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Who is Pete Zalewski and why would he be part of some plot?

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:21 AM

This site claims he wasnt just an air traffic controller, can the claims be debunked or confirmed?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666

This site claims he wasnt just an air traffic controller, can the claims be debunked or confirmed?

"JEWS DID 911" ?? Nice website there Cass. You seemed to have bumped all the anti-semite threads. Wonder why?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I read 'Jews Did 9/11' as soon as I opened that page - which instantly scored negatively on my 'This'll Be Good'-ometer.

Then I read the article about this Pete guy.

And it did little to offer up any proof, it simply accused him.

Utter rubbish.

Not to mention rife with anti-semitism.


posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666

This site claims he wasnt just an air traffic controller, can the claims be debunked or confirmed?

The site is basically anti-Semitic crap. Do yourself a favor and leave it alone.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Anti semite threads? I bumped threads talking about Mossad a secret service. Do you want to call me a Nazi over it? If you want to call me a Nazi over it quit beating around the bush and just do it. I am aware the site does not offer a whole lot, thats why I was curious if somebody has to say something about that guy, other being a jinxed flight controller.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Six Sigma

Anti semite threads? I bumped threads talking about Mossad a secret service. Do you want to call me a Nazi over it? If you want to call me a Nazi over it quit beating around the bush and just do it.

I am questioning your motives. You have either bumped or created 7 threads that blame the Jews in less than a 1/2 hour. Are you a Jew hater? I don't know. You seemed to have created a thread regarding a web-site that says JEWS DID 911 .... That site is anti semetic. Why would you make a thread about it asking questions. Why didn't YOU try to prove it's validity?

If it walks like a know the rest.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Six Sigma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Six Sigma

Anti semite threads? I bumped threads talking about Mossad a secret service. Do you want to call me a Nazi over it? If you want to call me a Nazi over it quit beating around the bush and just do it. I am aware the site does not offer a whole lot, thats why I was curious if somebody has to say something about that guy, other being a jinxed flight controller.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

How about we just say you're a little too comfortable with crap that would make a Nazi proud.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by hooper

Would you please quit calling me names for no reason? I dont go around calling 911 deniers pedophiles. If you feel uncomfortable partecipating in a discussion where Mossad is mentioned just dont.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Six Sigma

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by Six Sigma

Anti semite threads? I bumped threads talking about Mossad a secret service. Do you want to call me a Nazi over it? If you want to call me a Nazi over it quit beating around the bush and just do it.

I am questioning your motives. You have either bumped or created 7 threads that blame the Jews in less than a 1/2 hour. Are you a Jew hater? I don't know. You seemed to have created a thread regarding a web-site that says JEWS DID 911 .... That site is anti semetic. Why would you make a thread about it asking questions. Why didn't YOU try to prove it's validity?

If it walks like a know the rest.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Six Sigma because: (no reason given)

No I dont know the rest. You call me a Nazi for looking into the Mossad connection. All jews are Mossad now? Tell Spielberg he is 30 years late for work. I am aware what the site is, thats why it does not offer a lot of information, so I posted it here, hoping to learn something about that particular name from more level headed people.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Just to put it out there, that site is indeed CRAP. While there is evidence that points towards MOSSAD, it must be noted MOSSAD is not a term to refer to religious or racial Jews, it's an agency of the Israeli government that openly takes part in assassinations world wide.

the problem is, you can't bring up MOSSAD connections without someone saying "Jews did 911" because Jews didn't do anything, neither did arabs, or caucasians. MOSSAD might have been involved, saying as much is not anti-semetic at all. Once people start mixing the term MOSSAD for Jews, then it turns to garbage.

That site is not worth your time, there are plenty of non anti-semitic sites you can find information on.

I personally believe the possible MOSSAD connection to 911 deserves to be investigate, but I also call your intents into question with posting a link so something like that. You help discredit real truth seekers, and give them ample ammunition to start throwing around "antisemite!"

