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Why do People Believe in Gods??

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posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:00 PM
I mean, for hundreds of years we thought the sun was revolving around earth and the bible was written by God! Our pea-brains can barely win a game of checkers and now we're pretending we've got the only book written by God Himself. Just this country and Europe, and a couple other smaller countries. I know it sounds illogical that we were lucky enough to get the real God while those other parts of the world got the wrong ones, but we're such morons, us humans, that we believe we got the real book from God, and the others... well, the jokes on them.
edit on Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:52:00 -0600 by JacKatMtn because: Mod Edit: All Caps Title – Please Review This Link.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:08 PM
I don't believe god wrote the bible, I do agree with your idea though. I only believe on one god.....the beer god! All others must bow before my beer god, for he is the holiest!

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:08 PM
Maybe I'm confused, but if it is the Bible you are writing of, I'm pretty sure you will find it and all the other major Holy books in print around the world, as country's governments allow.
The Bible was not written by God. The 'good book' is a compilation of writings, and letters. Most Bibles will have what is believed to have been spoken by God in special bold print or colored text.
It is understood the original texts were long lost in history.
Why do people believe in God or religion? Most of them have no choice; they are born into families where beliefs and practices are already in place. They are raised within the premise of that faith, and that often sets lifelong patterns.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Because people try to find a reason for their existence, not all the people, just the people who lack a sense of logic. Caps for teh win.
edit on Wed Jan 26 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by ac3rr

I think that different cultures throughout the world have had to make up God's just to explain the unexplainable.

Since these stories have gone on generation after generation, they become "fact". So much so that the thought of them being wrong is unimaginable.

At least that's the way I see it....

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:19 PM
I find it fascinating that Everything we know and Everything We are is based around a fictional Being...Think about it wars,violence, REALITY, all based around and justified by a fictional being...And we call him god

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:21 PM
I think people have gotten the word "God" confused over the years. All these writings about god, lord, the lord etc etc IMO refer to more than one person, or even a race.
The "one" true creator of all in existence in unnameable.

Peace 2 all

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:24 PM
People believe because they lack skepticism, among other traits, such as critical thinking and reasoning.


posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:29 PM
I think the real reason for believing in god(s) is pure fear.

Fear of the unknown, fear that maybe all this doesn't make any sense, and that maybe there isn't anyone keeping score and watching over us.

Fear that after death maybe you won't see the people you cared about in life.

It's a lot more comforting to hold to blind faith that offers at least some explanation for things rather than to acknowledge that maybe all this is chaotic randomness, because that's the only alternative. Either all this is part of some plan that will ultimately make sense, or it just doesn't mean anything after all.

But I think it can have meaning without being the work of some mystical god figure. If there is a god, we must necessarily be a part of it.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:32 PM
My grandparents were religious. My parents were not. I am not.

My grandparents seemed to be much more at peace than my parents ever were. My grandfather was, hands down, the best human being it has been my honor to know. He was a fair, wise, well adjusted, honest, strong person. His son, my father, was just about the opposite. I imagine myself to be somewhere in the middle...

My point is, why spite others if they find something that can bring them peace and happiness? I personally envy those who can believe. I often wish I could.


posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Everyone out there wants there to be life after death but nothing seems more final than death. Also why would any God stay tucked away in a heaven somewhere? The most striking question of them all about God the father of Jesus is “If God created us why would he create us on earth knowing some would not believe and end up in hell” TRY TO LISTEN PLEASE!!!!We say God could have created us all at Heaven in the first place without Sin and abomination and the mantions,the valleys, the music,the love,the prairies,the Joy, no sin, and we would live for eternity there!I agree with you that would have shown his love completly to us! But!!!!!!!!!!!! let me ask you a question what is the most LOVING, GRACEFUL,UNTHINKABLE,GREATEST FORM OF LOVE KNOWN TO MAN it is the cross nothing in humanity compares to the cross god could have created us in heaven but this God who was here since the beggining what us to come to him only by believing in Jesus first.The bible says one sin will keep you out of his eternal kingdom. Heres my point Jesus was crucified went to hell and took your punishment. When he was on the cross he said “It is Finished” What was finished the unforgivness of sins once you beileve in Jesus and Repent to God He will wash you in the Blood of Jesus John 3:16 says “God so loved the world that he gave hus only Son, so that EVERYONE who believes in him will not perish but gave eternal life”.Then in John 3:18 it says “there is no judgment awaiting those who trust him.But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God.So why do people believe in God, not because they think there is a big daddy in the sky but because for one reason he has shown himself to us His name is Jesus Christ. Dont gamble with your soul we did not come from apes Einstein did not get his knowledge from an apes and he is not just some animal God gave him his knowledge,he also believed in God.Email me back I want to know what you think

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by ac3rr

Why do people believe in gods/God? Because down at the bottom of all the myths and legends from thousands of years age there were actual events that inspired those beliefs. Could there actually be ghosts, spirits, demons or even aliens out there? Did the ancients have interactions with remnants of even older more advanced civilizations? What would stone or even bronze age humans think of 21st century tech.

