posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:54 PM
I am posting this thread on the sheer fact im worried about all these happenings around the world as of late, i'm a long time ATS observer, i don't
reply to things as much as i would like, but im always reading. I live in Australia, in the past 5 weeks, south australia has had its warmest days
years and years, Queensland has had over 3 category 4 and above cyclones, for which they are currently dealing with a category 5 cyclone threatening
all northern parts. this is the latest picture on what we're dealing with, a 600 km wide death sentence.
this is due to hit us at 10pm EST!
not just this, many more phenomenons around the earth are happening all at once!
Birds acting strange, many species all around the world, flying SOMEWHERE all in the same direction.
UFO's appearing all over the world, this video really astonished me.
This beautiful picture of a volcano erupting and causing an electrical storm.
And hot activity reports from HAARP!
i believe what's happening in cairo is just a distraction, something big is about to go down and im not just going to sit here and let it. Can
everyone please share your opinions, i know im pointing out the obvious with this thread but i still want to hear from everyone.
peace and love