I wanted to put this down in writing before my head explodes. I hope you get some idea of what I am thinking about because I know I am not always very
good at explaining my way of thinking. I wll try my best.
Generally in most situations there has to be a winner and a loser. I will be bluntly honest and say that very often I find myself in the losing camp.
This is simply because I really have no strong urge to 'win' or to 'beat' somebody else.I am happy to see someone else's happyness when they win
, so really i am not loosing. This winning and loosing situation applies to almost everything going on across the planet all the times. Playing games,
bickering, politics, wars, who gets the last cookie.
However the point of this thread is that I have noticed a very dangerous situation arising over the last 5years or so. All situations I watch now
people seem to be attaching themselves like superglue to their own thoughts and beliefs. From very simplistic situations to the most complex and
dangerous situations I am noticing more and more that no one is willing to give an inch. Everything seems to be approaching a kind of stalemate.
Nobody wants to agree on anything anymore.Today everyone is sticking to their guns. No one wants to budge. The planet has embraced 'lets agree to
disagree'. In some situations this is very dangerous.
If this continues I can see two possible outcomes. The first one is we continue to fight with each other until the end of time. The second is we
simply destroy ourslves and everything else.
The most disturbing part of it is that people are becoming so attached to their thoughts or views. It can be a real eye opener if someone actually
starts to examine why they think the way they do. How many of these thoughts in your head that are screaming to be heard have been originated by you.
How many of them have been planted in your head.
The human brain is like a sponge and will soak up any sort of crap. I have tried this myself on several different friends. I will be speaking to a
friend about something they hate or are opposed to. I will gently drop in an idea about it, maybe something from outside the box or just something
they would not have considered before. I will still let them win their argument and let their belief win out. Then the magic happens. I come back a
few weeks later and raise the same issue. I find they have completely turned around their view on the matter and it usually has been grown from the
seed I planted previously and they also have no idea of this.
How many thoughts or ideas in your head are really your own. This might not be easy to determine at first but it gets very very easy after a little
practice. You need to screen everything with your inner self.
Anyway back to the point. I am just seeing now more and more people being feed bull and they get so attached to it they would nearly be willing to die
for it. I see so many people spending their life doing what ever it takes to be a winner. They must be the best. Then they must ensure their kids have
the best chance and will do everything and anything for them. Nobody wants to be on a lossing team anymore. Everyone must be a winner. If this keeps
up we are all gonna loose.
Would you do whatever it takes to be a winner or for your kid to be a winner? Would you do anything it takes to stay on this planet? Really ?
Watching the collapse of society in Egypt at the minute is shocking stuff. We should all be ashmed for allowing this to happen. the planet is in
turmoil. We are all responsible for allowing situations like this arise.The political and economic models are corrupt and have failed.
The only solution that I could offer is that all the different spiritual leaders from every corner of the planet need to come together and show some
leadership. They need to recognise the good things they share and ignore the things they don't. If we ignore the politicans and corrupt finance
powers they will disappear. It really is so easy to fix this but we do everything we can to stop it happening. Why?
Do we need to surrender to really win? Would you lie down and surrender if it meant everyone could be a winner?
(Not sure if anyone will understand this)