If the dude in the video challenging Alex Jones were a regular Alex Jones listener as he claims to be, he would know that the Alex Jones people do NOT
screen callers. Alex Jones regularly explains that when he gets the crackpots on the air. Additionally, he often opens the phone calls requesting that
people stay on the topic he's covering. He regularly brushes off callers who disrespect that request when it has been explicitly stated.
So, either she was off-topic on a non-free-for-all day or he thought she might be a crackpot.
Alex Jones knows a lot about a lot of stuff, but the topic of pole shifting is not one of them. Instead of berating Jones, why doesn't someone else
(like the challenging Alex Jones "fan" in the video) pick up the baton and do research on the pole shift and share with everyone? Because unless
that dude offers something constructive, he's really just a distraction and wasting all of our time.
Hi, posting once more, here are the documents this "Natalie" caller is speaking of. csat.au.af.mil... Since it
looks like it was sent to the AF, is it credible? There is alot of sources, idk if they are all correct.
not all of us believe moon beast however
we are trying to get to the bottom of this
with facts do not come down on everyone for
one posters post, he does not speak for us all
Hold your horses there just one minute cowboy.
You don't believe MoonBeast??
You said you were trying to phone into Alex Jones. You said you couldn't get on.
Moonbeast said they got through. That was quite some shocking information he was told by Alex. Then he shared it with all of us.
So MoonBeast is lying but the other crank who rang into Alex orignally was telling the truth.
Are you serious ? Can you please explain your logic here.
Didn't Alex report on some bogus disaster and endless riots during the Y2K drama?
If you've ever seen V for Vendetta, Alex Jones reminds me of the Lewis Prothero character. [England Prevails!] I don't know why, I just always got
that vibe.
And Alex is no William Cooper. Our true champion of the radio.
what does oswego have to do with
this thread? and why are you comparing
my thread to his? i am being straight up
with the information i receive, and at the
moment, i am doing everything i can to bring
forth any evidence either way on this issue
If you're like me and hit this thread running it's kinda confusing to know where to look - the content is here but quite spread apart - here's a quick
run down on some points regarding this caller.
1. The alleged caller, Natalie, was female and not male as some posters are stating.
2. No-one has come forward with the original recording.
3. It is alleged that the published audiocast has the interview removed so downloading and searching the stream will not find the call.
4. BishopLord posted www.abovetopsecret.com...
This is a youtube video www.youtube.com... that contains audio of allegedly the same caller, Natalie, speaking to Coast 2
5. GeminiSky posted www.abovetopsecret.com...
the link to the document Natalie referred too.
uments/frcomment/08-004c002.pdf (unlike the link in the youtube video this works) and seems to elude to weather manipulation techniques used for
military application.
Until I can hear the original audio I will make no claim as to the authenticity of the caller. If the audio has been removed from publication it
could be for a number of reasons. Whilst polar shift is inevitable there is absolutely no scientific evidence that an exact date could be predicted
for such an event (or even if it's in our lifetime).
edit on 4-2-2011 by digitalf because: edit of link
i was the other caller calling in today to the show, i never made any claims of anything
it was moonbeast who lied about what he was told imoo, you cant take that posters claim and use it to try and discredit this thread, thats my logic
As you should know we aren't going to know until the date arrives.
I watched the video with the man talking about this and I must say from the things I have been shown and told on my experiences over the past 50+
years as crazy as he sounds he has it just about right the only thing is the when.........I also was shown and told about volcanoes going off at the
same time so people need to keep an eye to the sky for UFO activity .......it will pick up. Tsunami's quakes you name it.
If I get the energy maybe I will write it out as I was shown, maybe not..I'm lazy
i was the other caller calling in today to the show, i never made any claims of anything
it was moonbeast who lied about what he was told imoo, you cant take that posters claim and use it to try and discredit this thread, thats my logic
Re-read my post. I know you were trying to call in today. You did not get speaking to Alex Jones.
Moon beast said he did. You don't believe what Moonbeast divulged.
But you believe the original female caller to Alex Jones.Natalie.
i believe that caller called , in the beggining because
of the youtube ops behavior, and now i believe its true
because George on c2c confirmed the call.
It is very bothersome in a thread when you are reading it and there are people who come around being negative. Yes this thread has some wild
accusations. But what are people including the OP doing. Research trying to find out if there is an validity to the claims that have been shown. Do
we have “proof” of anything no. But there are people working very hard to do the research and come back here and post it. What is wrong with
that? Sure come to a thread and make your statement that it a hoax or anything you want that is your opinion but do not belittle other people for
doing some leg work before just tossing it off to the side. I find it very interesting what information has been found and look forward to someone
finding the day that the caller was removed from the final audio.
now let me make THIS clear
what i do not believ just yet is
what the caller said IS the truth
and that is where we are at, the
call has been proven!, now it is a matter
of proving the callers claims, the youtube op
is no longer of concern
as i have been always been a believer in Half Truth Hints in Major Production Movies ..
The Ending of movie called Long Kiss good Knight is the Movie awakened me from a Major Skeptic to a Truth Seeker.. seeing what was talked about in the
movie actually happened ( Inside Job, CIA budget cuts, Blamed it on the Muslims CIA Funding and killing 3 thousand people) The Skeptic that i was
I Searched for & grabbed my DVD of Long kiss good knight and skipped to the ending & sure enough it was there....
here is that video..
Way off Topic
but goes along what the type of connections of Who knows what THE POWERS THAT BE and Government are planning I wonder if they have some kind of
Crystal Ball! ( Project Looking Glass ?)
let alone World Museum Pieces and Famed Literature are being put underground (Salt mines)
And Seed & DNA Vaults
one well known is
Svalbard Global Seed Vault en.wikipedia.org...
World Trade Center Attack Confirmation in 1996
same as above a little clearer of the Audio and Video www.youtube.com...
* EXACT 911 scenario in TV show 6 months before 911! Actor says CIA gave them the plot!
Aired March 4th 2001 www.youtube.com...
The Lone Gunmen Pilot - 9/11 Predictive Programming www.youtube.com...
So how many Movie's that talk about a Pole Shift ? or or some Cataclysmic Event in the last decade
is there some one in Hollywood preparing us with this event ?
What Ive noticed from this list on WIKI that the majority of the movies of Disaster Events are within the late 90s to present
Documentary (Nostradamus predictions) Narrated by Orson Wells !
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow beside the prediction that leads up to 911
the full movie talks about world Cataclysmic events
( please see at the 1.54 min mark ) ! 20s years before it happened in 2001
Kevin Geeks Out about Nostradamus (highlights from The Man Who Saw Tomorrow)
It makes you think that the Inside of Illuminati Media & Hollywood is giving hints !
the Funny World we Live
Time to Reuse those old 50s 60s underground fallout shelters ! or just buy one