posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 01:50 PM
I'm sure most of you who visit the Aliens and UFOs part of this forum have taken notice of the Jerusalem UFO the last couple of days, and for you who
have not;
I solemnly believe that most people in these kind of conspiracy-scenes are much less gullible than 'the people', and this made me wonder: Are we a
test stage for credibility? I have always chuckled at people pointing out that a false UFO invasion would have to have bulletproof credibility, I mean
you would just have to fly a couple hundred of those suckers down here and start shooting people in the face with blue lasers, who on earth would
question that? well, we would.
I do not participate much in the UFO-scene, but i watch with awe how people can pick up on the minute detail, and with cooperation and discussions are
able to pick apart almost anything. We sure are a stinky weed to the elite, because with a seed of doubt we can plant a three of truth. Just look at
the 9/11 movement. That started with some ridiculed documentaries and "crazy conspiracy nuts", now it's a pretty much worldwide phenomena.
For those of us that believe a false alien invasion could happen, is not a seed of doubt extremely dangerous to the elite? This plan would have to be
executed to the finest details, it would have to be THE event, never to be looked at with critical eyes. So are they testing us?