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California Residents Hit With Government Ban On Paying By Cash

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posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:13 AM
This is going to become a common thing...for a while now in London, UK they have been slowly phasing out parking meters that accept coins and replacing them with ones that only accept payment by credit/debit card or by phone...couple this with the meters that ask you to enter your car's registration number and you have (if you are inclined to think it lol) a nice way to track someones movements!

Not a fan of a cashless society in any way, shape or form....if this becomes the way then I can see bartering with goods making quite a comeback!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I talked to a man on Monday in the Discovery Bay office and he stated that the 5 member board decided to eliminate cash,NOT the people of that town.......I asked several question to which he answered all and was very nice.......He stated that this decision was made because they get 10,000$ cant remember if it was a month or yr in cash for water garbage ect and they run a 2-3 person staff and it takes 45 min to go to bank and such so it will be easier on them to use ck cards as they can use the cks electronically and it saves times and money for them....He also said that the gal that goes to the bank is not insured and if there was a wreak its all on her insurance.Again he was very nice said if i had any more question i could call back any time.

He also said that they had 3 anonymous request for records in a yr and that WAS NOT the reason for going cash less.The way i see it the people DID vote for this 5 person board to give them power to take care of there community.....If they are unhappy with there performance they need to vote them out next election.....I DO NOT see this as big brother setting this up at all....I am amazed that this thread got the attention it did and think the heading of it is misleading.....It IS NOT California it is 1 very small community that will not take cash for services that's it.This is a BIG lesson to me to read better and get as much info as possible before i make a judgment....And this goes for all stuff I HAVE posted about.We grow and learn.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:13 AM
I have 3 words for California residents. GET A LAWYER!!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by StarLightStarBright2

do you live in Discovery Bay? or did you call them on the phone?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:12 AM
People still pay things with cash? You guys are like those old timers clinging to the outdated practice.

Go use online banking, online bill pay, heck you can even pay over the phone.

Funny how you crazy people turn this into some crazy conspiracy how New World Order and Government are trying to do some evil.

Irrational fear.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by atomicn
People still pay things with cash? You guys are like those old timers clinging to the outdated practice.

Go use online banking, online bill pay, heck you can even pay over the phone.

Funny how you crazy people turn this into some crazy conspiracy how New World Order and Government are trying to do some evil.

Irrational fear.

I know cash is Fiat and of no value, but I would much rather depend on it than some number in a computer. Nothing like putting all your assets into a bank, who's central computer could be hit with a bomb, plane,EMP or Solar flare and wipe out all records that verify you actually have these "funds" that you claim to have.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by atomicn

While I can certainly understand your point of view [who hasn't been impatient with the old lady fumbling through her change purse for ten minutes trying to find exact change?] you certainly have to think about the what-ifs. I'm not talking "New World Order" or anything [I personally don't believe in that], but certainly take into consideration what can happen if you rely completely on computers at a bank or credit union to keep track of your assets. While much more high tech than our standard home and work computers, the system in place at banks is still run by a computer. They are still subject to viruses, hackers, and plain-old blackouts caused by thunderstorms or back-up generators failing, etc etc.
Imagine if something does happen, a natural disaster like a mass flooding, earthquake, tornado or mudslide. If it were a life/death situation and you had to get out with nothing but your life, how will you access your funds with no form of identification, much less your debit cards? We all hope that we will never be placed in such a predicament, but it is a very real possibility. You have to imagine a world that is not always predictable and safe.

Yes, it is more convenient to carry a card and live cashless. I'm guilty of it myself. BUT, I always have an "emergency" stash of money in my wallet. Its usually $20, but sometimes I'll shove another twenty and make it $40. I learned this from my mother, and it's helped me more than once - my college town was so rinky-dinky that the local gas station didn't have a way to pay with a card, cash only, so many of my friends had to dive to the other side of town [which was very far] for a gas station with the option of card-payment. Because of my emergency stash, I was saved having to walk or call a friend to take me to the other gas station, get a can of gas and go back to my car to fill'er'up, because she was dead on empty. [Word of advice: never let your car get THAT low on gas, it opens up a huge can of worms, trust me!]

I'm certainly not advocating keeping all your assets in cash either, but what I tend to do is pull about $100 from each of my paychecks [or everyother] in cash and keep stash in my house. I found this -> [] in a magazine and thought it was brilliant [as well as worthy of a few giggles]. This way you can hide small stashes of "just in case" money around your house without it being obvious [cookie jars, etc]. Also, stashing money around makes for a GREAT little rainy day fund which has helped pay for a weekend away at a spa or ski resort for snowboarding lessons.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Revelation 13:16-17; And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
It has been stated that the RFID is more effective when placed in the back of the hand or the forehead. It is already used in children and pets, and some adults. It is already used as a currency. They're put in vitamin medication, and are put in driver license, health cards and other identification. They can keep your medical, driving, monetary, criminal, working history, and more, all in one neat little chip that can be about the size of a flake of pepper.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 07:07 AM
slowly implementing the mark of the beast, and also the Us dollar isnt worth shizz lol

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

That's rediculous ! Just one more step by TPTB to control the sheeple... That's definately one way to force people back into the system.

