posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 10:21 PM
To claim this and believe it is blasphemy against the holy spirit. To say Jesus is not real, or to say he is the one who is evil and to truly believe
that in your mind and heart is the unforgivable sin for which God will not forgive. You can pray for forgiveness and it will not be given. No worries
because I'm sure you do not plan to ask for forgiveness. But if you feel even a hint of guilt from reading what I'm saying, simply pause and ask for
forgiveness, confess that Jesus is real and immediately you will be forgiven. If you feel no guilt, then there is no point. He won't forgive you
anyway it's too late. People think God is supposed to be all sweet and nice but he is everything. He gets angry. He is jealous. He does get
frustrated. If you walk out on him he will not stop you. If you disown him, he will disown you. And remember: He also created Lucifer who turned to
evil and became Satan. God is everything. Beginning and end. Alpha and omega. Good and evil. This does not mean God commits evil, it just means that
everything on this earth was created by him even those that become evil.
How is it that people can believe in God yet they do not want to believe that he can come to earth in the flesh?? He can do anything. He can come down
and pull up next to you at a red light and you'd never know. He could be sitting beside you on a plane just because he wanted to be near you that day
for some reason. I think what confuses people is the fact that his first time coming here he decided to come through a woman. He did not have to. He
chose to. He could've descended from the sky, but he decided to grow up here with us. To go to school with other kids, to play with other kids, to
grow into a man that hung out with other adults and laughed and enjoyed himself with us for years.
I will admit. The story of God, and Jesus Christ seems impossible. It's unreal. But I am telling you from the bottom of my heart I know that God is
real. I had dreams as a kid, that I am seeing happen before my eyes 15+ years later. In detail. I know he is real and yet I still have doubts
sometimes. That's a natural response I am just a human. God is something so major that its beyond my comprehension. I am not meant to understand. We
were not created to understand him in that way. But those prophetic dreams are my own personal proof and that's what he does. He drops little hints
around for us.
I mean, how can you explain, a little piece of flesh with thin cartilage, bone, & feathers somehow piercing the sky? Flying anywhere it wants to go?
How can you see that miracle everyday and not believe that there is a god? What is making this bird fly? You think that physics fully explains this?
No, physics and science can only describe the work of God, it doesn't explain it because it is none of our business. God did not intend for us to know
how birds fly through the sky.
You're telling me that this life is for nothing? That some people live horrible lives from start to finish in situations that are beyond their
control, and it's all for nothing? Bull#.
People hate to think that God is real, because then they will be faced with their guilt. They feel it's ridiculous to have to ask a omnipresent being
for forgiveness, what they don't get is he's just as real as you and me. He is sitting right there in the room with you right now. And you were born
with a good friend called the holy spirit, (which society has called your "guilty conscience") and if you listen carefully your holy spirit talks to
you. That seems crazy doesn't it? Schizophrenic? There's no such thing. From the moment you are born, demons are stalking you, and the moment you are
born you are given a holy guide, a spirit, both these demons and the holy spirit influence the decisions you make throughout your life.
Schizophrenia is nothing more than demons taunting a person constantly for whatever reason. Which can only be cured with the help of Jesus, and the
Holy Spirit.
Anyway, Jesus and the devil are not and cannot be one in the same. Jesus was God in the flesh. He removed demons from the bodies of humans. A demon
cannot exorcise another demon, nor would a demon want to. They want to see you suffer.
Satan is not as powerful as Jesus. Movies & television make him seem all powerful but it's a lie. We have given him dominion over the earth. He did
not acquire that power on his own. We relinquished this to him.
Also any magical power he possesses is 2nd hand. He cannot do anything without God's permission. People don't understand that. They think they can
sacrifice someone or an animal and Satan is going to give them a bunch of cool stuff but it doesn't work that way. If God says no, the answer is no.
You can murder 1, 000 babies and nothing will happen.
God allows bad things to happen. Why? Because he gave us free will to do whatever we want. He told us not to eat from the tree of life but he did not
try to stop us when we did it anyway. We were meant to be free to do what we will, and there are consequences for some of the choices we make.
The major consequence is death in exchange for sin. Meaning we all deserve death because we are sinners, and we will never be perfect. This is why we
shed our bodies after a period of time, because that's the consequence of being born a sinner. God could and should destroy someone immediately for
defying him, after all, he made us. But instead he said I want you all to have a chance to live so I will send my son to die in your place. The
ultimate sacrifice. He basically killed himself to one, give us a second chance, and two to prove his existence. If you desire another chance to truly
be a good person, and do your best not to sin, and if you believe that he came to this earth in the flesh, died and rose again, then once you shed
your body, you will await judgement, and if you tried your absolute best to obey God you will have eternal life. He will raise you from the dead, and
you will live forever with no memory of any pain from your first life. He said that your faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed. He did not
expect you to fully believe this. He gets it. He thought of everything. He just wants us to try. He just wants to be acknowledge him. Ask for
forgiveness. Praise him and thank him. That's. It!
Why is this so hard to believe? Because man wrote God's story? Because the magical world only exists in movies?
You watch birds fly, plants growing, you see small children grow into 100+ pound adults, you see animals grow, you see magic every day yet you don't
believe in it?
You are on a computer, or cellphone reading this. The electronic device you are using is nothing more that plastic, metals, and glass, with wires, yet
I can request to speak to you via video & my face, movements & voice can be projected to your phone from millions of miles away. You think that's
mundane? You think humans deserve full credit for this? Thousands of people can watch one football game from TV screens made of glass, wire and
plastic at the same damn time. You think humans deserve full credit for this?
There is something more, just ask him to reveal the truth and he will. It is your choice how you choose to go forward with your life from that point.
You can choose to be who God designed you to be, you can ignore him, or you can follow Satan. Remember Satan sets traps, not God. God allows him to
set them for his holy purpose but he's not decietful or spiteful.