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Freemasonry infiltrated by the illuminati at the highest level

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by moltquedelo
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

The fact that fm is puppeted by illuminatis.

I would imagine a large number of organizations on this planet are influenced by all sorts of factors - corporations, secretive interest groups, etc. Some of these factors may, in fact, be nefarious to some degree. Perhaps the fraternity does have negative influence somewhere within. I have no proof one way or the other, but I've never personally seen any type of influence that I would consider negative.

Personally, I don't care one way or the other. My goal in life is to treat the people I come in contact with in a way that best represents what I believe Christ demonstrated. I believe that involves treating others as I'd want to be treated, loving God and loving my neighbor. Whether or not some group that may or may not exist wants to alter that is immaterial. I appreciate that your opinion and beliefs may be vastly different though.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by moltquedelo
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

The fact that fm is puppeted by illuminatis.

I wish you would stop by my lodge and let my brothers know this. Things sure would get exciting if we were able to do some cool Illuminati stuff. I am curious to know what they do with us masons anyway. Our lodges raise our own money, we contribute it to the charities we see fit to distribute based on the decision of the lodge. We all attend the same meetings, and yet, there seems to be no outside influence. None of us have been directed to kill anyone, or do any nefarious deeds. I just don't understand how this happens. But as you say, you have known this for quite a while now, so please explain the process for us porch masons.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by moltquedelo
The fact that fm is puppeted by illuminatis.

Since this is a 'fact' I would expect you to have some supporting references to buttress your statement. Hopefully you have something better then the bogus quote attributed to the Duke of Brunswick otherwise this is only your opinion and very, very far from being factual.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:53 PM
From Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

BRUNSWICK, FERDINAND, DUKE OF BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBUETTEL. Born 1721 and died July 3, 1792. Served in several wars with Frederick the Great, resigning his military command in 1766 and devoting himself ot Freemasonry. Initiated in 1740 in the Lodge Three Globes at Berlin; in 1743 received his Master's Degree at Breslau; became Protector of the Lodge Saint Charles, Brunswick, in 1764; and English Past Grand Master of Brunswick in 1770; Protector of Von Hund's Strict Observance in 1771; declared Grand Master of the Scottish Lodges in 1772. In 1782 the Duke of Brunswick was present at the Convent at Wilhelmsbad when the Templar system is supposed to have been given up and while there he was declared General Grand Master of the assembled Lodges. Patronized the Illuminati and said to have been General Obermeister (Overseer) of the Asiatic Brethren. An eminent German Craftsman, presiding at the Saint John's Festival at Brunswick in 1792, when he declared that he had been a Freemason fifty years.

So he supported the Bavarian Illuminati (he joined it willingly) and died two years before writing the quote defaming them that he's attributed with in the original post.
edit on 2011.2.1 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

Yes, you are right in saying that freemasonry became corrupt by followers of Abrahamic religions, but not by the illuminati(they infact created it). Once a becon of hope but the organisation was extinguished quickly within a few decades.

Freemasonry is all over and the ones 'high up' know the real truth but not everything and unfortunately those lower down think they are doing a positive action. I am not saying every single Freemason has orgies, human sacrifices etc most join to become a better person and they become one, but becareful not falling for the corruption that takes place high up alongside all the negative actions.

I repeat, Most freemasons are good guys, its those 'big timers' you have to watch out for.
edit on 1/2/2011 by naeem11111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 03:50 PM
The same people who suppressed the teachings of the Celts are the same people who infiltrated original can find those sun worshippers in Vatican city.

I believe the content of the quote is accurate, from the period it claims to be from and wrote by a Freemason.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

for what it's worth Josh, I understood your incredibly cryptic post. I read between the lines.
I guess it must be all the secret training I have gotten. But I was able to understand that the Duke of Brunswick died in 1792. Great job with the secret code.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by naeem11111
Yes, you are right in saying that freemasonry became corrupt by followers of Abrahamic religions, but not by the illuminati(they infact created it). Once a becon of hope but the organisation was extinguished quickly within a few decades.

How could the Illuminati create Masonry when Masonry predates the Illuminati by many centuries?

Freemasonry is all over and the ones 'high up' know the real truth but not everything and unfortunately those lower down think they are doing a positive action.

I apparently have no idea what is going on in the orginization to which I belong, yet you, who is not a member, seems to have information which I do not. Do you see the irony?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
I believe the content of the quote is accurate, from the period it claims to be from and wrote by a Freemason.

