posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 01:16 AM
Do you have Anxiety? Do you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder symptoms?
sometimes alot of research into conspiracy stuff can make you overally paranoid and manafest some of these symptoms.
Im not a doc, so don't skip out on seeing one, if you feel the need... but sometimes these things just come and pass and if you, like me, hate to be
medicated without it being life threatening, I would wait to see if this becomes a normal recurrance that is a problem.
I think everyone goes in cycles, kinda like those exhibited in Manic Depressives, but that we have these cycles in a minor minor sense of the matter.
We have them in the sense that we are extremely happy, sometimes the same with sadness, paranoia, anxiety, calm, sixth sense type situations.
You mentioned that you belived in God and are not depressed... have you prayed to him for any answers? If you have, have you recieved any sort of
acknowledgement or any sort of signals from that?
any major life changes to bring this about? or any somewhat major issues?