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Fluoride-From baby food to beer..and bread, and soda, cereal, tea, oatmeal cookies, cheese...

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+24 more 
posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:15 PM
This is amazing. Check out this pdf of the USDA National Fluoride database. Did you think you were avoiding it, I know I did and I was REALLY wrong.
edit on 28-1-2011 by logicalthinking because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by logicalthinking

High priority beverages which collectively contribute up to 80% of dietary fluoride
consumed in the United States, including municipal (tap)/drinking and bottled waters,
teas, carbonated beverages, beers, and ready-to drink juices and drinks were analyzed.
Samples were collected according to a self-weighting, nationally representative
sampling approach (Bellow et al., 2002). Samples were collected in up to 144 locations
across the country, depending on the level of contribution to fluoride intake. Since
drinking water accounts for approximately 75% of dietary fluoride intake, sampling of
drinking water was conducted, with Office of Management and Budget approval, in 144
nationally representative private residential locations nationwide (Pehrsson et al., 2004).
The distribution of fluoride does vary due to naturally occurring fluoride levels and local
fluoridation practices. The use of well water, commercial bottled waters, home purifiers
and filter systems also affects variability in fluoride content of drinking water and
impacts on estimates of daily intakes for individuals. NDL contacted water suppliers
about their fluoridation practices and these were compared to participant responses
(Wilger et al., 2004). Differences in geographical location have been incorporated into
the National Fluoride Database for drinking water, brewed tea, and carbonated sodas.

Man, we can't hardly escape this crap!

Nice find and reference logicalthinking, the food chart is very helpful. We can only change what we are aware of so this info is critical to decent health.


posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by logicalthinking

Holy #. Im dead serious when I ask this, what is left to eat?

So theyre just pumping flouride into everything so our teeth are healthy?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Why thank you sir.

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 05:31 PM
Why do you think they've been putting Iodine in salt for the last 60 years?
Fluorine replaces iodine in the thyroid and leads to all kinds of fun problems.

They say it is for goiter and to keep children from being retarded -not my term (no kidding. It's on the salt companies websites) but since we had people who were healthy and not retarded before that ....why?

When coal came into wide use and metals began to be processed in factories, large parts of the newly industrialized world began to see a lot of thyroid issues and neurological disorders in babies. This was because industrial processes like steel, nuclear, coal, aluminum, plastics,teflon and so forth all use and/or pollute with fluorine.

The fact that the government actually went along with the insanity of intentionally polluting the enviroment and poisoning people with fluorine (in the form of fluoride) to cover up for the war industry meant these problems would be widespread.

The mask for the symptoms? Extra iodine in the one food everybody needs besides water.... SALT. It helps to counter the flourine accumulation in the thyroid.

How important was it that they add this to salt? So important that the salt industry sold the iodized salt at the same price as non iodized salt due to influence from the rest of the war industry and the government who needed the symptoms of fluorine toxicity to be masked in the entire population..

Fluorine is in everything because it is too expensive to remove from the water that products are cooked in and impossible to remove from the enviroment and food that is used to create the products.

It's not added to most of that stuff. It's contamination....but they don't want you to know that.

edit on 28-1-2011 by badgerprints because: added a line

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:27 PM
All you can do is keep trying to reduce the amount you take in and drink pure water. You won't ever be able to get away from it completely without doing something radical, but at least you can avoid stuffing yourself with it. On the up side, most of the things it's in, aren't good for you in the first place.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 06:59 AM
Face it, the game is over. All of you are just sitting around on the internet, talking about how we are being poisoned like it's just some every day casual conversation. How pathetic. Maybe a handful are actually preparing.Then you see people say to get clean water. Where? Most people can barely even afford to pay bills, much less pay for some decent filtration system. And if that wasn't enough, they are spraying us to death.
What a joke.flame:

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by SickSkin
Face it, the game is over. All of you are just sitting around on the internet, talking about how we are being poisoned like it's just some every day casual conversation. How pathetic.