No one will stop you from believing this. If, howerver, you'd like us to believe it, then please address the biographical information that would seem to make the Duke of Brunswick an unlikely author of a quote lamenting the presence of the Illuminati in Freemasonry, and its word-for-word appearance in a larger work completely unrelated to Freemasonry and attributed to a non-Mason.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
I believe the content of the quote is accurate, from the period it claims to be from and wrote by a Freemason.

You can believe what ever you want. However, you can not just disregard that the quote was plagerized by Mark Tsarion and altered to fit his agenda. If you disagree you need to offer more then just your opinion and refute the evidence I posted by finding some contravening facts that disproves the same. The quote is a hoax, accept the reality of this.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

My belief is not based on that quote, it only confirms what I already knew to be so. Michael Tsarion is not the source of that quote although he uses it in his book. It has appeared in books previous to his so he could not have formulate it.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
My belief is not based on that quote...

Then why link it? only confirms what I already knew to be so.

How can a hoaxed and plagerized quote confirm anything?

Michael Tsarion is not the source of that quote although he uses it in his book. It has appeared in books previous to his so he could not have formulate it.

He may have used it by he attributed the quote to a person who never said what was written so he therefore was being intellectually dishonest. If it has appeared in other books then please show me which ones predate Nesta Webster's book. Stop denying reality, you can not use fantasy to support arguements when facts are presented. If you have evidence the quote I linked is not the oldest one then supply it, otherwise all else is fabrications or prevarications.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 07:10 PM
I guess my only take on it is this:

The Duke of Brunswick was a known member of the Bavarian Illuminati. The quote you cite, if it was indeed made by him, would indicate he wasn't happy with them towards the end of his life. But this is the first such quote from him disparaging the group that I'm aware of.

Second, he died in 1792 and all the "sources" I'm seeing online consistently cite the letter as being from 1794, 2 years after he died.

This later instance is the one that bothers me most... if multiple sources are all claiming the same date, yet there's nobody disputing the fact that he died in 1792, then people are blindly copying and pasting without doing their own research.

Now, if you throw out the quote entirely, we can start fresh...

Did the Bavarian Illuminati recruit from german Masonic lodges? Yes! Were prominent Bavarian Illuminati members also members of Masonic lodges? Yes! Does that have any bearing on Masonry today? Not particularly, but it does make for an interesting historical footnote.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:14 PM
Thing is I have looked up the quote in the book you say it comes from and whilst the first paragraph is the same the rest is not? Either both authors are quoting from an older source or someone has been a bit naughty and added material. At this point I am unsure of where the additional material comes from. Maybe someone should contact Michael Tsarion.

I have studied the origins of freemasonry and I have come to the conclusion that it is indeed Celtic. Through my study I have also come to the understanding that it was suppressed by Roman Catholics and in turn I know the Vatican is the head of the illumanati and that they are involved with this sun worship cult.

So when I say it confirms what I already knew I am saying:

Freemasonry is not now what it once was. The reason why it is not now what it once was is because it was infiltrated or suppressed. Those who infiltrated it are the illuminati who are essentially the inner sanctum of the Vatican. And those of you saying Freemasonry is now what it always was, how do you know because it looks like you don't even know where freemasonry started and what it was called before freemasonry.
Maybe you should learn who king Fenius Farsa was and who were the order of the 72 initiates he sent to the tower of Babylon, and whilst your at it find out what the order was called before it went to the tower and what it was called later in history.

I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being Black Magic, that is to say, electro-magnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some SUN Order after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. The reason why they (the leaders of all such Orders) insisted so much upon the Church and Sacrament, especially before the initiation, is, I think, for the same reason as the use of the consecrated Host in Black Magic. The Christian consecration and the use of the sacraments renders the building or person more powerful as a material basis for black magic even as in white magic--"for the Great Good or the Great Evil." When the initiation is accomplished and the domination of the person complete, there is no further need for Church or Sacrament. We are told at the Initiation: "There is nothing incompatible with your civil, moral, or religious duties in this obligation." We now are convinced that this Order is contrary absolutely to our civil, moral, and religious duties; which being so, our obligations are null and void. We are told that all that has taken place in Russia and elsewhere is due to these International Occult Forces set in motion by Subversive Esoteric Lodges. Yet it is known that we have several branches of these same Esoteric Masonic Lodges carrying on their deadly work in our midst. England, as well as Europe, seems to be drifting along in a hypnotic sleep, and even our soundest politicians seem paralysed and all that they attempt is turned to foolishness. Is there no one in authority who understands these things and realizes the danger both to the country and to individuals from these forces working for disruption and world revolution?

