posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I'm not looking to blame her or him or anyone else, but society instead. Hear my rant.
I am convinced that the biggest problem is that little girls aren't being raised to hold themselves in high regard.
Oh wow,I just pointed your post out to my Mrs because this is something I said to her a while back.
When girls/women were raised to hold themselves and wait for Mr right it forced most boys/men to be Mr right.
Yet here in Australia a few months ago there was report done on an a current affair program about one school where pregnant girls had reached epedemic
proportions,there were from memory 90 pregnant girls in this one school which illustrates the massive problems in society with these issues.
This problem has no where to go but worse,seeing that many of the children nowadays come from broken families and are raised by those who have little
morals or values themself to instill to their children.
Just recently on another thread here I commended a youngish (26) guy for being rspectable and holding himself from being just like the norm (a bad
boy) just so they can get into girls pants or to fit in with the norm,yet people male and female were trying to get him to change his values rather
than respect the respectable values he has in response to his posts.He is still a virgin and is looked down upon because he appears different to the
norm and as we know generally girls/women like the bad boy through either being educated by media or what have you rather than wanting Mr right from
Its such a surpise when I see once in a blue moon a young girl or guy free of tatoos studs or looking like they just crawled out of the gutter etc who
obviously has some respectable values,its even more rare to hear them speak and know they do.
Gazrock I think your doing as much as any person could possiblly do for her,though from what I have seen from the media etc in giving warnings
to young people as in this thread, its more like they see it as an instruction to do the exact opposite or they`re not normal amongst their
peers.Shunned and picked on are those who aren`t disrespectful,come from a broken family,had an unwanted pregnacy,divorced,virgins waiting for Mr or
Mrs right,etc etc etc instead of the other way around as in yesteryear.
This planet needs an enima and hopefully only those left will have decent values.