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One Man's Choice and Stand

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posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 09:29 PM
I have posted this before, but i just dont feel i was doing it properly. Because of how passionate i am about it, and how much energy i put into it, i feel it deserves its own thread. The other discussions were centralized over the "end of the world." There were too many that were fear-mongering or saying things like "this is how its always been, there is no problem." Either way, i have added a lot, and hopefully under its own thread, the post will gain more focus as the topic.

Many feel that the world is a fantastic place in all regards, and that there is little improvement to be made. i am not one of those people. Others feel that it is absolutely hopeless to do anything whatsoever. i am not one of those people.

But how will we change anything if we do not try?

I am not asking, or telling anyone to do anything. I am proclaiming what this one intends to do, "end of the world" or not. It is irrelevant. It is almost as if people didnt realize they were going to die?

I have put my all into the following post. I mean it with the entirety of my very being. What i have to say is not new. It is considered by many to be hippy bs tripe, but i feel that is because of cynicism, and lack of desire to actually change on a person level. To those who would say such things, i strongly encourage you to come up with solutions yourself. Truly. The way things have been done will yield the same results. What we are doing right now, is the definition of insanity. If you do not feel anything in the world needs changing, then this thread (simply put) is not for you. I make no judgments on anyone, however. All i know is that for thousands of years, the same thing has happened. The same cycles have occurred. Pointing fingers everywhere except towards one owns actions and perspective. This one will do that no longer. I am pointing the finger at myself. The only one i have the power to truly change is myself. But, if i never gather the strength to do so, how can anyone expect someone else to do the same? I am putting this out there because.. maybe, just maybe, others are thinking in the same way, but havent had the motivation (for whatever reason) to speak out and consciously choose. I have seen many people riddled with everything from fear, to outright agents of division and hate. But i have also seen a trend of some going in the other direction, which instills a glimmer of hope. Regardless of others actions, though, i know exactly what way of life i am choosing, consciously and continuously.

I see all these talks of revolution and "change" and cant help but have serious, serious doubt.

How long did it take for the american revolution to simply fall back into the hands of corporations, and greed-obsessed individuals? not long at all.

Many of the very people calling for change would be guilty of the exact same crimes they fervently fight against, if put into the same positions. Nothing will change, it will simply prolong the problem, shoving it off on our great-grand children (at best). This cycle has repeated itself for far too long. What makes anyone think THIS time will be different?

Contrary to the popular view on this standpoint, it doesnt mean nothing is to be done. It means, to this one, that people need to start taking responsibility for their actions on a personal and individual level. If the change doesnt occur there, it is simply procrastination (one of the things humans do best). I have little doubt that a revolution in say, america, would lead to nothing but chaos and looting. Perhaps that is a cynical view, no, that is a cynical view, but humans currently have very little interest in actually helping one another as "self" and are much more interested in helping ones immediate body as self. They will trample over one another to get the last piece of bread, without a care to how many die in the process (literally). Re-acting to pre-programmed neural pathways without even knowing why.

It is not the nebulous "governments" fault, they are simply giving in to the same base desires most people would if put into the same position.

It is only a matter of time. It is the individuals involved responsibility for their own actions, devoid of any vague entity such as religion, government, or anything else. But, to break this terrible cycle, i must change myself first. It will take a different direction than what we have always done, and will be difficult in that respect. However, such a direction is necessary as the way i have done things leads into very, very predictable results. We only need to look at history for our answer on how things will continue to go. Something much different must happen, for something much different to happen. But, i strongly feel it starts with us as individuals.

Its so disheartening to see all this destruction, division, and hate.. it truly, truly, truly brings tears to my eyes.

The proposed solution is coming from a place of unconditional Love. When this happens, the definition of "self" changes to include ALL. Who would trample one they Love for food? Who would stifle the progress of their people if they had unconditional Love? Who would murder one another in the name of Love? Who would need to have a revolution if the governing bodies came from a place of unconditional Love? This is NOT speaking of the directed emotion of love, where one becomes the almighty arrogant judge of what is or is not deserving of it. It is, as my signature says, a state. A conscious, mindful, choice towards true balance and equality. Realizing that this sack of blood and guts is no more important than the next, period. It will take a change on a completely different level to yield results that so many say they want (but do they really? i have sincere doubt). This isnt about semantics over the word. It can be called anything one wants. Love, Respect, anything. The end result is TRUE equality.