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

I think you might be missing the big picture here. The quote you used to justify your OP is not real. The guy you attributed to writing it could not have done so at the time you claim he did as his last breath had left his body nearly 730 days prior. Masons are some amazing men, but none that I know of could accomplish that.

Now the origins of masonry might go back to before the days of King Salomon. Or they might go back the the speculative masonry papers of the early 1600's, or it might go back only to the 1700's when the Grand lodge system was formed. Since there is very little agreement on this subject from most of the scholars who have studied it, I think it's safe to say that none of us can say anything with absolute certainty. Templar connection? maybe. Biblical connection? maybe. Illuminati influence in the late 1700's, yea, that one is pretty much accounted for. The problem is, most who were part of both groups, believed in the system they were fighting for. It was not to form a tyrannical government, it was to subvert a tyrannical leader, namely the church. Keep in mind, that didn't mean against Christianity, or God, just the perversion that existed as the self appointed leaders of morality and thought.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by LUXUS
...I know the Vatican is the head of the illumanati and that they are involved with this sun worship cult.
Wow, you couldn't be more wrong... (Can't believe I'm about to quote Edith Starr Miller's Occult Theocracy...)

The sect of the Illuminati of Bavaria was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Ingolstadt, educated by the Jesuits.
The intention of the Founder was to constitute a Protestant organization to fight Jesuitism, using Jesuitical methods...
Politically speaking, its tendencies were republican; religiously, it was anti-christian.
(pp 370-372, from my personal copy, which predates 1934)

My copy of Nesta Webster's World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization (1921 printing)

Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was born on the 6th of Feburary, 1748. His early training by the Jesuits had inspired him with a violent dislike for their Order, and he turned with eagerness to the subversive teaching of the French philosophers and the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans.
Once released from the bondage civilization imposes, Man must then be self-governing. "Why," asked Weishaupt, "should it be impossible for the human race to attain its highest perfection, the capacity for governing itself?" For this reason not only should kings and nobles be abolished, but even a Republic should not be tolerated, and the people should be taught to do without any controlling authority, any law, or any civil code. In order to make this system a success it would be necessary only to inculcate in Man "a just and steady morality," and since Weishaupt professed to share Rousseau's belief in the inherent goodness of human nature this would not be difficult, and society might then "go on peaceably in a state of perfect Liberty and Equality." For since the only real obstacle to human perfection lay in the restraints imposed on Man by artificial conditions of life, the removal of these must inevitably restore him to his primative virtue. "Man is not bad except as he is made so by arbitrary morality. He is bad because Religion, the State and bad examples pervert him."
Not likely words coming from a Vatican puppet...

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Is it infiltration if the organization is fundamentally one and the same?

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Is it infiltration if the organization is fundamentally one and the same?

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by LUXUS
...I know the Vatican is the head of the illumanati and that they are involved with this sun worship cult.
Wow, you couldn't be more wrong... (Can't believe I'm about to quote Edith Starr Miller's Occult Theocracy...)

The sect of the Illuminati of Bavaria was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Ingolstadt, educated by the Jesuits.
The intention of the Founder was to constitute a Protestant organization to fight Jesuitism, using Jesuitical methods...
Politically speaking, its tendencies were republican; religiously, it was anti-christian.
(pp 370-372, from my personal copy, which predates 1934)

You dont sit down with a group of five people and propose to take over the world..............................unless you have the backing and resources of a HUGE the JESUITS!

This was just the result of a civil war between the Vatican and Jesuits - where the Jesuits who had been disbanded by Pope Clement (1773) - created the illuminati to enlist the resources of the Protestant world to fight the Vatican they took over and remoulded Freemasonry as their main vehicle,just filled it with a lot of nonesense mumbo-jumbo to keep the dupes happy.

The Jesuits were the victors and undisbanded themselves 70 yrs later after Napoleon had deposed the Popes for them!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM
  1. LUXUS says the Bavarian Illuminati was the inner sanctum of the Vatican (but he can't back that up).
  2. JohnnyBGood says the Bavarian Illuminati was the Jesuits, at war with the Vatican (but he can't back that up).
  3. And the guy who actually started the Bavarian Illuminati wrote that ALL organized religion is bad, and doesn't give a rat's ass for either the Jesuits OR the Vatican.

Guess which of those statements I'm more likely to believe, given the historical evidence that exists? (Hint, it's C...)

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