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The Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:33 AM
Well, this would be my first thread. Before I get flamed, yes I am aware there is another thread already posted on this. However, it's from 2005 and I wasn't about to try to resurrect a discussion in a 6 year old thread, and I wanted to share this with people who joined within the last 6 years who most likely haven't seen this. Sooo if this is a problem then go ahead and remove it and I apologize! I also didn't know where to post this, but these artifacts elude to the possibility of some higher ancient intelligence.

I find this really interesting, extremely confusing, and wanted to see what your guys' take on these are.


The Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve just a few thousand years ago, by some fundamentalist interpretations. Science informs us that this is mere fiction and that man is a few million years old, and that civilization just tens of thousands of years old. Could it be, however, that conventional science is just as mistaken as the Bible stories? There is a great deal of archeological evidence that the history of life on earth might be far different than what current geological and anthropological texts tell us. Consider these astonishing finds:

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by apodictic

Congrats on your first thread!

All of these items are very provacative peices, and unsolved mysteries. Personally they lead me to believe that humans did exsist a very long time ago, and had knowledge that either matches today's or is even greater, but we were wiped out. At some point we started over. I think that there is just too much evidence that we humans have either been here before, or for much longer than we thought.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by space cadet

I was actually just thinking that. Maybe we were really advanced in the past, then something happened. Of course technology can't be preserved over billions of years, so they resorted to painting on walls, or carving in stone etc. Maybe it's not as primordial as we think...maybe if our technology gets wiped out we will find the past repeating itself in order to preserve our story

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by apodictic
1 - Klerksdorp Spheres. If you google them, you'll see there are thousands and they aren't 'perfectly formed spheres.'

2 - Dropa Stones are a hoax that involved a UK author and Erik Von Daniken

3 - Ica Stones were a hoax. Google Ica Stones & Fortean Times.

4 - The Antikythera Mechanism is a genuinely wonderful piece of Greek history. Google 'Antikythera Nature video.'

5 - The Baghdad Batteries are genuine clay pots, some few inches in height, with the capability of producing a 1.5v charge (iirc). There's some discussion about whether they were designed to hold a charge.

6 - Coso Artefact is a Champion spark plug. Google 'Coso Champion spark plug.' It was probably from a combustion engine water pump used by turn of the century miners.

7 - Ancient model aircraft. No. The Egyptian 'glider' is a model bird. It's been recreated and couldn't fly unless a rapid nose-dive is considered flying. The gold model doesn't even look like a plane, but gets dragged out on every 'ancient astronaut' website and book.

8 - Costa Rica stone balls. Check this thread out. A few hundred years old and distinctly human in origin.

9 - Impossible fossils? I've never seen one yet and I've been looking for years. The famous fossilised finger? I've got one; maybe I should sell it to a fringe website?

10 - Out of place metal objects. I've seen a lot of drawings of these things and read a lot of descriptions too. Unfortunately, most are hoaxes and what remains are often from unknown sources. Pulling out a silver pot and saying it was found at the bottom of a coal seam isn't enough to suggest aliens, astronauts or lost, ancient civilisations. More interestingly, there are 'out of place' stone objects in N America.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:59 AM
Interpreting artifacts can be a tricky business colored by expections, ignorance and culture.

I remember a video I saw once of a dig in coastal South America, Chile perhaps. The archeologists had unearthed some beautiful stone implements and were debating what they were. The very learned researchers argued for some time over religious aspects, burial goods, etc. After a while one of the locals who'd been watching from a distance came over and politely asked if he could have it when they were done, because it was way nicer than his. They all freaked out and asked if he knew what it was for, at which point he looked at them like they were retarded and pulled a nearly identical one out of his pocket made of inferior stone, and patiently informed them that it was a tool for mending nets.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Aw man...that was kind of a bummer to read. Thanks for letting me know though

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by apodictic
It was a bummer to write too. The words 'my first thread' were ringing in my ears and made me feel guilty.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

lmao it's all good, better to know the truth.
"Deny ignorance," right?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

4 - The Antikythera Mechanism is a genuinely wonderful piece of Greek history. Google 'Antikythera Nature video.'

Agreed! Have you seen this - Antikythera Mechanism built out of legos?!

5 - The Baghdad Batteries are genuine clay pots, some few inches in height, with the capability of producing a 1.5v charge (iirc). There's some discussion about whether they were designed to hold a charge.

I always thought they could have used them for plating jewelry and the like =)
edit on 30-1-2011 by Vizzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by apodictic

7 - Ancient model aircraft. No. The Egyptian 'glider' is a model bird. It's been recreated and couldn't fly unless a rapid nose-dive is considered flying. The gold model doesn't even look like a plane, but gets dragged out on every 'ancient astronaut' website and book.