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:19 AM
You are all aware that Semite does not just apply to Jews. Infact as most Israeli Jews are of European descent, very few Jews are actually semites.
Implicating Mossad in 911 has nothing to do with anyones religion, you just use it as a cheap debating tactic. But thats what you are paid to do, isn't it?

I do find it ironic that the term "Islamic terrorist" is banded about with no recourse whatsoever even though the world has many millions of Muslims who have never had a terrorist thought in their entire lives.

I do find the transparency of the "your an anti-semite" crowd most amusing. There was no attempt to answer the Op's question. There was nothing in the original post to suggest the Op was anti-jewish. Just because the information came from a website that claims the Jews did 911 does not mean that the information is neccessarily incorrect, does it?

Apparently freedom of speech only applies if it agrees with your world views, otherwise you would stand up for someones right to an opinion about Jews even if you don't agree with it.

Lets just postulate for a moment that the Jews were involved with 911. Now what? Do you change your stance on Jewish people or would you, like the Op suggest it was only the Government of Israel and the Mossad who were involved and not all Jews? Because that would make you a hypocrite for accusing the Op of being anti-jewish when he was just talking about Mossad. See how that works?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

Would you please quit calling me names for no reason?

If you had open the "discussion" with a statment about, say the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel, then yes, there would be no reason for bringing up the term nazi. However, that is not the case, is it? You purposely dragged up nonsense that purports to implicate Isreal, the Jewish homeland, in the events of 9/11.

I dont go around calling 911 deniers pedophiles. If you feel uncomfortable partecipating in a discussion where Mossad is mentioned just dont

If you are so uncomfortable defending these baseless accusations then don't drag them out.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:56 AM
There are a few mentions of Peter Zalewski in the 9/11 Commission Report link on pages 472 & 475. Looks like references to other documents and recordings. He was part of something to do with Air Traffic Control.

65. FAA audio file, Boston Center, position 46R, 8:24:38 and 8:24:56; Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 23, 2003).
106. Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 22, 2003);Terry Biggio interviews (Sept. 22, 2003; Jan. 8, 2004); Collin Scoggins interview (Sept. 22, 2003); Daniel Bueno interview (Sept. 22, 2003). For evidence of the numerous attempts by air traffic control to raise American 11, see FAA memo,"Full Transcript;Aircraft Accident;AAL11; New York, NY; September 11, 2001," Feb. 15, 2002, p. 7.
107. DOD radar files, 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron, "9/11 Autoplay," undated; Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 22, 2003); John Schippani interview (Sept. 22, 2003).
108. Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 22, 2003); John Schippani interview (Sept. 22, 2003).
109. FAA memo,"Full Transcript;Aircraft Accident;AAL11; New York, NY; September 11, 2001," Feb. 15, 2002, p. 11; Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 23, 2003).
110. Peter Zalewski interview (Sept. 23, 2003); John Schippani interview (Sept. 22, 2003);Terry Biggio inter- views (Sept. 22, 2003; Jan. 8, 2004); Robert Jones interview (Sept. 22, 2003).

What is the go with all these anti-semite statements? I am anti sneaky and anti stupid. If others want to paint a whole culture with that brush and pull out the racist card then it just raises a red flag for where the problems really are.
edit on 27-1-2011 by kwakakev because: fixed link

edit on 27-1-2011 by kwakakev because: removed 'looks like'

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by OllyP

The OP brought it on himself by providing his only link to a blatantly jew-hater site.

In addition, it took me a couple of minutes to find this NTSB report about Air Traffic Control in relation to the Egypt 990 crash and Pete Zalewski isn't even mentioned :-

In the hate piece he is described as " the Controller for Egypt 990 ".

Before copying libels, particularly from such a source, I think a bit of checking is in order.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by OllyP

You are all aware that Semite does not just apply to Jews.

In popular connotation it does.

