Still Deep you will find many answers and Mysteries it is Really worth time Researching on this
Because actual knowledge is out there hidden waiting to be revealed,all the great Siddhars Protested against religion and casteism wants to help
Humanity and no one spoke about them because they were telling truth
As far i Know Karma Plays important role in ascension,destroying karma should be the first Task and Tool which is used for Ascension and destroying
karma is Human Eyes.
Eyes are gateway to heaven,actual Practice Method still out there Practiced and Humans are achieving Light body in Tibet and India
I suggest You Do your own research and Remember only Through Eyes Ascension is Possible
Here is an example of the use of a siddhi called "anima" by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, two early leaders of the Theosophical Society. They
used this form of remote viewing to magnify atoms and subatomic particles. Once their descriptions are properly interpreted, they prove to be
consistent with facts of nuclear physics and the quark model established many decades after their work was published:
Between 1895 and 1908, Besant & Leadbeater analyzed with anima the atoms of all the elements then known, as well as elements and some of their
isotopes that had not been detected at that time. The website linked to above reproduces the analysis of what they believed were the atoms of the
first 20 elements in the periodic table, as first published in 1980 in a book called "Extra-sensory Perception of Quarks" written by theoretical
physicist Dr Stephen Phillips. In subsequent books, he has demonstrated that their descriptions of the forces binding subatomic particles together
matches the QCD string model, whilst their account of the structure of the basic units of matter revealed by anima agrees with the theory of
superstrings. This is fully discussed at his website at the above link.