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What would happen if...

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posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Let's say the UFO event of all UFO events happened.

It starts with small disturbances in rural areas, then spreads to major suburbia, where people encounter strange aliens and creatures. Soon, lights/objects appear all over the skies, clear to anybody who would bother to look upwards.

First of all, how would the government respond in such a situation where a cover-up is impossible? Second, how would such events affect the economy, the world situation (such as war in Iraq), society, etc.? How would people react?

Somehow, I wish this would happen. I wish the aliens would show up all over the world.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 10:49 PM
Weak leaders would try to negotiate.
Strong leaders would set up military defense networks on full nuclear alert.
Texans would load up their rifles, get in their trucks, and drive to the nearest alien hideout.

I can't see why any aliens would come in peace.
- Tass

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 10:57 PM
I think unless it involved mass landings and open "friendly" contact the government would lie and say it was atmospheric or swamp gas or mass hysteria.

Either that or it would be their excuse to delay the election.

Yeesh, that would be ugly.

If it were open contact the board is open. Some people would freak, others would flock, the whole rainbow of emotions would play out.

The government if familiar with the alien species would probably be in on the open contact, helping to coordinate. They could very well still keep their previous knowledge secret, at least for a little while longer.

If in the end if the government actually doesn't have any aliens or alien tech in their possession they'd probably be the most shocked of all. And the most dangerous.

I for one would sit back, drink a cool drink and wait to see what happens. I'd be optimistic but suspicious.


posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
I'd be optimistic but suspicious.

I second that.
But I could see some countries recalling troops to protect any possible negativity.
But, as it's been seen in many films, any civilisation which is capable of long distance space travel is going to be superior in technology to us, so any war might be futile on our part. (Just a guess)

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Tassadar

I can't see why any aliens would come in peace.

And why not?

You can't go meet another world without ulterior motives?

You know, I thoroughly believe that not every form of life is as sadistic and warlike as Humans.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
I think unless it involved mass landings and open "friendly" contact the government would lie and say it was atmospheric or swamp gas or mass hysteria.

But if EVERYONE in the entire world sees lights in the skies, a cover-up would never work.

To all, how would this transform society? Economy? Politics? Would Bush suddenly stop the war in Iraq?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:37 PM

But if EVERYONE in the entire world sees lights in the skies, a cover-up would never work.

Reminds me of the scene in "Signs"
If something like that were to happen, it'd be awesome, assuming of course their intention wasn't to gas us, heh.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Spiderj
I'd be optimistic but suspicious.


I would be the same.
I would think they would come in peace because if they wanted to annihilate us they could do that with a weapon from aways away not your typical surround the planet with spaceships and start firing your phazers.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 01:18 AM

But if EVERYONE in the entire world sees lights in the skies, a cover-up would never work.

In my opinion lights in the sky are just lights in the sky. If the whole planet saw only lights, I don't believe it would be enough.

People want things explained to them and the majority of people would believe that those odd lights that the entire world saw were solar flares or massive lightning storm int he ionosphere or whatever story the government(s) come up with.

On the other hand, big ass saucer lands in every major city on the planet and aliens come out and say something like "hey, could we use your bathroom?" or "Spring Break!". That's some solid proof.

I just don't think people will believe until they're face to face with solid evidence they can touch, smell and talk to or be consentually probed by.


posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 04:27 AM
i dont think aliens with interstella travel would be much ahead in weapons tech than us, why would they be so far ahead? they might of just made a break through in space travel and not weapons.

As for friendly i dunno, all Goverments of the world shoot at these things and go on an alert status, so does that mean they are friendly, seems to me they are not friendly but we can defend ourselves against them for the time being.

Obviously aliens dont want to mass anihilate us or they wouldve just sent an asteroid heading our way, so they want something on Earth and they cant stage a mass destruction type operation on Earth cause it would be destroyed thats if they were much more militarily advanced than us.

Dont forget we have deff caught some ufo's and studied them for weakness, which might of been found as we are very clever when we need to be. (thats if they actually exist) Plus possible back enginered theit technology with ours...

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