Infact as most Israeli Jews are of European descent, very few Jews are actually semites.

That's an interesting little twist of anthropology. How is it they are of "European" descent?

Implicating Mossad in 911 has nothing to do with anyones religion, you just use it as a cheap debating tactic. But thats what you are paid to do, isn't it?

Israel is the Jewish Homland. Mossad is the security service of the Jewish Homeland. But somehow or another you have constured tossing baseless accusations at the Mossad can somehow be differentiated from accusing the Jewish Homeland and its residents.

I do find it ironic that the term "Islamic terrorist" is banded about with no recourse whatsoever even though the world has many millions of Muslims who have never had a terrorist thought in their entire lives.

Because it is directed at terrorist motivated by their religious beliefs, specifically, Islam.

I do find the transparency of the "your an anti-semite" crowd most amusing.

Thats the same way I feel when the anti-Semitic crowd tries to hind behind canards like "not all Jews are Semities" and "only talking about Mossad, not Jews".

There was no attempt to answer the Op's question.

There was a response.

There was nothing in the original post to suggest the Op was anti-jewish.

The title of website in the link.

Just because the information came from a website that claims the Jews did 911 does not mean that the information is neccessarily incorrect, does it?

There is a rebuttable presumption that it is full of crap.

Apparently freedom of speech only applies if it agrees with your world views, otherwise you would stand up for someones right to an opinion about Jews even if you don't agree with it.

You can say anything you want. Freedom of speech however, does not gaurantee that you will not get a response.

Lets just postulate for a moment that the Jews were involved with 911.

No, lets not. It is not a productive exercise.

Now what? Do you change your stance on Jewish people or would you, like the Op suggest it was only the Government of Israel and the Mossad who were involved and not all Jews? Because that would make you a hypocrite for accusing the Op of being anti-jewish when he was just talking about Mossad. See how that works?

Yes, I do see how that works. That is why I responded.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:23 PM
Thankyou Kev and Alfie for actually addressing the Op's question.

Some people are not accomplished researchers and come to this website to garner knowledge from ATS's many experts.
If we all had the same ability to research and the same logic and opinions, this website would not exist.

I come here to learn. Some of you think that people should only post here if they have all the facts and have done hundreds of hours of research or you will redicule them.

ATS's motto is "deny ignorance" I come here with much ignorance hoping that I will be helped to deny it. Attacking people for being ignorant is not what the site is about.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by hooper

Please stop the BS hooper. It won't work on me.
I have no control over what my government does. If they perpetrate a mass crime, am I guilty as well? Of course not. Nice try agent, best go back to your script.

You guys are clearly paid to defend the OS and you do an excellent job of muddying the waters. But what strikes me is the way you all go into massive overdrive whenever Israel or Mossad is brought up. This is very telling and you should try a different tact because you are being painfully obvious

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by OllyP

Please stop the BS hooper. It won't work on me.

Which means, of course, I hit the nail on the head.

I have no control over what my government does. If they perpetrate a mass crime, am I guilty as well? Of course not.

Oh please, the irony is just too much!
And by the way, yes, you will be held responsible for the actions of your government. Its an imperfect system, but it will have to do until we figure out something else.

Nice try agent, best go back to your script.
You guys are clearly paid to defend the OS and you do an excellent job of muddying the waters. But what strikes me is the way you all go into massive overdrive whenever Israel or Mossad is brought up. This is very telling and you should try a different tact because you are being painfully obvious

I'm sorry, I just find it so interesting that there are still people out there who think they can get away with the old "not the Jews - just Israel" crap.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666

This site claims he wasnt just an air traffic controller, can the claims be debunked or confirmed?

It's grade A bull#.

Pete Zalewski was working at Boston ARTCC. EA 990 was in NY ARTCC's area of control when it was crashed. You do the math.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by hooper

The transparency is delightful. I hope everyone takes note of how you dragged the holocaust into this discussion.

Just priceless.

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