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Mystery as greenish-yellow goo falls from the sky in New York

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posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by anbmom27
Why is everyone so obsessed with the end off the world??

I dont think they are obsessed as much as they are becomming consciously aware... Me personally I feel the beginning is upon but it can be viewd by others as an end to old ways...

Yeah, maybe folks who are new to it all I guess. BUT not everything is interrelated to this whole "end of the world" scenario. Sometimes things are screwed up due to our own actions.. and we just reap the "rewards" of living like we do. No 2012 hysteria involved unless you consider that 2012 may be symbolic for some.. a call to wake the hell up before we pass a point where we cant have a very good outcome to the "end of old ways".
If the fear of the end of the world calls some to be more responsible for their actions.. Im all for the hysteria.

I still say the end of the world was NOT the focus of this thread.. unless someone wants to make it such to make the questioning of the gooage seem silly. I really didnt see any posts on this thread all 2012 hysterical.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Advantage

I think the thought of goo falling from skys did it my friend. People are more sensitive thse days consciously or even subconsciously. So when they read ??? falling from sky it triggered their natural alertness to the abnormal which is linked to the 2012 date people feel is the end for some.

I personally go day by day, if its our time soon to MATURE / RIPEN FULLY / ADVANCE IN DENSITY OR DESCEND IN DENSITY then it must be that time. I got 2 kids and family who I love and can only keep faith that the lord will bless their flesh or souls..

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

That right there is one weird story. I think the idea about the seagulls is a riot; you'd need the seagull equivalent of the 8th airforce, lol. Maybe we need to call Ghostbusters and tell them to come round up old Slimer again.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Advantage

I think the thought of goo falling from skys did it my friend. People are more sensitive thse days consciously or even subconsciously. So when they read ??? falling from sky it triggered their natural alertness to the abnormal which is linked to the 2012 date people feel is the end for some.

I personally go day by day, if its our time soon to MATURE / RIPEN FULLY / ADVANCE IN DENSITY OR DESCEND IN DENSITY then it must be that time. I got 2 kids and family who I love and can only keep faith that the lord will bless their flesh or souls..

Well goo and things falling from the sky is absolutely NO new thing. Google different terms, goo.. slime.. whatever. Its been going on for a while now. Its those who are new to it all that start flipping out IMO.

No one ever said that time makes things better and actually believed it themselves. LOL! Time makes things change, not necessarily for the better.. but not always for the worst. If people need a word for it.. like 2012.. well, maybe that makes it better for them to process. KWIM?? I just feel that by attaching a date to it and then fitting everything into that scheme ( like the goo) it will be a great disappointment when we dont magically evolve, all die, poles flip, goo grows eyes and a mouth.. and communicates its intent on world or sinus domination... etc on that exact date.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Anyone else thinking of the ghost-busters

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Havick007
Anyone else thinking of the ghost-busters

I'm glad that you and at least one other poster mentioned Ghostbusters. I didn't want to be the first one to post anything about ECTOPLASM. The quote, "He slimed me," comes to mind! LOL

But really, with all of the latest news from NASA discovering that ANTIMATTER itself is created over some storm systems... And another article about using electromagnetic power for "dimensional" space travel... Well, connecting the dots of Earth's natural electromagnetic field (in the upper atmosphere) with the creation of positrons (antimatter) above thunderstorm systems... And who knows, perhaps there are weird kinds of *dimensional vortexes* opening up in the sky above strong weather systems.

This might explain such documented (and quite numerous) "weird rains" where fish, frogs, small animals and even jellyfish (!!) fall from the sky. A "perfect storm" kind of intersection between the "perfect" weather system interacting with the "perfect" level of Earth's electromagnetic field might just open up a dimensional vortex connected to: 1) another part of our planet's surface (land, underwater, subterranean) ---sucking organic material from point A to point B (point B being 45,000 feet in the air); 2) another planet (might explain the "walk-in phenomenon" where weird creatures are seen coming out of portals (google "skinwalker ranch utah"); 3) another dimension altogether, where this is really really weird and almost beyond description.

NASA has another article where there are portals that open between our sun and this Earth. Google "NASA sun earth portal" and you'll get the official article. Could the Tunguska blast over Siberia have been a dimensional vortex/portal that opened between the Earth and the sun, --resulting in everything being flattened over a 30 mile area?

