posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Didn't realise that I'd hit the twenty posts point but that Temple Mount UFO thread really got me posting!
I thought I would introduce myself formally after a trial period to see if I was accepted here and if ATS was right for me.
I'm happy to say that I feel quite at home here and hope that people will be okay with my presence.
So thanks ATSers.
I have no grand claims like I was an area 51 employee or I was party to secret operations using stargates or I am communing with gods or God.
I used to be an "ordinary" guy. One who felt that it was likely that there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe etc. A person who would
pick up on weird little things like the layout of the pyramids and Orion but then just think "Maybe maybe not" and get on with things... doze off
again I suppose.
But then one day I saw a
black triangle over my house and even though I
forgot about that for a while (heavy work load), I eventually remembered and off I went down the rabbit hole.
I have part of the puzzle (to my satisfaction at least), and it has only whetted my appetite for more. My main interest is in exopolitics.
If we have the TR3B's then what, where, how, when, and why are we using them? I think there are too many credible testimonials out there to
disbelieve human interaction with space travelling entities and I for one can handle the truth.
And also I love the mysteries and stories I have encountered down the rabbit hole.
"Normal" sheeple think I'm crazy, but both I and they are getting used to it.
So thanks again to ATS and peace to you all.