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Next 4 years is lost cause no matter who we vote for.

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posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:46 PM
Lets face it.. America is gona fall hard for 4 more years regardless of which of the two poisons we vote for =/. Bush is a nut case and Kerry tries on 12 different color of socks each morning before deciding which color to wear for the day.

What can we do? vote for the tree guy? Its either 4 more years of war and horrible world relations or complete inept flip flopping. Not much to chose from is there?

Were is Jessie Jackson, Pat Bucanon when ya really need them lol. Is that Ross Perot guy still alive? Heck he would be a god send about now...

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:51 PM
Neither candidate looks good. It's really coming down to who you dislike less, which is a horrible way to run a government.

80% of America has already made up their minds about who they are going to vote for. Last time I checked, Bush and Kerry were both within the margin of error of the lead. This means that the election is going to come down to the few non-card carrying voters who actually give a rat's ass.

In this election, believe me, your vote will matter. The "True Believers" in Bush and Kerry are pretty much going to cancel eachother out.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
Lets face it.. America is gona fall hard for 4 more years regardless of which of the two poisons we vote for =/. Bush is a nut case and Kerry tries on 12 different color of socks each morning before deciding which color to wear for the day.

What can we do?

Couldn't agree with you more. I use to wonder who those people were that actually took the time to vote for Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny, but now I know. They are the ones who are saying - I don't like any of my choices and just wanted you to know it.

I am really leaning toward either the Libertarian or Nader just to express my extreme dislike of Kerry and Bush.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:29 AM
The US voting system does seem to have a major flaw in the system now. To get elected you need several millions of dollars. This obviously rules out anyone from the middle class unless they win a major lottery and want to blow it all. Maybe we should get the Terminator to run for president and just get the terrorists to see all his movies and know what happens if they want to fight him.

[Edited on 13-7-2004 by orionthehunter]

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:56 AM
I'm voting libertarian.....They stand for what both parties used to.

People want less intrusive government and libertarians think that too...
They got my vote!!

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 01:38 AM
Bush is no conservative, and Kerry is no liberal. Both are international socialists, and the only real difference between them is how fast they're going to bring the US to ruin.

If a true conservative, or a true liberal, were elected US President at this point, they'd be promptly shot.
Who do you think was the last true conservative, and the last true liberal, that the US had as its President? And who was the first international socialist President (and has every President since that one been the same, or worse?)

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:17 AM
This talk of neither candidate lookng goog reminds me of 2000, when the same exact words were said concerning Bush and Gore. Unfortunately this kind of voter apathy led to Bush being elected. I think if more people were pissed off and really wanted a change they'd get out there and vote against the current admionistration, no matter who the opponent was, well, within reason that is. Another problem with American politics is although it is 'in theory' a democracy open to mulitple parties and candidates, the reality is that it always boils down to a two horse race, with an occasional third stealing a few hundred thousand votes. It is too bad that the path is blocked to multi party elections by the media and the strength and power of the democrat and republican parties. Canada has 5-6 parties that usually get seats, and although it is usually still a liberal vs conservative two party majority, there are other parties that get 10-15 percent of the vote and therefore have a real voice in our government. Anyways, to the question at hand, are the next 4 years a lost cause? HMMMMM, well you have the largest deficit in history, and only proposed actions to balance the budget by 2009, no end in sight for military involvment in the Middle East and elsewhere, and tax cuts still in the works.

Solution, maybe, keep the middle and lower class tax cuts, reincorporate taxes for the rich, and invoke hihger taxation of huge corporations. Especially if those companies want to ship American jobs overseas so they can save money. America is going to need alot of money in the next four years, which candidate is pledging a healthier economy and which one do you think can make it a reality. In my opinion, Bush is useless just like his daddy at economics.... he is full of excuses, kick his @ss out of office.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:20 AM
"Next 4 years is lost cause no matter who we vote for."

This message of apathy brought to you by Bush/Cheney.

The only ones that stand to gain from loss of all hope.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 06:55 AM
You know I tried to take an unbiased and honest look at kerry for the simple reason that though I am a republican I dont vote party lines. So I ent to a couple sites and tried to determine what hs plan is for the country. The problem is even though hes been running for election for several months now he hasn't said one single concrete thing about how he is gonna run this nation if elected. He says he wants to do this, and that hes gonna do that, but he never mentions how. Personally I just don't trust him. He has changed his views so often in his carrer that I have no clue what he really believes in. And his justifications for previously voting for positions he now claims not to support( "I was young and naive") is quite frankly insulting.

If he had had his way the patriot missle system, the bradley fighting vehicle , the f-16 and almost all of our flagship/frontline mil-tech would never have been devolped.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by RANT
"Next 4 years is lost cause no matter who we vote for."

This message of apathy brought to you by Bush/Cheney.

The only ones that stand to gain from loss of all hope.

It's a multi stage attack; you have the obvious flanks from the Administration, and the behind the scenes ones like the Apathy spread & the Delay crony corperate payola.

The trouble is, none of them are working except for the Delay route. But, that's hit a major snaffu, as the investigation is under way & he stands as much chance of being in jail by the next election as does Key Lay, as evidenced by DeLay hiring not one but two criminal defense lawyers. It can grow to a bigger team than OJ had!!

You won't get anything but topicgraphical from sound bytes.
You've had 5 years of the Bush team telling you "what they are going to do" & they haven't done it.
Some how that equates out as a better option!?!

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:25 PM
If you want two guy smiley's and fruitcake football players vote Kerry/Edwards!

If you want an administration thats built on lies/deciet/backstabbing the american people vote cheney/bush...

Washington is turning into a pig pen filled with #...

I say we:


(Don't vote for either parties "united we stand divided we fall")

[Edited on 14-7-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:32 PM
I still am thinking about writing in the unofficial SkepticOverlord/Simon Gray ticket. We will all be pulling their strings!!!!

On a serious note, I have said before that this is the Worst election I have been able to Vote for. Their both idiots in my opinion, and it will come down to who you hate more, which I can't wholeheartedly agree with.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:32 PM
I see it this way, I prefer somebody that takes time to match his socks to one that have to way to get approval from God.:shk:

Or do I go for one that may take our nation into another war because God tells him or somebody that his view on war are fuzzy?

I will flip a coin.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:35 PM
No ...

I really hope people don't fall into that mentality of voting for who they hate the least...

If we are to get this country back from the roots where it grew from, you restore power back to the people and only use government in time of national emergency and law enforcement in time of need...

People people, there's populist party of America, theres libertarian...

People are so concerned with what other people do but yet they live their daily lives by a double standard... We really gotta get out of this mentality...

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:45 PM
TL- I hope this doesn't happen. I wish people would more understand why they are voting.

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