That does not mean no action is ever taken.
That does not mean one sits around twiddling his/her thumbs while the world crumbles around them.
It means that every single decision..
every single thought..
every single f#cking movement is done from a base of Love.

If we, as a race, are truly interested in change, what else can be proposed?

This one will no longer sit around, hoping this endless, useless, violent cycle will somehow dissipate this time around. The only way this will work is to truly realize the "power of the people." Those who have said this throughout history have turned into nothing but martyrs or given the title of "saint." As if they did something others somehow were not capable of choosing themselves. Do humans really want change, or do they just want the opportunity to do the same terrible things themselves? Or do they simply not realize their "revolution" will simply devolve into that which it fought against in mere decades, if not immediately? It just seems so incredibly blatant and obvious to this one.

Call me a fool, call me an idiot, call me "weak," call me what you will. It does not matter. It is time for change.

I am making a damn stand.

This is a revolution of a different kind.

I do not "love" you individually, i am in a radiant state of Love.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by sinohptik

I loved your post and I feel the same way that you do in this regard. If we truly want to see change, it won’t come from outside of us. It has to start on the individual level. You are so right about how so called “revolutions” don’t really change a thing. Eventually someone else who is just as ambitious as the ousted regime will start another regime essentially based on the same ideals as the last. Nothing will change -- only the people in charge change.

That’s why it is up to every single individual on the planet to take responsibility for their own actions and to consciously make decisions. Yelling back at someone who yelled at you isn’t a conscious choice. Hurting someone who has wronged you isn’t a conscious choice. These are all reactions. Humans are mechanically programmed to react, and not act in situations. We all do this, however, most people are oblivious to the fact that they are doing something wrong and that they aren’t truly doing their best.

Try this: Next time you have a confrontation with someone or laugh at someone that you think is funny looking or ugly, reflect on that situation. How did you react? Where did these thoughts really come from? What made you think that person is ugly/funny looking? Where did this anger come from? Now after you answered these questions, can you really say that you took conscious action?

Most people would say no because their “solution” came to them instantly and it usually is a hurtful solution that benefits no one in the situation. It feels like something took over you, like you were on auto pilot. This is the feeling people get when they “blank out” during bouts with anger, rage, or hate. This feeling also applies to when someone criticizes us. Instead of listening to someone with an open mind, what do we do? We instantly reject their opinion and close our mind off to something that we haven’t even really considered listening to. This happens every day, observe yourself and you will see this phenomena take place.

Okay, so how do we make conscious choices? There is something called self-observation. Every time you do something or have a thought or beliefs about something, question its origin. Where did you get this thought or idea? Do I really feel this way? What or who influenced me to act in the way I did? Usually it is from someone or somewhere other than yourself. This is how you can determine whether you are a conscious human being or a pre-programmed robot that always thinks, acts, and believes in a reactionary way.

What people really need to do is reflect. We should know why we do what we do. Every single day and every single moment you should try to consciously make decisions. You should question everything. Question why you believe the things you do. This is not something you can do in a few minutes after the situation occurs; this has to be done thoroughly and seriously. The OP is right people, it’s time for a change. People have been mouthing for change since the beginning of time but they don’t really understand what change is. How can you tell another not to kill but you are pro-war. How can you gorge yourself at dinner knowing that down the street there is a starving family?

If you want to really make some change, change yourself and your outside world will be much different. It takes time to reprogram yourself after all these years of programming. No one says it will be easy but the time for revolution is now. This revolution will involve no guns. It will be the revolution of self. Changing one’s thoughts, actions, and deeds to align to the good of mankind and not to the worn out traditional way we have been living. Act, don’t re-act. Great post S&F. I'm not there yet, but everyday like the OP, I try to make changes and take a stand to work on myself. I'm interested to hear what others think.

“Embody what you teach, teach what you embody.” - Unknwon


edit on 2-2-2011 by abandonednation because: just cuz

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by sinohptik

I would argue that "love" in a spiritual sense is not "a positive feeling" but rather "unconditional acceptance."

Where in nature do you see evidence that human beings can dispense with competition? With violence? What spiritual sources do you think support the idea that we can get rid of the "darker" side of life? The side we do not find pleasant? The side we dont like?

I would say to you that it is those who reject "What is" and try to force humanity (or anything) to be what it is not are the creators of "evil." By defining what you prefer as "good" you naturally condemn that which you do not like as "evil." Something that previously just "was" you now make "evil."

