posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 09:51 AM
...But i think not and stand on my position. Of course USA will "win" this war : There are at least 300.000 Well-Trained soldier and It will cost
you over 100 Milions $ !
Even for oil, I dont know if it's a well investement OR
Usa want to have a base in middle orient, to make some pressions on the other countries their UAE, Yemen, Kuwait and 2 real threat for USA : IRAN and
USA should let the FORPRONU do whar they must do.
But, with the luck that president DOOBIE-BUSH have since he sleep (The only think he is able to do!) in the white House... ...This war is NOT win !
I'm not against war, but war is an extrem means that should be used only in extrems cases.
North Korea have ICBM, It represent a THREAT for USA.
But North-Korea has no oil and is not in strategic area. USA still have base in South-Korea...
Joan Of Arc didn't engage under a King :
The France has no king when Joan of Arc free REIMS from Britains Occupants and so the King CHARLES X could be couronned by the pope...
When Bush say that he want to free IRAQIS from a Tyran, He say that as a pretext. I wont defend saddam but every analyst politic know that in the
non-industrialized countries, their must have a strong power. Political freedom and press comes after : First thing important actually for a country
like IRAQ is devellopement. If IRAQIS had a multiple party system, with communists, Islamists, Liberals etc... The country will quickly turn into a
civil war like in afganistan after USSR troops gone away.
[Edited on 20-3-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]