There are quite a few threads on 'waking up' on ats at the moment, 2 of which are on the front page at the moment, which i find amazing and
fantastic...well I would like to start another, inspired by some of the fantastic stories of experiences in the thread 'WOW, many folks are waking up
here. (Im hoping it doesn't make it to the front page though) Please feel
free to ignore this if you are all bored of talking about it or feel it is overkill, I have a vested interest and would really like to understand not
only the varying experiences people are having but also the demographic of people who are experiencing this....this I do for a number of reasons.
First off it fascinates me - i think it is truly wonderful that so many people are now discussing this but at the same time find it amazing that
someone like me would be going through this, I will give a description of who I am in a moment to clarify
Secondly I think it might be useful to those who are experiencing this for the first time and who it is all new to, too understand that all types of
people are going through this, not just new age types or religious types, of which I am neither
thirdly I would like hear other peoples experiences of this, how it happened and how it has changed them
and finally maybe it will quell some of the misunderstanding of the subject that seems to be rife here on ats - again by displaying the types of
people this is happening to maybe the atheists and non believers might actually take this whole process a bit more seriously or at least cut us all
some slack.
so what I propose is to give a brief outline of who you are, age, family circumstances, religious beliefs, profession, basic history or all or none of
the above depending on how comfortable you are with sharing your experiences to date, and also, importantly a description of your experience...if you
have already done so in the above mentioned thread please copy it over, there are some crackers in there...or as said just ignore me
I also appreciate how hard this is...i only have 2 people in the world I talk to this about, not even my wife will listen to me, not that I have
pushed it...
oh and finally, i know it's a public forum and all but please don't comment if you have nothing to share, im hoping this thread doesn't get de-railed
by aggressive, pointless 'prove it' type posts...thanks
e2a: maybe this should go in the grey area?
edit on 2-2-2011 by doubledutch because: (no reason given)