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Gun Control Yes or No

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posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

I prefer private buys myself

But I always make sure to run the numbers on the gun. I don't want stolen property.
You definitely need to know your seller. A stolen gun bothers me, but less than one with a body or a few on it.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776


I tend to check out any private sellers. But I run the numbers regardless.

You do NOT wanna get caught with a stolen gun. Possession is 9/10ths of the law, and that is no joke. If you are in possession of a stolen weapon you could go to jail for a long time or pay huge fines and lose your rights.
edit on 29-1-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be INFRINGED"
No gun control, no registration, any citizen should be allowed to own any weapon.

Amen to that, if anyone in America wants Gun Control then you are Anti-American and a threat to my Freedom and the Freedom that my Ancestors gave their lives to protect, might as well just pack up your bags and move to another Country that has the laws that you feel are right to your liking. I do agree that some gun control is needed mainly to keep them away from criminals but taking them away from Law Abiding Citizens that use them for Hunting, Shooting Competions, Target Shooting and Collectors is just Criminal in itself.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:03 PM
US citizens should be able to have any weapon that the military has.

The purpose of our RIGHT is to control our government - not let the government control us.

Firearms are as American as our land, or blood, our families, and our homes.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Gun control...


Gun in control...


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Some gun control is sane but when it gets to the point of gun confiscation then the government will have broken its covenant or social contract with the people.

Sorry friend but you are wrong no gun control is sane because it does not and cannot prevent some idiots from abusing guns. It is nobodies business what guns anyone owns unless they are harming others! Criminals can always get guns despite laws. Gun control laws are just a means of control and revenues for police state governments period. They have never ever stopped anyone who desires from getting a gun and committing crimes with them. They only serve to punish and disarm honest citizens who follow them out of a misguided sense of obligation.

Do you really think that a mentally ill person or previously convicted armed robber should be able to buy a firearm? Even knowing the intent of the founding fathers for the 2nd amendment there is also a need to protect society from such persons. They would likely not be qualified for military service (or a "regulated militia"). Preventing dangerous criminals and the mentally insane from legally acquiring guns is (sane) gun control.
There is actually a better argument against having to register cars and pay driver's license fees under the constitutional protection of rights to free travel, etc without "due process."

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

There is actually a better argument against having to register cars and pay driver's license fees under the constitutional protection of rights to free travel, etc without "due process."
I am also against those. Look if the person is to dangerous to be permitted to own a weapon, he is to dangerous to be on the streets at all. Career criminals should stay in prison. The problem is that we have made too many things illegal and now our jails are overcrowded because of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:05 PM
Fifty calliber gun ban is a joke.
No one commits crimes with a weapon that fires .50 bmg.
You can not hide one under your coat.
If you stick one in your pants you will find them around your ankles.
Its almost impossible to run any distance with one unless you are in very good shape.

If you do ban them many people will just buy a new barrel for there .50 weapons but in .499 cal. round based on the .50 BMG case.
They have banned 50 BMG weapons in calif and it did little.
we now have the 50 DTC.

edit on 29-1-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
Fifty calliber gun ban is a joke.
No one commits crimes with a weapon that fires .50 bmg.
You can not hide one under your coat.
If you stick one in your pants you will find them around your ankles.
Its almost impossible to run any distance with one unless you are in very good shape.

If you do ban them many people will just buy a new barrel for there .50 weapons but in .499 cal. round based on the .50 BMG case.
They have banned 50 BMG weapons in calif and it did little.
we now have the 50 DTC.

edit on 29-1-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

I thought up the next cool mega cartridge - a 20 millimeter AA case necked down to .50 caliber. - the ".50 blastomagic express magnum"

I would then build a small bolt gun around it, with maybe a 22 inch barrel.

ps: a lever gun in the new ".50 blastomagic" might be kinda cool too.

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:26 PM
i say NO GUN BAN, not yelling , just caps for you to see it. why? I think we should have the right. to say, not told. nor fee's to pay.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by ANNED

Agree and almost made the same post earlier: If the .50 gets banned and then we will see .475-.499 calibres. What about the .416 Chey-Tac (a necked down .50 with a smaller dia bullet)? Look folks, if any coalition of countries ever contemplates invading our "homeland" they will be detered by the 9 figure amount of guns in this country (as attributed to the japanese for not planning same and for the germans skipping plans to invade switzerland). Altho we do have a "standing army", we the people would also be a force to prevent an invasion. The odds of an invasion are slim but the possibility of a takeover from within (political equivalent of a leveraged buyout) is much greater. Something advocated by the Communists for over 50 years........

