The New Madrid fault zone is capable of producing cataclysmic earthquakes. From many comments in this site about this subject it is obvious that many
people in the US simply have no knowledge, nor understanding of just how incredibly powerful and devastating these quakes are. I will explain it here
so that people can properly grasp it.
First, the New Madrid quakes are shallow and they are rolling quakes. Due to the geographic region that they occur in, they are not at all lessened in
their epicenter region. In addition to this, the areas of North America to the east and west of the fault zone have virtually no hindrance for the
quakes either. So the waves of the quakes travel practically unimpeded for thousands of miles. The fault zone can produce supershear earthquakes,
which can greatly exceed the normal limitations of energy release for a particular fault. So that the New Madrid can produce mega quakes, despite not
being located at a mega thrust location like say Chile or Indonesia.
It is just like tsunami waves traveling in the ocean after a huge quake hits. Only in this case it is over land. It is clear that many people simply
do not understand what a mega New Madrid quake or more likely quakes would do. What you have to understand is that an 8.0 at the New Madrid is like a
9.5 in shaking intensity just about anywhere else in the world, at least. People seem to not understand this. An 8.0 quake on the San Andreas for
example is much smaller. Much smaller. You would need a 9.5, if not more on the San Andreas to equal the shaking intensity felt of an 8.0 quake on the
New Madrid. Even a 9.5 on the San Andreas would not be even close to being felt as far away as an 8.0 on the New Madrid.
Big 9+ mega thrust quakes like the ones that occur in places like Chile, Cascadia, Indonesia, Alaska are not much more powerful than an 8.0. It is
just that they occur over a greater distance and they last longer. In the case of the New Madrid, the magnitude scale is almost meaningless. Because
it is unlike any other fault zone and produces unique quakes. For example, total destruction quakes. This happened in 1812. Not even the 9.5 1960
Chilean quake was a total destruction quake. Meaning that on the Mercalli scale, the New Madrid produces the most powerful earthquakes known. So that
people understand, the Mercalli scale is actually the scale for damage and destruction, not the Richter Scale. You could get a 9.6 maximum on the
Richter Scale at a big mega thrust subduction zone. About as powerful as an 8.0 in intensity and occurring over about 600 miles of distance. This is
even far stronger than the 2004 Indonesian quake. It still would not cause total destruction anywhere (12 on Mercalli) like a big New Madrid quake.
Let me explain.
The 1968 Illinois quake, which hit in the New Madrid fault zone, measured 5.4. It was felt by people in 23 states and as far away as Boston. The 1895
quake, which hit in the Tennessee region of the fault zone measured about 6.6 (est.) and it knocked down chimneys in Saint Louis and Alabama.
It has been estimated that a magnitude 6.5 New Madrid quake would feel like being at the epicenter of a 5.0 quake as far away as Wisconsin, South
Carolina, and Pennsylvania. That is just from a 6.5 quake. If you get something really big, like the February 7, 1812 quake which was the last in the
cluster sequence of mega quakes that occurred in Arkansas and Missouri in 1811-12, and which had an epicenter around the Missouri/Arkansas/Tennessee
border, then you get something that is truly cataclysmic in nature.
That quake was felt by people in Canada, Mexico, and Alaska. It knocked books and dishes off shelves in Montreal. It knocked down chimneys in Chicago.
It knocked down buildings in Saint Louis. In Boston church bells rang simultaneously for at least 5-6 minutes. People in Washington D.C. were awakened
out of their beds and their houses shook for at least 5-6 minutes.
In the areas closer to the quake's center, the people that witnessed it thought the world was ending. As far away as Indiana people described it like
something from the Book of Revelation. Near the Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee border region the damage was cataclysmic and total.
It opened up sand geysers that were 150 feet wide and shot debris thousands of feet into the air. It moved the ground permanently lower or higher in
some places as much as 4-5 feet. Huge fissures (hundreds of feet) opened up in the ground. Trees were uprooted and launched into the air. The
Mississippi River stopped flowing and then reversed its course in the opposite direction. Yes, it flowed backwards.
Islands were sunk and new islands were formed. A new large lake formed in a matter of minutes as millions of gallons of water flew into newly sunken
land. In some places the ground rolled by as much as 30 feet with each successive roll of the earthquake. The sound of the earthquake was described as
deafening by the people that experienced it and it was heard by people as far away as Saint Louis. Yes, people could actually hear the quake in Saint
Huge trees were ripped apart in the middle of their trunks. Trees that were hundreds of years old (that big) were snapped like twigs near the bases of
their trunks and ejected into the air. In many places the ground liquefied and basically whole regions in the area became quick sand. It has been
estimated that after shocks measuring as high as 6.5 were still being felt even 10 years later. One way to best measure the power of an earthquake is
the duration of it. Generally, the longer the earthquake lasts, the stronger it is in shaking intensity and power. And of course the longer it lasts,
the more energy it releases.
That quake is estimated to have been perhaps as much 2 minutes longer than the 1964 Alaska quake. Another way to measure the strength and power is the
aftershocks. The 1964 Alaskan quake had its last 6.0 aftershock 11 days after the quake. Within 18 months the aftershocks were no longer noticeable.
As already said, the 2-7-1812 New Madrid quake was having aftershocks even as high as 6.5 10 years later. This should allow people to understand how
unbelievable these big New Madrid quakes are.
The 1960 9.5 Chilean quake, the 2004 9.3 Indonesian quake, and the 1964 9.2 Alaskan quake did not have nearly the devastating impact. Because quakes
in the New Madrid region cause much more damage due to the factors described above. The February 7, 1812 New Madrid quake is considered to be the most
powerful quake to strike North America since recorded history. Think about that. That includes the 9.2 Alaskan quake of 1964.
And the thing is.........bigger quakes than the ones that hit in 1811-12 have happened. The quake cluster that hit around the year 900 A.D. was much
more powerful than the quakes of 1811-12. The quake cluster that hit around the year 1450 A.D. was also more powerful.
For example, the rock strata evidence indicates that the 1811-12 cluster quake sequence displaced about half an inch of hard rock in the limestone
record. By comparison, the cluster event around 1450 A.D. displaced about an inch and the cluster event around 900 A.D. displaced about 14 inches.
Which means that in the past there have been quakes in the region that even dwarfed the ones of 1811-12.
In addition to this, the New Madrid fault system also has a branch fault zone that runs off it and that could be triggered as well. Due to HAARP, the
destabilizing of the Gulf of Mexico seafloor bed, and what could result. If you destabilize the sea floor in the gulf (BP oil spill) then totally
collapse the sea floor (with a nuke), and then use HAARP to activate weak areas of the New Madrid and its branch line the Wabash Valley........
Then you can create a dreaded double mega quake. Because the New Madrid and Wabash Valley can be activated by the Caribbean plate being disturbed. The
Wabash Valley could be set off by HAARP targeting its parent fault zone the New Madrid. Wabash Valley could produce a 7.5 in Illinois with the same
variables as New Madrid. Meaning that a 7.5 there is much stronger than a 7.5 anywhere else.
If the US military were to set off a nuke now, at the BP oil cap, and then were to put HAARP into kill mode at New Madrid, we are talking about
something that is biblical in nature. We are talking about something equivalent to a 10.2 earthquake if it happened in California, Chile, Alaska,
Cascadia, Indonesia.....something that it seems very few people grasp.
We are talking about a quake cluster sequence that could destroy even the Great Lakes region and that could flood the entire center of the US and that
could permanently split North America into two separate islands. Remember that in the 1811-12 quakes, the last quake (of 5 huge quakes in total) was
the strongest.
edit on 3-2-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)