Mr. Obama talks about job creation and then puts forth policies that over regulate and kill jobs.
First- What does it take to create a job?
Listen up all you so-called job creators, ie politicians, and take note:
The number one objective is a market for the widgets (products) that are to be created. Without a market, all else is academic.
A Work Force that is capable of generating the widgets in question.
Historically that will be the person who has a viable idea.
A cheap and readily available source of energy to power the widget machines.
Politicians, governments do not generate markets; henceforth they do not create jobs. Politicians do one thing and one thing only, they spend
money and in most cases by committee and not efficiently.
Energy- The USA has always had a cheap source of energy. Initially with the early settlers arrival this whole country was treed over; so for
the first 300 years they burned wood. Initially they used the Indian’s corn, fried it up and made whiskey and sent it back to England, henceforth;
the market, the Workforce and the energy (wood).
Later wood was replaced by coal; it burned hotter and was more effective. Then over time came oil, gas and nuclear power. Even though to this
day the least expensive power produced is by coal at $ .06 per kilowatt hour. Oil and gas are in the $ .12 range and nuclear is even more when one
calculates the cost of stowing the spent rods. Our government subsidizes wind and solar with taxpayers’ money at the rate of $ .24 per kilowatt
hour, four times what it costs private enterprise to produce electricity using coal,
another brilliant play by this group of people that we put in temporary residence at 1600 Penn Avenue.
We as a people cannot afford to increase our energy cost and expect anything to be produced in this country. Wind and solar are not viable
alternatives. Unfortuninately, despite their high cost, they are getting a free ride on the grid system piggy backing on the existing system paid for
with coal generated monies.
Obama’s administration is trying to shut down the coal industry thru regulations by increasing the cost thru the EPA and MSHA. MSHA is
attempting to reduce the dust regulation by a 100% from 2mg to 1mg. This will put every mine out of the dust compliance, in essence shutting them
down thru regulations. This is being done under the guise the coal miners are being killed by contracting Black Lung. I saw that a UMWA official
stated that “82,000 miners had died in the last ten years from that dreaded disease.” At one time, no one, no one had been diagnosed with Black
who did not smoke. Black Lung is a smokers’ disease not a coal mine related illness. Obama thru MSHA regulations can shut down every coal mine in
the U.S. but it will not save one life from exposure to coal dust.
Granted this subject requires much more in depth discussion but the next time you hear a politician tell you “elect me and I can create jobs”
please ask him how- by generating a market or reducing energy cost?
Obama’s attack on the energy coal/oil drilling industries tells me he does not have a clue what it takes to create jobs or there is a sinister
reason for these actions.
This article was published in a local newspaper by my father....Phil S. and I felt it worthy of sharing.
edit on 3-2-2011 by
Angelicdefender2012 because: (no reason given)