What do you expect? It's all right there in front of us and only a few give a damn. I read and study on this stuff constantly but when I talk to my friends and family about it they act as if I'd just claimed I was Napoleon reicarnated or was in contact with Elvis.

The fact is we are all being poisoned and nobody cares. So, I'll continue to tell people what I can in everyday casual conversation and drink my reverse osmosis water. ($169 at the hardware store. start saving)

Hey, you can lead a zombie to unflouridated water but you can't make him think.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 07:59 AM
I've been wondering about the tea aspect since I've always been told it is high in fluoride (and I drink a ton of it). All the studies say that TEA is high in fluoride but without much clarification of what that tea is. If I use fluoride free water and tea bags (from outside the US) I shouldn't have much concern right? I've been assuming they're talking about mass consumed cheaper teas steeped in fluoride water, if that assumption is incorrect I'd appreciate some insight.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by SickSkin
Face it, the game is over. All of you are just sitting around on the internet, talking about how we are being poisoned like it's just some every day casual conversation. How pathetic. Maybe a handful are actually preparing.Then you see people say to get clean water. Where? Most people can barely even afford to pay bills, much less pay for some decent filtration system. And if that wasn't enough, they are spraying us to death.
What a joke.flame:

Face it, with your attitude - the game is over!

I've been on bottled spring water for several weeks and I feel better and more positive than ever.

You can't afford not to do something.


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by badgerprints

Originally posted by SickSkin
Face it, the game is over. All of you are just sitting around on the internet, talking about how we are being poisoned like it's just some every day casual conversation. How pathetic.

What do you expect? It's all right there in front of us and only a few give a damn. I read and study on this stuff constantly but when I talk to my friends and family about it they act as if I'd just claimed I was Napoleon reicarnated or was in contact with Elvis.

The fact is we are all being poisoned and nobody cares. So, I'll continue to tell people what I can in everyday casual conversation and drink my reverse osmosis water. ($169 at the hardware store. start saving)

Hey, you can lead a zombie to unflouridated water but you can't make him think.

Yeah, so true. Much like the recent swine flu propaganda. Friends and family would react to me in this way. Yet they would trust their doctors to inject them with a remedy with its ingredients a mystery to them, trusting in a corporation’s own tests and morals in blindly treating their patients with it.

There is a blind respect to authority, a need to fit into the normality of things that is clear in most people. Being 'normal' (playing the game) is more important to them than the reality of endangering themselves or others. The Milgram Experiment helped to establish this as fact.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Beyond Creation

Careful with the bottled water-Aquafina, Calistoga, Crystal Geyser, Dannon, Dasani, Evian, Naya, Perrier, Poland SPRINGS, Propel Fitness Water,Veryfine fruit 2.0, Saratoga, Volvic, many store brands all contain flouride.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:14 AM
you don't need to put fluoride in any of those things, all you need to do is put fluoride in the water and that makes all those things

Baby food - processed food + water
beer - made with water
soda, bread, tea, all made with water

Even if Fluoride has benefits, they are force medicating everyone regardless of age, or previous conditions. And that alone is wrong. And then you look into the dangers of too much fluoride, and basically all you can really say is the bureaucrats are either extremely stupid or extremely evil, I'm not sure which one is worse.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by iversusvsversusi

Yes, thats exactly right do you not know that your government loves you

Now go get your yearly flu shot in which has last years h1n1 in it.

On a serious note did anyone check out the amount of fluoride in instant tea
, i am drinking coffee from now on

Whats that old song that says; " all we are are rats in a cage"

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:22 AM
This should be comforting to everyone:

