Lockheed says,
The main thing here is that Gay marriage should not be a political issue.
When you go to the PUBLIC courthouse to get your licence to marry from the STATE government...this becomes a PUIBLIC affair. Your reccords are public
domain, and you get a tax break....these things alone make this a PUBLIC issue.....If only youd love who you like and keep your sex life out of the
PUBLIC domain where your private affairs belong...you wouldnt be butting heads with the public/majority in this democratic society.
TrueLies says,
In no way do we as a society have the right to deny people of different status rights and liberties.. That's not what America is about.. And it's
not going to affect society..
it's not our right as a society to say whats right and wrong,
Its not eh? lets look at the definiton of SOCIETY
so�ci�e�ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-s-t)
n. pl. so�ci�e�ties
1a) The totality of social relationships among humans.
1b) A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared
institutions, and a common culture.
1c) The institutions and culture of a distinct self-perpetuating group.
2a) An organization or association of persons engaged in a common profession, activity, or interest: a folklore society; a society of bird watchers.
3A) The rich, privileged, and fashionable social class.
3B) The socially dominant members of a community.
4) Companionship; company: enjoys the society of friends and family members.
5) Biology. A colony or community of organisms, usually of the same species: an insect society.
The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright � 2000
Now lets define CULTURE
cul�ture ( P ) Pronunciation Key (klchr) n.
1a) The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.
1b) These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population: Edwardian culture;
Japanese culture; the culture of poverty.
1c) These patterns, traits, and products considered with respect to a particular category, such as a field, subject, or mode of expression: religious
culture in the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.
1d) The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization. 2) Intellectual and artistic
activity and the works produced by it.
3a) Development of the intellect through training or education.
3b) Enlightenment resulting from such training or education.
4) A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.
5) Special training and development: voice culture for singers and actors.
6) The cultivation of soil; tillage.
7) The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
8) Biology.
8a) The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium.
8b) Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria.
The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright � 2000
I have put the relavent definitions into
bold text so that you can get right to the point.
Tell me again why a given CULTURE or SOCIETY does not have the right to self determination...the right to determine what values it holds dear and
perpetuates to new generations to define itself from other social groups?
Are you throwing hundreds of years of the study of sociology out the window for conveniance? It has taken mankind thousands of years to evolve this
way of defining its social structures, and for the sake of a personal want, your willing to subvert this science as well as do away with recognized
ways that different cultures define themselves?
I feel this is the CORE of the gay marriage argument...again in a democratic society...doesnt the majority have the right to make this determination
reguardless of the seeming "right/wrong" implications?
I could throw out the definitions of culture and society to say murder is good and should be adopted...its the same argument your trying to utilize to
justify gay marriage.
I fear for the USA because there isnt enough social identity thats common between our citizens to make them UNITED as STATES, and as a people or a
nation. I feel this will be the downfall of our society and country, a lack of community based off a "all inclusive" mentality that seperates more
than it unifies.
MacMerdin says,
I'm glad you straight people give us support ....but you still don't know the fear, the anguish, the hate that we have gone and are still going
through...... I just am waiting until YOUR rights are being oppressed in the senate....Don't ask me for your support when that happens!!!!!!!!
Hmmm, typical give me give me attitude...."I'm glad you straight people give us support........Don't ask me for your support....."
seeming translation...i want, but im not willing to do anything for you in return.
This is again arrogant, self centered, and unwilling to recognize the cultural values that the majority hold....all for the sake of personal gain.
Infinate states,
Another thread that proves ATS members cannot talk about Homosexuality without homophobic posts Its up to them, let them do what they like, its not
going to effect my everyday life.
Well Infinate, read back to my posts in this thread and tell me where ive bashed gays, or used GOD for justification in any way...Where have iI said
"gay is right/wrong"?...then come back and say that ATS members cant discuss this without homophobia....I have asked legitimate questions which I
feel have been brushed over because they are difficult for the gay community to acknowledge or answer without raising questions about their motive and
execution of this adgenda.
When I see a willingness by the gay community to do more than make a list of demmands, and look deeply at the cultural/legal issues without pandering
to emotionalisms...then i feel more progress will be made on this issue. Where is the respect for the majority cultural values? Im not saying the gay
communitymust agree with the majority, but they must acknowledge that the overall cultural values for our socity exist and that we are not "wrong"
for working to preserve our heritage. It is the gay community that is doing something to the culture, NOT the culture hunting down gays...(not
including incidences by biggots that gay bash...they are individules, Not the culture institutionalizing this bashing)
Marge says,
People have to understand that homosexuals have been in the world from the time humans started walking the earth,
Yeah so what? So has murder, thievery, war, jealousy, hate ect....this does not mean that any society has to condone those behaiviors any more than
they have to condone smoking, gluttony, or gay marriage.
Democratic cultures have determined what behaiviors are accepted in their societies for centuries too....do we do away with democracy and cultural
definitions too?
TrueLies speaks truth,
People these days are so good at causing problems and stirring up strife via being nosey!!
You mean like the gay community? Hmm i dont see the Gov/courts pursuing gays and prying into peoples bedrooms...it seems the other way around, like
the gay community is pursuing ther gov/courts and forcing their bedroom practices onto them. Dont try and tell me Bush pushed the issue, yeah he did,
but not until long after the vocal gay community had forced this issue onto the public table instead of enjoying their private choice to their sexual
TrueLies again,
And when it comes to past issues such as how should black's be treated, how should women be treated when it comes to god given rights,
There is a big difference between forced segregation and sexual preferance issues, and if i were balck or a woman, id be insulted by the insinuations
that the levels of wrong/harm done are even remotely equal.
Sexual preferance is not a right, neither is the CHOICE of marriage.
People have tried to equate gay marriage to a civil right, it is not. The abillity to get married is gaurenteed to no one gay or str8....it is not my
civil right to ever have a bride/spouce....and no one will be obligated to provide me with one. The fact that anyone is/is not married has no bearing
on the rest of their life, one can still have a successful career, live with someone they love, drive a car and do anything else a non married person
can. There is no right to a marriage for anyone. (obviously once married, there is no garuntee of success)
Oppression is forced upon a person, how is marriage being forced on anyone?
The gay rights movement is not being silenced or repressed. It is activly engaging the overall society to make adjustments to its core system. The
society wasnt going around trying to push an adgenda or surpress gay rights....again, where is the oppression?
How is it that the gay rights people blame the society their asking for acceptance from...you get angry when you beat on the door to the house and say
"let us in on our terms", and the door doesnt open for you.
Whos ideals would really be being repressed if a majority of a democratic society was forced to submit their ideals to a vocal minority viewpoint?
Wouldnt that be reverse discrimination?
Wouldnt that violate basic democratic and sociological principals?
Whos violating who?