wont do just that-bring us together in unprecedented numbers as never before seen in our history as a species.

Pick a high spot for the BBQ ,who knows ,if you do you might meet some of the people you talk to on this site,better bring xtra steaks,Ill be bringing xtra beers.

edit on 5-2-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:15 AM
My take on it: It is fake and real at the same time. Let me explain, the caller was a disinformation plant and AJ probably is involved in it (ie, controlled opposition) otherwise he would have made a big issue about people calling and claiming to be this or that and he doesnt take such calls seriously without verification (he might even refer to the call in to coast to coast radio a few years ago where the guy was calling from area 51) and he would not have deleted it. Assuming a disinfo campaign then they would have someone make a video about it and try to make it a real issue. How fitting that the date for this pole shift would be on "the ides of March" I say "beware of (warnings of) the ides of march." So the call, the AJ response and the posted you tube video are all related: disinformation. On the other hand the warning is real but the timing is off. When this date comes and goes there will be another for probably October 11 (ET Man) or November 11 (11/11/11) and then that (or those) dates will pass too. Then we will come to the much anticipated Mayan calendar end date, December 21, 2012. This date could also fail to coincide with a pole shift. Now any future "warnings" will be met with skepticism if not downright contempt. The real date that I have heard is not exact but it is in March of 2013! It could be the "15th" (the warning being 2 yrs early) or it could be around the 21st (on the spring equinox). Like the little boy that cried wolf, no one will believe it. My question then is why would someone manipulate the masses with such disinfo unless they did not want them to prepare for it in early 2013....after the mayan date (when everyone will have dropped their guard and not be prepared for when it will actually happen)? I cant reveal sources as they are spiritual in nature and second hand....but be prepared for March 2013....not that it will do most of us any good.
edit on 5-2-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-2-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Well done Infa dude... No facts... no support... a little crap spread to make it stick to the wall.... and...

Presto... disinfo...

Real or not... at least the dude had links to Fema a purchase of 10M USD in food and no valid explanation from the government..

Put up facts...

Plus... doom sells...

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by R_Clark

DISINFO but meant to discredit future warnings. Methinks it is the timing of this warming that is false not the messaage of the pole shift per se.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by one4all

I can problem...just dont think there's ground Hi enough.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I agree with Bigfoot when he said that we have no way to know a date but for myself I believe we can look for the signs that abductee's and experiencers talk about and if/when they start to come to light take notice and let your gut do your walking.

I have no sense of anything happening in March but that's means nothing of course BUT I do know for the things I will look for that I was shown by these Beings denied here at ATS.

It never hurts to have a plan for yourself and your family just in case if nothing else keep a full tank of gas in the car and some food and water ready to go.

Whatever is to be .....will be!

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Please check the lady caller who had talked about pole shift around 7:07

edit on 5-2-2011 by infomaster because: (no reason given)


This is definitely her (she says it was)...all she had to say was about weather modification or something...nothing of March 15 pole shift.

Start at 8:28

edit on 5-2-2011 by infomaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by infomaster


This is definitely her (she says it was)...all she had to say was about weather modification or something...nothing of March 15 pole shift.

Start at 8:28 - Does not exist

So, the address that she gave is false. All that listening for nothing

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by infomaster

"Page Not Found"
-imagine that......
why would it be under the commodity futures trading commission anyway?
unless they are concerned as to how it affects commodity (food) prices....

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:34 PM
i think you should read the thread , we already found what
was at that website the lady was talking about.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by the_denv

Originally posted by infomaster


This is definitely her (she says it was)...all she had to say was about weather modification or something...nothing of March 15 pole shift.

Start at 8:28 - Does not exist

So, the address that she gave is false. All that listening for nothing

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

the file was "..../08-004" not "....08#004"
fwiw, but "page not found" as per above.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:38 PM
I found this link on YouTube that I find interesting to this discussion.

