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NDE versus The ET connection?

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posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Today I found something very interesting news About the correlation That there might be some correlation between NDE and ET connection.this article that came from the Daily India and depleted my interest But the question played my mind and I could see some logical connection in this whole explanation that said:

scientist these days are explaining all these phenomena in terms of physics and biomedical sciences. Interestingly the contemporary plasma physics describe the white light in the near death experience as an electromagnetic flux pointer in a higher dimension of the hyperspace. Simply put, it is the projection of our own zero point energy that continues to live even when we are in the earth making our short journey of life. The crossover that these folks talk about from life to death is the movement through a black hole into the hyperspace. The tunnel is the tunnel of singularity guiding into the hyperspace that brings the continuity into the hyperspace civilization that we belong to.

That also brought up the thought that We are maybe living this holographic life idea and are some projection of a black hole?And maybe when we die we will travel back the same way we came?

After reading some more of this article I tried to find out if I could find something that could back this up. I followed the trace of this Scientist and Researcher: Dr Sam Parnia One of the world’s leading experts on the scientific study of death writes ...

The majority of scientists currently support the view that brain processes somehow lead to the formation of consciousness. As outlined earlier, many different intermediary brain centers and pathways have been proposed to account for this. There are, however, other scientists, including the Nobel Prize winning neuron scientist Professor Eccles, who have supported the theory that the mind is a separate entity that cannot be reduced down to brain cell processes. Some have argued that we will never be able to account for the formation of consciousness through the electrical and chemical processes of the brain. So which of the scientific views is correct?

Then I find the research of Cardiologist Dr van Lommel Also very Interesting he has researched hundred hart patients who had an NDE.

Also this story I find Intriguing of woman skier that has no heartbeat for over an hour and came back from resuscitation amazing!.

This one I believe also ads up to this subject.


Daily India
Horizon research
Pim van Lommel

So the search for this story to be proven has yet to become fact? And if to be proven one can Imagine how big the Universe is but if you put this to the equation then even Stephen Hawkins calculator will stop working I guess?

Good read my fellow hyperspace travelers

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by 0bserver1

Good read my fellow hyperspace travelers

U said it


posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:05 AM

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
Interestingly the contemporary plasma physics describe the white light in the near death experience as an electromagnetic flux pointer in a higher dimension of the hyperspace.

I think this is a stretch. The other scientists you go on to discuss have interesting things to say about the problem of consciousness, but nothing that sounds like the claim above. I'm pretty sure "contemporary plasma physics" doesn't address any components of the near death experience.

Are there are documents produced by contemporary plasma physicists that even mention NDEs? (Keep in mind that there is important distinction to be made between the professional community of research scientists and the proponents of new age mysicisms who cite physics as their basis.)

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 11:58 AM
I recommend the book "Spirit Molecule" about '___''s possible role in NDE and visitation experiences.
'___' is released by our Pineal Gland and it produces a wild trip.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by OnceReturned

Originally posted by 0bserver1
Interestingly the contemporary plasma physics describe the white light in the near death experience as an electromagnetic flux pointer in a higher dimension of the hyperspace.

I think this is a stretch. The other scientists you go on to discuss have interesting things to say about the problem of consciousness, but nothing that sounds like the claim above. I'm pretty sure "contemporary plasma physics" doesn't address any components of the near death experience.

Are there are documents produced by contemporary plasma physicists that even mention NDEs? (Keep in mind that there is important distinction to be made between the professional community of research scientists and the proponents of new age mysicisms who cite physics as their basis.)

Thats why I lost somehow the interest as I described. But after watching the video's I could imagine that there was some truthfulness in this claim the Daily India claims. But I couldn't directly find any scientifically evidence to back that up so your right!
edit on 21/12/2010 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by TheBirdisDone
I recommend the book "Spirit Molecule" about '___''s possible role in NDE and visitation experiences.
'___' is released by our Pineal Gland and it produces a wild trip.

Thanks I will , I know '___''s Its kind of drug that is produced you can also buy this.. Not to recommend to anyone

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 08:51 AM
I had a NDE after being sleep deprived for about 3 days. So there is no doubt in my mind I was hallucinating from being sleep deprived but when I was laying down in the snow almost unconscious and feeling very warm after gallavanting through the woods for hours I heard voices telling me to wake up. I saw a white light and it started getting closer to me when my eyes were closed. I think it could have been ET contact at the same time because after waking up I felt a boost of energy almost like an adrenaline rush and felt like someone or something was helping me. I eventually found my way out of the woods by following a trail in the snow which looked like deer tracks. This could have been a hallucination as well. Anyway I felt like someone or something was guiding me out of the woods and giving me energy to stay alive. Any feedback is appreciated thanks.


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