This vid shows two of the models flying quite nicely
edit on 30-1-2011 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2011 by sparrowstail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:59 AM
This was a cool thread, here is an additional link you might find interesting, I certainly do

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:14 AM
You know I am a bit of an amateur at it, but I love to hunt artifacts. I have never dug anything up, I only take what is on top of the ground and have netted many interesting american indian artifacts, I have friends who do this to, one of them found a sword one day while we hunted, it turned out to be a sword that belonged to Hernado Desoto from 1540 that now resides in a museum. However one day I noticed in a deep crack in the ground by the river we were hunting on, in deep inside that crack, I could see something bone colored. I had to do a little digging to pull out this large and marvelous find! Nothing like red georgia mud, it made sucking sounds when I pulled it loose. I took it home, rinsed it off and began studying this object. It was round like a plate, but had indentions and what looked like the pattern of angel wings on it in two different places. I was excited to find out what this was, how old it must be, who made it?! A few weeks later we had an antiques roadshow type show here, and I took the artifact to see what it was. Guess what? It was sheetrock mud. The 'fossills' in it, were leaves and fern from the area, washed into it most likely when it washed into that old crack in the mud. The angels wings were just a freak coincidence. Round, because it came out of the bottom of a bucket.

Point is, I suppose unless we know for absolute certian what an object is, and where it came from then we really don't know.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by sparrowstail

This vid shows two of the models flying quite nicely

No it doesn't. It shows two lightweight plastic models based very loosely on the designs of the gold objects. The rake of the wings is different, the vertical stabiliser is extended and the wings have ailerons. Add two engines and it's little wonder they fly.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by sparrowstail

I can make a model anything fly. Seriously. When doing small models, you need to have an understanding about lift/drag power/weight ratios and how they don't resemble full size aircraft.

Here is a video for you, a flying lawnmower. By your logic, I guess this is evidence that the flight abilities of the modern lawnmower are being suppressed by the "man"?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by apodictic
It was a bummer to write too. The words 'my first thread' were ringing in my ears and made me feel guilty.

You big MEANY

As to the Baghdad Batteries... in a few years they will be a myth. Already skeptics are spinning their tale...

The question now remains whether the Baghdad Battery was an isolated find. Can its manufacturers have been the only people in antiquity to discover – probably by accident – electricity?

Obviously there is a need for further evidence, whether literary or archaeological, because based on current knowledge, it is likely that the battery is indeed a unique find. Tragically, in 2003, during the war in Iraq, the Baghdad Battery was looted from the National Museum, along with thousand of other priceless ancient artifacts. Its current whereabouts are unknown.

How convenient for skeptic that they were looted... Oh well there goes another great piece of evidence. Give it 20 years and maybe they call it a hoax

Funny, I always thought there was more than one Hmmmm

edit on 30-1-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by zorgon
I didn't know they'd been looted. Probably on a dump or some rich person's shelf right now...sigh...

On the bright side, they've been so comprehensively studied that they can be reproduced in detail.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
By your logic, I guess this is evidence that the flight abilities of the modern lawnmower are being suppressed by the "man"?

You posted a deliberate hoax
That is no lawn mower... it has no blades to cut grass. I saw that when it flipped over.

Nice try though... what was that punishment for joaxing?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 07:06 AM
This is worth looking at.
It's got a ton of examples of stone things [many as small as medical tools] that we'd have a very hard time explaining today...

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas

I was just looking at a project Avalon interview. But it is not an interview but a presentation.
Klaus Dona shows a number of OOP artifacts from al around the world.

The artifacts are found all around the world and talk about a pre Sanskrit civilization.
Cool fact the constellations on the OOP's shine like the sun in black light.

Here is the video. 47 minutes of ohh's and aws. Really enjoy !

Since I missed it if it was already posted, let me know ?

I'd like to here what you think of it of course.

My personal idea :
I think it is a pretty amazing video although the guy says things who are more imagination then fact, I could be wrong tho.

Edit :
The unsolved mystery website.

The Avalon website on Klaus Dona

edit on 30-1-2011 by alaskan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 07:27 AM
maby i can keep this thread alive guys check theses out.

metalic vase 100.000 years old

500 million year old hammer

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by simples

The hammer is similar to the Coso artifact, it's a rusting metal object in a conglomerate that forms when rusting metal is in dirt.
I used to find nails, hammer bits, spark plugs, wrenches, all number of things in the dirt around my dad's shop in Cantonment.

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