posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 04:53 AM
This "C" is still there. Has been interested in the Soho projects since its start and we have all seen alot of strange phenomenons in these
pictures, even ufo's some say.
This picture we se is a result of more than what a usual camera observs. Trough the lights we humans cant see such as UV and infrared, but they can
make pictures of the sun trough these combined tecnologies. So the first you check is the magnetogram where in this incident there is no sign that
this area is significant colder than other areas. Sunspots are small now and does not show the "C". But its not light fading but a larger part that
is showing one side of the light that the magnetic flares gives us on these pictures. Look at the picture and the redness is all over, but more dense
in redness than the yellowish. Maybe we'll see some larges sunspots the next weeks and that this show the start of this developement