(BTW, I have been reading for years and haven't posted in years and needed to re-subscribe to post)

Here is the link written from a ex-son-in-law saying that the guy in the video on pole shifting was taken away.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:43 PM
*shakes fist at internet youtube vblogger sweaty guy*

So, this lady calls up both of these shows - and she never once states that she is a Washington insider at all.

The old guy misrepresented it all.
Her voice was not disguised at all.


Think about this: If the elite were to bury themselves in a bunker while the poles shift, wouldn't that be the end of them? It would be a grave for them. Massive earth quakes, floods and the like would destroy ANY underground structures.

IF this happens (which I 99.9% believe it will not), the only survivors would be a population in high altitude areas - such as mountainous regions... and even then, there is no telling what could happen to those mountains during a physical pole shift.

I call bunk... sorry. If the elitists are sooo elite, they would have figured out that digging themselves deep into the ground would only result in their death.... these people are not stupid, they have had us all duped & divided for a long time, why would they make such an idiotic decision?

They wouldn't.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by azureskys

Thank you! I was looking for this exact article. Mag shifts happen over 1000's of years and can switch polarity very quickly. One is the pole wander which takes a long time and the actual reversal which can happen quickly. Both are proven by evidence.

Geographic reversal is just a "theory" and has no substantial proof it's ever happened.

You guys need to read "Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps" By Robert Felix. Magnetic reversal CAN and DO explain mass extinctions and Ice ages. All the proof is there in this book.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Jophiel
i think you should read the thread , we already found what
was at that website the lady was talking about.

You are a lotta help, OP...So I have to read 39 pages to find out because you have a point to make. I have a life and frankly not the time to read 39 pages.

What am I supposed to do if the poles do shift??? If it does on the 15th of March or tomorrow or in 10 years, so what???

I am a stoic. I don't concern myself with those things I do not or cannot control. I do have emergency food, water and survival supplies. In some situations that may help...or not.

If the woman is correct, what are we to do to stop the pole shift...what's the point???


edit on 5-2-2011 by romanmel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Empirical evidence can only exist if a majority choose to accept it there isnt even a physical basis like a rock is a rock to change thist fact,because the very moment we all decide to call a rock a fish it becomes a fish and you can spend your entire life trying to provide me with mountains of empirical physical evidence but you wont change the fact that a rock is now a fish.

We function in a cumulative reality governed by free will and freedom of choice ,when all the entrapments men have created to harness this power for immoral ends are removed you will see what a visual-spatial learner sees when they read the bible. We constantly redefine reality ,every moment of every day,with each birth and each death things change and our potential futures change,this is why we truly need each other,all of us,there can never be a thing called overpopulation because this is our painting,we will forge out into the universe where we belong,that is our origin,we came from out there not from god as we have defined that idea,we were created by humans here on earth---but even they dont have the answers we seek as to our beginnings as living things,there are many humans throughout the universe already,i met the ones who put us here,we are a fallback point in a galactic war humanity is indirectly involved in,we are supposed to be hidden,away from the front lines.We were put here to mine the planet to accumulate resources and manpower,we werent expected to explode in population quite so soon.

We have been kept penned in to our solar system,we werent supposed to be unable to create our present tech and we can make noise out there and draw attention to ourselves from the enemy and then they will come here,remember these are humans I met who were military and our allies.

We were one before we became many,humanity was united at one point in our past beyond our present state.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by oddzon2
I found this link on YouTube that I find interesting to this discussion.

(BTW, I have been reading for years and haven't posted in years and needed to re-subscribe to post)

Here is the link written from a ex-son-in-law saying that the guy in the video on pole shifting was taken away.

wow look at what he said

atlasrevolution atlasrevolution (3 hours ago) Spam Marked as spam No! He and my ex-mother in law only listened to the show and were afraid about what the caller said. When he couldn't find the call on the show's youtube he became worried and did his own video repeating her. Last night their door was busted down by the feds and U.S. Embassy people, they were dragged to jail because of youtube. He is not involved in any way and knows nothing about the woman other than her statements.

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