You can have Nirvana by not struggling against what Is. Nirvana is not something that we must change what Is to create.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:18 PM
i hear ya let me just say im so tierd of ppl telling me i cant change the world!
honestly im tierd of telling myself i cant change the world
i belive the op is on to somthing big. its all starts whith you and me responsibility for evry thought indeed. we control our thoughts then we can control our own lives. Unfortunately we cant " make a horse drink" (whith out whacked out mkultra type stuff) but we can" lead it to water "by modeling how we as individuals are finding our own personal peace/ enlightenment.
op am like minded whith you in transforming what we as people truly are
on to somthing great here
edit on 2-2-2011 by jplaysguitar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by sinohptik

I would argue that "love" in a spiritual sense is not "a positive feeling" but rather "unconditional acceptance."

Semantics are irrelevant.

Where in nature do you see evidence that human beings can dispense with competition? With violence? What spiritual sources do you think support the idea that we can get rid of the "darker" side of life? The side we do not find pleasant? The side we dont like?

I choose to consciously base my actions in a consistent base, instead of a disparate collection of re-actions. That consistent base is inspired by a redefinition of self. All done within ones perspective, and trickling down into action.

I would say to you that it is those who reject "What is" and try to force humanity (or anything) to be what it is not are the creators of "evil." By defining what you prefer as "good" you naturally condemn that which you do not like as "evil." Something that previously just "was" you now make "evil."

This one is not superior, or lesser than, anything else that is here. I am not asking, or telling anyone to do anything. Merely stating that this one will lead their life as such. For those who were thinking of the same, it lets them know they are not alone (though likely, such beings knew that already). I condemn nothing. I judge nothing. I choose to re-define "self." I change nothing but this ones own perspective on what is.

That is my free will choice. You are free to choose as well.

You can have Nirvana by not struggling against what Is. Nirvana is not something that we must change what Is to create.

Correct. The idea is not to achieve nirvana. Though, on a surface glance, one might think that. Creating a place that operates on a different definition of self would likely solve a significant amount of current issues (but not all) and would give rise to an entirely new set of issues, which are as yet unknown. However, the current cycle is not a product of conscious choice, but of re-action. It is to break the current cycle, at least for this one, and begin a new one. I expect no one to do anything, as others throughout history have had the same message in different contexts. But, i know what this one chooses and i will not be silent about it.

This is my free will choice. You are free to choose as well.

As said within the original post, this is not for those who see no change is needed. If that applies to you, then we disagree on a fundamental level and will likely not agree. It was not set up as a debate.

Thank you for your post

edit on 3-2-2011 by sinohptik because: worded better, and added invisible ninja laser-wielding hamsters

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by abandonednation

Thank you very much for your reply
I will respond more in depth tomorrow, as it is now time to sleep!

But you are right, action and not re-action. All we can do is take it one step at a time.

reply to post by jplaysguitar

I became tired of the same thing, friend. We change the world with our actions no matter what we do, so why not have them come from a different place than what they have? Why not consciously choose what we do, instead of re-act to everything?

As you say, there is nothing we can do but make choices for one self. Others can see, but they are still subject to the free will choices they must make as an individual. If one is to come from a consistent conscious base, "nothing" seems to yield little result. "Love" seems to bring others into closer orbit.

Thank you for your posts

edit on 3-2-2011 by sinohptik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by sinohptik

But how will we change anything if we do not try?
If we, as a race, are truly interested in change, what else can be proposed?

Don't worry too much about it.

Let each person wake up --- one day at a time.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by pikypiky

I am not worried. It will all happen as it should. Those with ears to hear, will listen

Thank you for your post

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:49 PM
I fully grasp the "radiant state of love." It is what moves me. It is the foundation of my work.

I have presented my work here on ATS first. The two pieces most important are this thread, The End of Entropy:

and the link in my sig, The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform.

I am hoping my work spreads to the tipping point. If it does... We will eliminate poverty.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:15 PM
I came to this thread from one about a military chaplain telling a Sister that it was God's will that she was raped.

I commented on that thread and my final remarks was that everyday this world we have created breaks my heart. And, that everyday I find hope that we will grow up.

Today, you are that hope.

I love you my friend. Thank you for a wonderful post.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:19 PM

your verbal puke has to descend to a level human beings can


then act on, like hitting the toilet at 2am.

wow, sorry, but you have to listen to yourself!

it has to hit home is what i'm saying, more than nice thoughts!

not dissing you bro!

edit on 18-2-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

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