posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:40 AM
I don't care for the Jew hatting in it but there is some truth in there in how actual spirituality was subverted by religion. The article about the
Swastika being a an ancient Sun sign is correct. It can be seen in ancient artifacts around the world, some are thousands of years old, predating what
we would know as written history. I won't discount the whole site and the information there as being just Jew hatting because I've seen some the
information they are presenting in other forms. Also, the word Semite doesn't cover all Jews, only those people who are born in the Arabic areas
including Palestine/Israel, Syria, Lebanon, etc. Arabic, the language, according to Wiki is a
language. People will say that this is all just "new age" satanic, Christian hating, NWO, propaganda. I don't think so. In my opinion, being
pagan/shamanic myself, I don't like any of the religions that are based on Judaism. I do have friends that are Christian, Muslim, and Jewish but I
don't agree with the dogmas they adhere to. I also don't like Hinduism because of it's caste system. I'm hit or miss with Buddhism. I think the
best thing anyone can do is just look at this site objectively.