Of recent I have noticed various posts on the rebellion that is happening against the governments of repressed peoples. I almost see a 'call to
arms' and - “get ready to fight” mentality erupting. These issues need to be addressed – but not in a physical and violent way.
It is my belief that this saber rattling needs to be refocused into a different intent and energy, which is why I am writing this article. With the
strangeness that encompasses the globe currently, I feel compelled to write how to deter not only the coming conflicts from erupting into violence,
but on how to actually confront the very powers that are 'enslaving' humanity – and even to become victorious over them.
First – let me state that I have never been in a war, but I know several people that have. War changes people – period. There can be great change
created out of the acts of war, yes – but in the 21st century, do we really need to use the tactics of war to achieve our goals? No.
Ask yourself, what would work better: getting weapons and trying to find those responsible for humanities current plight, or cutting off the cause of
humanities plight by way of boycotting it?
What fuel would TPTB have if there was no economy backing them?
There are over 300 million people in the United States of America. How could TPTB force 300 million people to do their bidding? Would they threaten
to nuke us if we stopped compliance to their system?
No. The people sitting behind the 'red' button are people like you and I, they have families and friends.
If people are serious about revolution – they need not pick up weapons, they need to inform others to buy food and survival supplies. For those
that do select the violent way – I can assure them that the hand of TPTB will be swift and destructive, and give them cause to go after the rest of
the citizenry without relent.
Those that poke at the hive will get stung – as will the innocents.
The best measure to battle the corrupt machine is to buy several months (or even a year) supply of food, and to not feed the system. If everyone in
the USA didn't show up for work, what could 'they' do about it?
If people stopped using money (which caused this mess in the first place), what could they do about it?
The direct result of removing what they need would also result in their removal.
Does a Democracy need capitalism to survive? No.
I think that if something so profound wakes the American people up enough to do something like what I have outlined – our government structure
should remain in place (with the removal of all current officials) and that any form of monetary system should be abolished.
Why abolish money?
Because it is only meaningful to those who have abundance of it. Because it caused all of the problems on our planet. Because the greed of the
people who put us in this situation will return.
I am not for Communism, Marxism or Socialism – I am sure there are educated economists that would be able to form some kind of “worth” without
basing humanities off of a rare yellow sparkly rock.
If a 'revolution' is to take place – and it is a violent one, it will be self defeating; we will all suffer.
These strange times affect everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents etc. There are no party lines – but rather a common goal for the
betterment of our hijacked society.
BTW – on a personal note, I am just a regular guy who works and am not a revolutionary. I have a family that I love and care about, which is
another reason I wrote this.
The only way to win a 'war' is to use the weapons of the enemy against them. The weapons being used against us:
*MOD* I wasn't sure this was the right forum to put this in - but this does deal with the removal of TPTB - whatever they are... NWO, Illuminati....
if this thread belogs elsewhere, please feel free to move it!