I took a quick clip from Aljazeera news last night.
It was during a phone interview and shows a big fast bright light shoot from behind the buildings in the distance.
I understand that the situation there is manic and I am no expert so this may just pass off as gunfire.
Can someone confirm that this is what gunfire looks like at night?
If not then what could it be?
Edit: We need to rule out this bug talk, like i said it was shown from 2 different angles/ cameras, sorry i couldn't catch the other clip but I heard
from other people last night on here that also seen the 2 clips. thanks
If there is a light behind the camera, then a bug flying close by will be illuminated by it as it passes by, it disappears as it moves away from the
If it is a UFO then the occupants would have a motive to be around that area, they probly want to see whats going on in the city with the whole
protesting and revolt thing over there.
during the clip on the news it switched from one camera to another (pointing in the same direction but from another building) which also shown this
bright light shooting up.
So this cancels out any bugs as it was shown on this other clip/ camera angle.
I wasnt able to catch the other clip as it didnt show it again, only this one....
I started a discussion on this last night without the vid and a few people said they seen both the clips and the light!
heres the other thread where other people said they seen it.
Tracer fire. I've seen similar bursts documented by Anderson Cooper on CNN. Then again Anderson Cooper recently called Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy
Theory" show "A joke", so...
This is the UFO forum- I don't know what you were expecting to find in it. At the end of the day, humans are curious creatures, it's good that we
think critically and question things. I for one am intrigued- and clearly others are too- this video is very strange, particularly given the source.
Sure, it could be a bug, like it has been suggested, but there's no harm in questioning things. Taking things on face value is boring!
I'm going for flying insect on this one, the way it suddenly appears would coincide with a fast flying bug hitting a TV light or bright room light ie
its in the shot earlier but only becomes visible when the light illuminates it and with it being close to the camera it seems to look like its flying
super fast.
A TV camera light would make it appear bright white as it would be over exposed for that short space of time.
Tracer fire would have had a definite origin..
edit on 31-1-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)