posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Forcing people into a cashless society harms everyone in the long run; it destroys what some call "the underground economy". By that I'm not
talking about drug dealers and other criminals, etc. who do business in cash & then launder their profits through dummy corporations- I'm talking
about the shade-tree mechanic who saves his friends money by fixing their cars for cash after work so that his kids have new shoes, or the single mom
who cleans houses on the side when her minimum-wage job doesn't pay enough to put food on the table. If cash is eliminated from the equation it
becomes next to impossible sometimes to pay the bills for some. One more freedom eliminated. The folks who earn this cash can report it for tax or
not; it's the flow of cash to keep normal life on an even keel that is at stake.
I agree that the New World Order is slowly steering everybody into a cashless society. If there isn't a single Euro, dollar or whatever that isn't
known about by the Man so that it can be taxed into oblivion, then the bottom line is that all of us are only making money so that the elite can spend
it. It ought to come to a screeching halt.
In France, the underground economy has been derailed several times in the last century by changing all of the designs of cash money & making the
previous type of cash obsolete- meaning worthless. Anyone hoarding it for a rainy day at home ends up with worthless paper. In the USA, the designs of
all cash money have been changing constantly since 1995. I know that the government there says that it's to foil counterfeiters, but that isn't all.
Every US paper bill over one dollar, if one holds it up to the light, has a magnetic tape embedded in it. So do all of the pages in every valid US
passport, which now all have computer chips in them as well. If one carries a lot of cash and a passport on one's person, anyone with the right
device, plain clothes policeman or whoever, can, from a short distance, read exactly how much money one has, who they are and where they have been or
where they are going. If those of you in the US think that the airport xray machines are bad, it's much worse than you think.
I can see it now, worldwide: cash money will be hustled out of existence in a number of ways. For example, in the US Social Security will no longer
mail checks as of May 2011. All payments must be by electronic transfer or they will not be given out. In the future, as well, I can see all cash
transactions that people might still be able to make anywhere in the world hit with two things: fees for handling cash and NO CHANGE. Buying a ten
dollar or Euro item and all you have is a twenty? Tough luck- you'll be paying twenty for it regardless. By then, paying in cash will REALLY look
suspicious to certain kinds of people.
As has been mentioned earlier, there are people that banks refuse to deal with, for reasons of bad credit (all one has to do is lose their job) or
whatever. Some people are getting around this in the US by arranging a prepaid debit card, usually at a big grocery store chain like Kroger- the
world's largest. One's paycheck, government check, or what have you can be electronically transferred onto it and then there is a trackable,
possibly taxable, record of every dollar one has and how it gets spent. Another thing mentioned before is the movies about these and other things by
the late Aaron Russo. Anyone can go to, download a video player and Mr. Russo's movies such as "Freedom to Fascism" FOR FREE. Get them now
while they are still freely available. Aaron Russo can tell all of you so much more than I possibly could here.
I find myself reminded of a prophecy from the Qu'ran: that in the end times, Allah shall punish first those unrighteous of the Earth who are at one
with the Shaitans and squander the money of the poor. In light of the current depression brought on by such people in the New World Order, I cannot
WAIT. Does everyone see how the present governments in the Middle East are falling like dominoes because of the riots? When people cannot feed, clothe
or house themselves no matter how hard they work, that is what happens. The people have nothing left to lose.