Don't want to support our banks and credit companies ? Then I guess you don't need eletrcity or water

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Meh~~~ I don't even care anymore at this's not like I am going to be having any earnings at any time soon...YAY me and my kids will just lay down and die like they want all of us ""undesireables" to do. I guess this is the beginning of their eugenics movement.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by StarLightStarBright2
I talked to a man on Monday in the Discovery Bay office and he stated that the 5 member board decided to eliminate cash,NOT the people of that town.......I asked several question to which he answered all and was very nice.......He stated that this decision was made because they get 10,000$ cant remember if it was a month or yr in cash for water garbage ect and they run a 2-3 person staff and it takes 45 min to go to bank and such so it will be easier on them to use ck cards as they can use the cks electronically and it saves times and money for them....He also said that the gal that goes to the bank is not insured and if there was a wreak its all on her insurance.Again he was very nice said if i had any more question i could call back any time.

If this is true, did you happen to suggest to him that it is their JOB to take money to the bank. It seems to me that they're putting the onus on taxpayers to serve their (forgive me) rather spoiled demands, when they're paid good money to serve the citizens of Discovery Bay.

Regardless, having lived in a small town, I would not be surprised if this was the result of some personal squabble between someone on the board and some bitter rival who happens to pay in cash. That type of stuff goes on in a small town all the time...people with too much time on their hands, I suppose.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by linuxcore
reply to post by LanMan54

Maybe so but not access internet without it? I dont agree with that one. Besides, if the Govmn't would try to have people sign in to internet with a recognition system such as thumb print or retina scan etc and track what people are doing online you would see a new Max Headroom era where Hackers firstly would jump on the net through any means necessary. There is no way in hell they can stop people from using internet anonymously, Inet is a free system and not controlled by anyone except what America tries to control but even there, there are many ways around their control.

I think the next generation to come if 2012 is calm that is :-) Is perhaps more free-spirited people. It looks to me although through the news vines that people are becoming more and more independent from the Govmn't and dont really care much anymore what Uncle billy bob says up there.

As for cash, well that is a good question, yet setting everyone up for online or CC transactions then they need to Govern the CC companies and not have them privatized as they are now. Think about it, there are so many ways someone could add a zero or a few to the end of their balance if you could access their systems. And with no paper currency that is going to happen a lot, at least a lot more than it already is.

I read about it a while back about people who can add enormous amounts untraceable money to their CC's and many of them have never been caught. The systems as they are do not function correctly. To many people working for all the middle men that have no clue what they are doing. Enormous amounts of monies going all over the place and many have no clue of origin etc. This the CC's and banks will keep very quite about though. Wouldnt surprise me if WikiLeaks had some info on this as well.

Oh yeah? How do they go about this? I'm thinking that this will be my new passtime. I could use a couple thousand dollars a day. Hey if you can't beat the crooks, eh join em!

edit on 7-2-2011 by ldyserenity because: sp

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:13 AM


posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:20 AM
I believe this is long overdue if you ask me, I thought we would all be Chipped by now but I believe the mass exposure and awareness of this has slowed its process, If you ask most people know about the RFID chip Mark of the beast Agenda and I believe its this awareness that saved us in the Long run. I do believe this will be an isolated incident and it will collapse because not everyone will comply

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

do you think this could be a way to identify or combat underground economy

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 01:27 AM
LEO's in the City of Federal Way Washington are pushing for a law to make it illegal to do gold trades of more than $100 without a 45 day waiting period supposedly to combat all the burglary's going on due to the high prices of gold.

Meaning if you had a Krugerrand you wanted to cash out and sell for a quick buck gold buyers would have to put a 45 day hold on it. Problem is who's going to lose the difference if the price of gold changes much during that period of time.

It used to be transactions over 10k had to be reported back when 10k was worth about 100k, but since it wasn't indexed to inflation the value of such transactions has decreased, now LE wants people to report and hold gold transactions over $100 dollars. That is insane.

Just another method of blocking our ability to do free private trades. I see it as an intrusion of privacy and an another assault on freedom in America.

edit on 9-2-2011 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:28 AM
This is so stupid, my dog and his buddies can make better decisions than these people.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:11 PM
So what is legal tender? Here Timothy Geithner thinks he's Treasury Secretary running the currency presses 24/7. Many areas of the country are no longer into the dollar...they do bartering and use local chit "currency" because the dollar is losing value. People don't want it anymore. Go overseas and try exchanging it for local currency. No one wants it. You have to exchange it before you go. So what is with this love of worthless plastic?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by VeniVidi

You know it could be an attempt to get rid of the poor people as well..

Sometimes there's an institutionalized effort in uppity areas to get rid of the poorer folk. I wouldn't put it past some places in Southern California to do this.

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