Now if you look at the Laws of Moses they actually make good sense considering they were written for bronze age humans in the middle east. They were designed to minimize strife and prolong and enhance life back then. Foods that were unhealthy were banned such as shellfish and pork. Homosexuality was banned because of the illness and unhappiness it causes. Essentially religion gave us the law and the knowledge of right and wrong and the law is what regulates modern societies today. Otherwise we would still be in the dark ages.

Religion has given us modern society. Without it we would be savages.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ac3rr
I mean, for hundreds of years we thought the sun was revolving around earth and the bible was written by God! Our pea-brains can barely win a game of checkers and now we're pretending we've got the only book written by God Himself. Just this country and Europe, and a couple other smaller countries. I know it sounds illogical that we were lucky enough to get the real God while those other parts of the world got the wrong ones, but we're such morons, us humans, that we believe we got the real book from God, and the others... well, the jokes on them.

Belief in God[s] give a person[s] hope with which to overcome the entropy of existence. Even atheists believe in God because they support their belief or sustain through the opposition of belief. Atheism would not exist if people who believed in God[s] did not exist first. Atheism is progress which harnesses the energy of religion to propel it. If their was no God[s] there would be no atheism.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 12:58 PM
If you didn't think God exists then people wouldnt be labelled atheists...just people who use common sense and logic.
edit on 25-1-2011 by ac3rr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 08:04 PM
As an earthbound being, I know I am to follow, not lead. It was actually quite humbling to accept that.

There is nothing I know of on this physical earth that I can follow; not a tree, person or animal. There is no object in the physical heavens that I can see to understand enough to follow in a moral sense.

Following principles outside of my own understanding have led me to study many different spiritual beliefs. They all have their positives and negatives.

The only principles that continue to make complete sense to me, even in all of my ignorance, are those I find in Scripture.

If I have to follow, I will follow what I see as Light.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

My grandparents were religious. My parents were not. I am not.

My grandparents seemed to be much more at peace than my parents ever were. My grandfather was, hands down, the best human being it has been my honor to know. He was a fair, wise, well adjusted, honest, strong person. His son, my father, was just about the opposite. I imagine myself to be somewhere in the middle...

My point is, why spite others if they find something that can bring them peace and happiness? I personally envy those who can believe. I often wish I could.


Your grandfather was a good man who didn't condemn non-believers.

Unfortunately, that DOES happen - nonbelievers and believers of other religions are condemned by those that are "holier than thou". I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Religious folks like your grandfather are what I wish ALL religious folks were - kind and moral, and non-intrusive to other people's beliefs.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:14 PM
your post deserves as many variegated responses as there are stars in the nighttime sky.
i believe that we are all made in the image of god, and because of that, it causes us to search and yearn for something greater than who we are. just looking at the birth of a child or a brilliant scene in nature, makes us realize that god does exist. it would be interesting to note here that many scientists are agnostics or even atheists. but most physicists state that they do believe in god.
from a logical standpoint, can the mortal even strive to understand the immortal? and yet we strive and do base our mores and culture upon a belief system of god or deity, because we were made in his image.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by ac3rr

Why do you not believe in God (gods)??

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Did you ever stop to wonder why out of all these gods that are supposed to be true why no one has ever preformed a miracle for all to see so as to save all of mankind from eternal suffering? It's always just some story from ancient times, back when people believed in mermaids and flying dragons.

A little advice: Anytime someone tells you that a man is God, don't believe them. A man isn't God. Even if He existed 2,000 years ago. It's still a guy, no different than Applewhite, Jones, Koresh, Zendik or even Manson for that matter.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by ac3rr

Our pea-brains can barely win a game of checkers and now we're pretending we've got the only book written by God Himself.

This is a good point. A lot of it has to do with ego especially here in the 21st Century now that we understand our origins a bit better. Now that we know we evolved from lesser apes there's a lot of Creationists who like to argue against it because they don't want to face the idea that we evolved from animals and that we ourselves are apes. This is the same ego that drove us to believe that we were the center of the Universe and the center of God's attention. I mean imagine that! This vast Universe splayed before us was made JUST FOR US? What kind of self-centered species comes up with a story like that? This infinite intellect known as God loves a pitiful species such as us? Again ego comes to mind.

As for the question in the title of the OP I think most people believe in god(s) because they were taught to as children. Some do convert later in life of course but usually do to emotional fragility. The old story of "I hit rock bottom and that's when I found Jesus". People want to believe in god(s) primarily because they want a higher purpose and an afterlife. Heck I'd love for there to be an afterlife but as an atheist I'm not holding my breath. For me the desire to believe a claim is a reason to become MORE skeptical of it not less.

edit on 26-1-2011 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

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