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Your Significant Other Test

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Relationships are built on trust, loyalty and some tolerance too, but what if these issues came into play. Take the following test, read everything carefully to the end.

What if your significant other stole from you?

What if your significant other lied to you constantly and deceived you?

What is your significant other was leading a better life than you?

What if your significant other was cheating on you, all the time?

What if your significant other was leading a secret life, and spending your hard earned dollars?

What if your significant other made more than you, and hid the money from you?

What if your significant other told you what you wanted to hear, but did the totally opposite?

What if your significant other committed crimes, and thought they were OK?

What if your significant other killed people because they could get away with it?

Now replace significant other in the previous questions, with government.

How long would your significant other last, in your life, if they did these things?

Get my point.

Peace out RT

edit on 28-1-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

The end result would be that I divorce my government.

Of course, then the court would award the government half of my remaining assets..... that had already been taxed to death!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:57 PM
Theyd be out in a heartbeat. My boot making contact with their butt.. and NO regrets.

The idea is to never choose someone of that type in the first place. Some are great chameleons, but time will always out someones true face. Make a SO work for it and prove themselves as much as you work for it and prove yourself. No one is perfect obviously and things happen, but you set your line that you demand not be crossed from the start. They will have no surprises when you dump them if they cross that line.

WHen my husband and I get together we spent a lot of time together before moving the relationship forward. I had goals and he did too. We werent impulsive children. He got to know me and my line and I got to know his. It was only after really understanding each other did we decide to move forward. Been a long time and we're still newlyweds. It never ended and we never got tired of each other. Hell, we barely disagree and screaming fights are not a part of this relationship. Its called compatibility. You can find the right person if you know yourself well, voice your demands, and are very patient.

Thats my experience anyway!

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by masterofnone
reply to post by Realtruth

The end result would be that I divorce my government.

Of course, then the court would award the government half of my remaining assets..... that had already been taxed to death!

Hmm they already have half of our income and keep asking for more.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Relationships are built on trust, loyalty and some tolerance too, but what if:

What if your significant other stole from you?

Tell her I'd love her either way, then talk it out.

What if your significant other lied to you constantly and deceived you?

I probably would've lied to her a few times as well
, but my true other would never lie to me.

What is your significant other was leading a better life than you?

If she's living a happier life than me, but she is with me, a miserable man, then we we're meant for each other.

What if your significant other was cheating on you all the time?

Then obviously, she isn't my "significant other"

What if your significant other was leading a secret life and spending your hard earned dollars?

Confront. Converse. Cover the bed sheets.

What if your significant other made more than you and hid the money from you?

Then that isn't my significant other

What if your significant other told you what you wanted to hear, but did the totally opposite?

Correction: "total opposite" not "totally". Again, not my other.

What if your significant other committed crimes and thought they were OK?

I don't want to hear them then, because if she's my significant other, she wouldn't do things I wouldn't do.

What if your significant other killed people because they could get away with it?

Refer to above

Now replace significant other in the previous questions, with government.

How long would your significant other last, in your life, if they did these things?

Get my point.

Peace out RT

edit on 28-1-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

My "significant other" would last as long as I would. Because I would be with her until the end.
My "government" would last as long as I would because I would be with her until the end.

I love my government, and I love my country. I love my girl, and I love her parents. Of course, there are a couple of things I would change with the government, as I would with her. There are some "personalities" that could be removed, I.E. Cabinet members.

She could stop fighting everyone around her.
She is a bit too nosey.
She does thinks she knows everything.
She sometimes thinks she is doing what is best.

So yeah. Government, my girl? One in the same. They are both just in a phase. And it's my problem to fix it. If I am not happy with something, I need to confront her and let it out. So yeah. I get what you are saying.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by mr10k

Thanks for the input and thoughts.

Love is one thing, but if the other party doesn't listen or care love only goes so far.

Love is a two way streak.

edit on 28-1-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

A self-observation here:

I would not tolerate most of these things from my significant other, yet I'm pretty sure my government is guilty of all 10, and I do nothing Why do I tolerate it?

I believe I have some chance of making things right with my spouse. A spouse might listen, learn, and grow.

Making things right with our goverment..... IT WILL TAKE A COLLECTIVE for them to listen or learn.

At this point, all they understand is growth. And not in the good way

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by masterofnone
I believe I have some chance of making things right with my spouse. A spouse might listen, learn, and grow.

Making things right with our goverment..... IT WILL TAKE A COLLECTIVE for them to listen or learn.

You point is well taken.

Our government is very closely tied to everything we do since we pay so many taxes, or actually our hard work and time we can never get back that pay for taxes.

Yes a spouse would listen, but my main point was, if that significant other did those things, how long would a relationship last?

And yet is goes on.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Well i would tell them i loved them and would die for them ,to their face ,but in reality i would just be using them until something better came along.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

I'd still love and want to protect them but I'd definitely give them a good slap.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:01 AM
I am not run by the government, it is mereley a framework, often times an obstacle. In that sense, I do not look to the government for assistance, although I do appreciate the roads and schools and healthcare that they provide. I can take care of my own health with proper exercise, I can educate myself, I can earn money honestly, I can set up my own house and have a family. It is not the government, because the government is always going to be a reflection of the voters. Supply is always going to be led by demand.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
I really don't see the validity in comparing romantic personal person/person love to a citizen/government relationship.

It's a nice metaphor to stir up emotions...use a little bait and switch...and attempt to trick somone in transfering jealousy and personal betrayal onto a government. You are building up someones emotions..getting to them to think about their closest most personal relationship...and then attempting them to transfer that emotion to the non-personal, distant, and non-emotional relationship with the government.

I don't personally agree with appealing to ones emotions and using bait and switch in order to get people angry in an emotional way towards the government.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by MindSpin

Not everyone has a significant other, but they do trade their precious time here on earth for money. With that said, the only other person, or entity that has access, or receives a large portion of people's earnings, is the government.

Emotion? I don't think anyone needs to get emotional, just realize that they are in a relationship with the government.

The government seems to get away with allot and they seem to use that card, they also play the card that no one can held responsible, since it is such a large entity.

In a personal relationship if someone perpetrates malicious, or illegal acts, then ties can be cut quickly, but with a large group, it's just a bunch of unaccountable finger pointers.

edit on 21-2-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

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