posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:17 AM
This talk of neither candidate lookng goog reminds me of 2000, when the same exact words were said concerning Bush and Gore. Unfortunately this kind
of voter apathy led to Bush being elected. I think if more people were pissed off and really wanted a change they'd get out there and vote against
the current admionistration, no matter who the opponent was, well, within reason that is. Another problem with American politics is although it is
'in theory' a democracy open to mulitple parties and candidates, the reality is that it always boils down to a two horse race, with an occasional
third stealing a few hundred thousand votes. It is too bad that the path is blocked to multi party elections by the media and the strength and power
of the democrat and republican parties. Canada has 5-6 parties that usually get seats, and although it is usually still a liberal vs conservative two
party majority, there are other parties that get 10-15 percent of the vote and therefore have a real voice in our government. Anyways, to the
question at hand, are the next 4 years a lost cause? HMMMMM, well you have the largest deficit in history, and only proposed actions to balance the
budget by 2009, no end in sight for military involvment in the Middle East and elsewhere, and tax cuts still in the works.
Solution, maybe, keep the middle and lower class tax cuts, reincorporate taxes for the rich, and invoke hihger taxation of huge corporations.
Especially if those companies want to ship American jobs overseas so they can save money. America is going to need alot of money in the next four
years, which candidate is pledging a healthier economy and which one do you think can make it a reality. In my opinion, Bush is useless just like his
daddy at economics.... he is full of excuses, kick his @ss out of office.