Possible Symptoms of Fluoride Poisoning Please Note: Having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are fluoride poisoned. This page is offered only as a guide, which can help you determine whether fluoride poisoning is a possibility. Only your doctor can diagnose and treat you.*
* Arthritis – stiff, painful joints with or without swelling; painful feet in morning
* Asthma – especially after showering in chlorine-filtered water
* Bony, painful lumps where tendons and ligaments attach to bones. Calcifications of connective tissue on X-ray, especially with pain and reduced range of motion
* Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) – especially if it lifts when you spend time in an unfluoridated city or switch to distilled water for drinking and cooking
* Cold – temperature below normal, feeling cold all the time, feeling cold soon after a hot bath or shower
* Colic in bottle-fed babies or colic developing when breast-fed babies start solids or are weaned * Dental fluorosis (white or brown spots on teeth
* Diabetes – worsening symptoms
* Diabetes insipidus (a kidney ailment) – excessive thirst, increased water consumption that does not relieve thirst, dry throat and irritated eyes, and frequent, dilute urine, especially at night, with normal blood sugar findings
* Eyes – moving black spots (scotoma, or floaters)
* Fatigue, weakness and brain fog after bathing or showering in chlorine-filtered water
* Fibromyalgia (severe muscle weakness and/or pain with extremely sore spots on various bony areas) * Food intolerances that seem to come and go
* Gastrointestinal problems – irritable bowel, nausea, diarrhea without apparent cause, heartburn and upper bowel pain especially after drinking a full glass of water
* Gum disease – irritated or bleeding gums despite good hygiene and diet; gums heal when you use unfluoridated toothpaste
* Heart palpitations and increased heart rate without exertion
* Kidney disease – worsening symptoms, kidney stones
* Skin – hives, blisters, rash on stomach or back within an hour of drinking fluoridated water or after bathing or showering in chlorine-filtered water
* Tea drinking – causes upset stomach, gastric pain, heart palpitations or “the jitters” similar to strong coffee * Teeth – loosening or needing to be extracted despite good hygiene and diet
* Thyroid diseases – underactive (hypothyroid), overactive (hyperthyroid or Graves disease), goiter and nodules

Only your doctor can diagnose you. Right? Check out the next quote.

We believe that many, many people are either fluoride poisoned or fluoride sensitive and simply do not know that they are. They know that they feel sick and may be treated for symptoms with any number of drugs, but neither they nor their doctors have any idea that fluoride is the culprit.

So how is your doctor going to diagnose what he doesn't understand or know about himself?

edit on 29-1-2011 by Klassified because: ETA

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:37 AM
I had noticed on many labels "water," and I thought to myself...not "fluoride-free water..." And so I try to avoid anything that does not say "reverse osmosis filtered water" - which there are some products which do say this.

I wondered how much fluoride could be added to the water before the water had to be labeled "fluoridated water..." I'm guessing there is no limit.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by allprowolfy
reply to post by iversusvsversusi

On a serious note did anyone check out the amount of fluoride in instant tea
, i am drinking coffee from now on

I am unsure whether this report makes a distinction between calcuim fluoride (natural) and sodium fluoride (toxic industrial waste sold to cities to fluoridate their water)...

I am less concerned about tea in that I suspect that it contains calcium fluoride. I may be wrong, though. Anyone else have a clue?

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Is the amount of fluoride in bottled water always listed on the label? The FDA does not require bottled water manufacturers to list the fluoride content on the label, but it does require that fluoride additives be listed. In 2006, the FDA approved labeling with the statement, “Drinking fluoridated water may reduce the risk of tooth decay,” if the bottled water contains from 0.6 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L.

They're not required to tell you anything from the looks of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Klassified
reply to post by Amaterasu

Is the amount of fluoride in bottled water always listed on the label? The FDA does not require bottled water manufacturers to list the fluoride content on the label, but it does require that fluoride additives be listed. In 2006, the FDA approved labeling with the statement, “Drinking fluoridated water may reduce the risk of tooth decay,” if the bottled water contains from 0.6 mg/L to 1.0 mg/L.

They're not required to tell you anything from the looks of it.

Thanks. I had VERY strong suspicions on that. And I am not at all surprised.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 10:07 AM
One last point i had about flouride, being a plumbing contractor i have had several families try and get whole house purifiers to take out the flouride, and to date, i dont think any manufacture's can truly state that their systems-product will take all parts-per-million out, this includes the following as well, Reverse osmosis-sand-carbon-brita-etc will not take out all of the flouride.

Fluoride is some rezealiant stuff

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