Back to ectoplasm... If dimensional portals are opening up on this planet... Then perhaps there is the dimensional "lubricant" that is known as ectoplasm. If that is the case, what kind of Lovecraftian HORROR entered the world in the affected region? I say that lightly, and NO the world is not going to end over all of this.

The use of "World's End Begins..." was just a way to pique peoples' curiosity to join in the discussion of this thread. It was just an attention-getter to invite people to join in the wonderful kinds of CREATIVE DISCUSSIONS that take place on this fantastic site: ATS.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: A powerful series of storms entered the Tampa Bay area tonight. On the way home, as the rain intensified, as traffic came to a sluggish pace... As I listened to an audio book... I saw numerous displays of lightning in the clouded sky. What was different about this lightning was its color. I love lightning storms and sleep like a baby during thunderstorms; I have no fear of them and have seen countless such storms in my life. Tampa is either the lightning capital of the world or in second place. The lightning tonight was PURPLE, the color of Mace Windu's lightsaber in George Lucas' Star Wars sage. I use that example because it is the first and only thing that comes to mind to describe the color of the lightning. I have never seen purple lightning before in my life. I would not be surprised if THAT was the kind of lightning that creates ANTIMATTER. It was beautiful and awe inspiring to see PURPLE LIGHTNING at least once in my life.

ONE MORE THOUGHT: This is JANUARY. We had tornado WARNINGS this evening, meaning that tornados had not only been predicted (ala tornado WATCH), but had been actually SEEN. This is JANUARY. These kinds of storms are usually found in the spring-time, not in the heart of winter.

edit on 26-1-2011 by GhostLancer because: ADDTIONAL THOUGHT

edit on 26-1-2011 by GhostLancer because: ONE MORE THOUGHT

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:03 AM
If this was merely birds eating McDonalds, then it's not news at all since that happens all the time everywhere. I suspect something different is amyss.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

yeah i dont know about ectoplasm, although if all that goo is running down the drains then watch out for a river of slime

Someone call Dan Akroyd!!

Back to the main topic, has the EPA done any tests as yet?? How can slime fall from the sky?

Although i have heard of stranger things, Jellyfish as one example - although that may have been related to hurricane weather sucking sealife up and then dropping it again... That was a couple years ago from memory..

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Why does McDonalds become the fall-guy here? What about Taco Bell or Jack in the Box?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by quantum_flux
Why does McDonalds become the fall-guy here? What about Taco Bell or Jack in the Box?

Probably because the preservatives (and whatever else is used) in McDonald's nuggets keeps them from decomposing for over six months ---and microbes won't even touch them. It's like we're eating EMBALMED nuggets. And, Taco Bell, well, where do we start. With their "beef" at only 35% actual beef content... and the rest is "extenders" and "fillers..." Well, I'd put them in the same league as McDs, except their "beef" probably decomposes.

Still... Birds eating this stuff and releasing massive enough quantities of waste to taint "green goo" everywhere... I don't buy it. I agree with several other posters here, in that if THAT were the explanation, everyone in town would have said, "Oh, that happens all the time. We know it's the effect of fastfood on birds..." But they didn't because this sort of thing doesn't happen all the time, in fact, it's so rare of an occurrence (if not unique) that is was extremely newsworthy.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

I am north of the NY border by about 15 minute but I am about 5 hours from this location. I have never seen anything like this before.

I just checked outside and we have been getting better weather in my region and there are no icicles.

It appears this was a centralized event that was not widespread. I have no idea what could cause this, but I would not think it is a good thing. Who knows maybe it is a common event and a member can help clear it up for us.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:05 PM
Ok, so either Nickelodeon's lab blew up making the next Gak goo or silly puddy....or....dare I say it? should I say it? why the hell not....


posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:33 PM
What's the big deal here.

Simple logic and protocol.

Take sample, take pictures, mark location, video area, put sample in sterile container, send to lab for analysis, wait for results, then publish results.

No sense in crying wolf until you know what something is, if I was the person that found it and wanted to make a huge impression on the public I would gather all the facts and confirm them.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I wonder if this has anything to do with:

Hubble telescope zeroes in on green blob in space,

WASHINGTON – The Hubble Space Telescope got its first peek at a mysterious giant green blob in outer space and found that it's strangely alive.

The blob probably died or exploded in space and fell to earth like the transformers did in their movie. Or, it could be an attack on earth by the blob.

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