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

. Look if the person is to dangerous to be permitted to own a weapon, he is to dangerous to be on the streets at all. Career criminals should stay in prison. The problem is that we have made too many things illegal and now our jails are overcrowded because of it.

I am guessing that if the NWO takes over the career criminals will be executed. Forget the fact that they had already been tried - it will be done by executive order or fema decree. If one is deemed non rehabilitable then there will be zero tolerance for your existence. I will reserve judgment on that one.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by MMPI2

Good point: The Gun Control Act of 1968 was virtually the same as the Nazi gun control act.
Harsh gun control advocates being compared to the Nazis.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 05:45 PM
I think everyone needs a gun and a good cordless drill. Then we are all equal again.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 06:37 PM

edit on 29-1-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

I thought up the next cool mega cartridge - a 20 millimeter AA case necked down to .50 caliber. - the ".50 blastomagic express magnum"

I would then build a small bolt gun around it, with maybe a 22 inch barrel.

ps: a lever gun in the new ".50 blastomagic" might be kinda cool too.

sorry, been there done that. it blow torches the chamber and you quickly loose head space.

now you could shorten the case in half and it would give a quicker even burn on the powder and reduce overpressure and torching. i though that would be interesting , but you're just better using a 50 due to the cost of the brass and tooling, not including the special barrel involves to have enough meat for the 20mm chamber on that 50 screw

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by anumohi

edit on 29-1-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

I thought up the next cool mega cartridge - a 20 millimeter AA case necked down to .50 caliber. - the ".50 blastomagic express magnum"

I would then build a small bolt gun around it, with maybe a 22 inch barrel.

ps: a lever gun in the new ".50 blastomagic" might be kinda cool too.

sorry, been there done that. it blow torches the chamber and you quickly loose head space.

now you could shorten the case in half and it would give a quicker even burn on the powder and reduce overpressure and torching. i though that would be interesting , but you're just better using a 50 due to the cost of the brass and tooling, not including the special barrel involves to have enough meat for the 20mm chamber on that 50 screw

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

edit on 29-1-2011 by MMPI2 because:

i would just use my proprietary sintered tungsten ceramic-lined titanium barrel. no throat erosion at all!

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by JDBlack

No registration, no limits, because if a person isn't a criminal, they have the right to whatever they can afford. Registration doesn't stop crime; it only makes a way for those in control to come take your guns.

Control at all? Sure. Two hands are steadier than one. Squeeze, don't pull, the trigger. Aim carefully.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
Do you really think that a mentally ill person or previously convicted armed robber should be able to buy a firearm? Even knowing the intent of the founding fathers for the 2nd amendment there is also a need to protect society from such persons. They would likely not be qualified for military service (or a "regulated militia"). Preventing dangerous criminals and the mentally insane from legally acquiring guns is (sane) gun control.
There is actually a better argument against having to register cars and pay driver's license fees under the constitutional protection of rights to free travel, etc without "due process."

Ah, but who decides what constitutes "mentally ill"? Also, why should a person that served their sentence lose rights for the rest of their lives? If they are not too dangerous to keep in jail, they are not too dangerous to own a gun.

According to Napolitano, veterans are not worthy of having guns, and people with single issues important to them are unstable. What happens when you have those restrictions is that the definitions change, and all that disagree with those in control lose their rights.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Like I said laws do not prevent criminals or mentally ill folks from getting guns anyway. No harm no crime is all that is needed. People say we can't allow a mentally ill person to walk into a gun store and just buy a gun. Why? He can just walk down the street and buy one anyway so I don't want to be treated like a child molester just to make sure some idiot cannot get a gun from some gun store when he can get one from a dozen other outlets as quick or sooner.

Honeslty the hysteria about allowing certain types to get weapons it completely unfounded. When I was growing up you could order a rifle or pistol from the sears catalogue and have it delivered to your door and there was less crime then. If Gun laws actually worked LA and NY City would be some of the safest places on the planet. However they are in fact some of the most dangerous and have some of the most strict gun control. Washington DC is the Murder capital of the US and has the strictest gun control in the country. Places like Vermont and Idaho where I live have some of the most lax gun laws and also some of the lowest crimes rates. NY City has a higher murder rate the Baghdad Iraq.

Every city and county that has relaxed gun laws has had a dramatic drop in crime. So the whole gun control thing is a complete myth and lie. It has not stopped a single crime or criminal from obtaining a gun and in fact has made places like LA, DC, and NY more dangerous and cost people thier lives unable to defend themselves against criminals who ignore the law anyway.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:09 AM
No gun control, short of a criminal background or a history of potentially psychotic illness. I sure don't think an NRA course/ maintenance could hurt.

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