I do not believe this one bit! The Horseman? No...this is no horseman. And if it is...it is either an artifact from compression or artifact/lighting
effect from the camera. I think it's pretty obvious that the msnbc have seen this video and are fully aware what it looks like. Yet, it's still on the
internet; on their website. Their is an agenda here. Allow me to explain it!
Do not, for once, think that all the things that are happening around the Earth now are a coincidence. The mass, strange and unexplainable animal
deaths, the weather, the war, the increased UFO sightings...it is all related. Some people believe 9/11 was a tool used by the people who control the
money to implement certain changes to the lives of men. I believe this to be the case! What is happening now is another 9/11, in a sense. It is a
series of events that are being manipulated to condition the minds of men...and between now and December 21st, 2012, it's going to get worse. Why do I
mention this date? Because, in men's minds...this date will change human history forever. It may not, but in many people's minds it will. Whether they
firmly believe it or doubt it; many people are not sure what to expect. If I was calling the shots, I would work within this timeline too. I would
incorporate as much as is needed to fully condition humanity's mind and control their thinking. Nothing is wasted, everything must be used to its full
extent to achieve this.
To the religious folk out there...I'm very sorry to burst your bubble, but you too are being fooled! You were already fooled a very long time ago with
the introduction of certain religions...and you will continue to be fooled if you truly, do not open your eyes. Forget YOUR god for a brief moment and
really look at who controls the affairs of the world. Once you know who has control of your lives(You think it's you, but that's another form of
slavery; the illusion of freedom) you will understand why you cannot even trust your own religions. If it is control that they want, do not think for
a second that they will not inject their posison into something almost everyone flocks too; religion!
People see the predictions of the bible coming through and think it is a sign that God is coming. Maybe he is coming...in a huge ship that breaks the
laws of physics as we know it, maybe he's not. But know this, mankind has developed ways to manipulate and control each other(the money does the
talking now)...and with that, we have developed ways to manipulate the weather. Every single event that is prophecised in the bible can be made to
come through; not because it was destined to be, but because it is good strategy to strike fear into the hearts of men and condition their minds and
wills to accept whatever you have in store for them. They are using these events in the bible to make you believe that what you see happening is
related to God's descent. If any god descends here, I can almost guarantee it won't be yours, but theirs. Really, ask yourself...if you had the money
and control these people have, would you spark the events in Revelations and other books of the bible to help you attain your goal? I know I would!
Name one modern war that was not pushed for selfish agendas? There is none! People go into war thinking they're usually fighting for their freedom,
only to later realize, they're fighting for something else...and are being used as pawns to achieve the goals of the people who are funding these
wars. The bible can be brought to life to achieve certain things, and I think that is slowly being done right now! People say a change is coming in
the next year... Trust me...a change is coming, and it may not be "natural" as the Mayans claim to say, or the Sumerians. It may well be staged. As a
matter of fact, I'm now beginning to wonder if the stories of the Mayans/Sumerians/Hopi Indians are also a part of this ploy.
They say the powerful write history. I agree with this, but I will add that the powerful also write the future, and this is what they are doing. Be
very careful people...and be very, very prepared!
edit on 3-2-2011 by sdrawkcabII because: Because I had to!