Okay, whoa guys. This is a case of "Developing arguments off of fallacies."
First, John Titor never claimed he would get back to his exact line, he claimed he would get back to one extremely similar. It would obviously be
impossible to go back to his actual timeline, but there are an infinite (yes, wholly infinite, because there is an ever-increasing and uncountably
large) number of timelines so similar to his original that there would be no recognisable difference. His 'machine' was allegedly capable of
determining how similar a timeline was to his original through theoretical means. That means that he'll get back to a timeline very much like the one
he left, so much so, that he wouldn't know the difference where it that he didn't already know there was some small one.
Essentially, Titor never claimed that he'd be back to his exact starting point.
Now, zsandman and CAPT PROTON's posts sort of cancel, as they raise and subsequently conclude an issue, so onto masterp's.
The multiple universe theory, at least from Titor's story side, is pure nonsense. Here is why:
There is not one John Titor! There are (almost) infinite John Titors!
Although the above sounds very simple, it creates a situation that directly contradicts what John Titor said.
.. Okay, I don't think it does. Apparently you'll tell us how after you've explained why there are (almost) infinite Titors.
But first let me explain why there are almost infinite John Titors.
The multiverse theory says that all particles are in all possible states, creating all possible universes at the same time. Therefore, there are
infinite John Titors. Of course, there are some versions of the Universe than John Titor never existed in, that's why I said almost infinite.
Well, there are actually an infinite number of John Titor's. Infinite doesn't mean as many as could theoretically have been created, it is the
concept of an ever-increasing number that is impossible to count. So there is an infinite number, but, I get your meaning.
The existence of multiple Titors can't explain the following:
1) how does the universe prevent two or more John Titors to travel back in the same timeline
2) how does the universe prevent two or more John Titors to return at the same timeline
3) how does the universe prevent a timeline that sent JT back not to receive a JT ?
The universe has to make these preventions? I'm sorry, but, those cases would just exist. They would be rare, but they would exist. Every once in a
while, two John Titors would appear, in which case one would likely just leave again and then all would be well. Or they would cope with two. A
tragedy, but an inevitability - a risk acknowledged before John left initially.
The point number 3) is very important: Let's just say there are 3 timelines, 2 of which have a JT to send back. Let's say that timelines A and B
have a JT. Let's name JTs as JTa and JTb.
Jesus. You don't have to make it this complicated. The majority of us understand, those of us that don't likely shouldn't.
How does the universe prevent JTa not to end up in timeline B ? or JTb not to end up in timeline A ?
It doesn't have to!
If the universe does not prevent this, then it is quite possible that a timeline that sent John Titor back can receive a John Titor of another
timeline. How does a timeline know if the JT that got back is not the original one ? John Titor specifically said that he can not go back in his
timeline. This is case A, which leads to a contradiction (the universe does not stop from a JT to come back to its own timeline (albeight a different
JT), but John Titor said this is not possible).
Settle down here bud, you've said a mouthful, and lost most of your skill at typing, you neglect to clarify your meaning, and are no longer typing
using proper english conventions. Onto the next point, yes, TitorA could return to timelineB, that's how it works. No one goes back to their actual
timeline, just one very similar. The timeline doesn't have to know anything. Yes, he did. That isn't a contradiction, and you've just actually
contradicted yourself.
The universe does not actually stop people from returning to their original timelines, but, people for all practical purposes do not, because there
are an infinite number of timelines.
If someone did go back to their own timeline, they wouldn't know it, they would think they were just in one very similar to their own. It.. there's
no contradictions here, I think you're just uncomfortable with the idea that a Titor could enter a line where no Titor was sent, where a Titor could
be sent but not come back, or where two Titors arrived together. It is an uncomfortable notion for the mind to deal with, but it is a fact of the
From the other hand, if the universe prevents a timeline that sends a JT to receive a JT, then no timelines that sent a JT would get a JT back!
therefore, in order to receive a JT back, with the needed equipment, a timeline would NOT SEND JT back (in order to receive one from another
timeline). This is case B, an also a contradiction, because if no timeline would sent JT back, then no timeline would receive a JT.
Now you're building arguments off of fallacious ideas again - I hate when people do that. See, a timeline doesn't refuse a JT from returning,
that's not the way it happens. If there are 200 trillion timelines each with a difference of approximately a nanometer of a single atom, would you be
able to choose the one you just left? I wouldn't, no one would! The odds are 0 when there are infinite universes with tiny changes - because
1/Infinity isn't something that exists, it is for all practical purposes 0. These aren't contradictions, just things that you as a person don't
seem to like.
I hope you understand my proof. If you don't, I will be more than happy to explain it further.
There is the small chance I've understood, and sadly there were many grammatical errors in your post. I have at time had to extrapolate ideas from
your writing, if you wouldn't mind explaining in an edited and clear version, we could have a fine debate.
PS - Forgive lateness.