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Police fear 'war on cops'

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:53 AM
I get the impression that some of the members are not only suggesting that police deserve to die but that all they do is condemn and imprison innocent people. Laws are not made by the police , they do not have the luxury of picking and choosing what laws they will enforce. (AT LEAST IN NORTH AMERICA) Yea the pot laws suck. Aside from that the laws that they enforce for the most part are necessary. Speeding/impaired driving/ drunks/ vandalism not to mention assaults rapes murders and robbery's. Yes there are bad cops that do terrible things and hurt innocent people but there are bad doctors and bad priests and bad lawyers and bankers and bad parents ect ect ect. Branding all police as garbage because of the ones who are is just plain stupidity.

You dont want police? Who are you going to call when you're being robbed? When you need to call someone to come protect you or someone else? Cause at great risk to their own safety they will show up and assist anyone who needs their help. In some country's the police wont come help you unless you pay them, or if you aren't from a certain area or a certain family your'e on your own. Yes there are holes in the system yes there is abuses and scandals but unfortunately its a necessary evil.

And i know theres a few posters here who have a mantra something along the lines of "the only good pig is a dead pig" So i hope there comes a day where you're trapped in a burning vehicle and that pig on scene just stands back and watches YOU roast.

But it wont, because thats what our men and women in uniform are tasked with doing. Protecting the public, no matter what their beliefs.
edit on 27-1-2011 by Retikx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by lastrebel

I'm not saying it's right, I am saying it's how it is. If you don't believe it's the truth then don't.

Ok which is it, we need to keep all those horrible people in prision or just the ones that cant pay their way out?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by lastrebel

You are making absolutely no sense whatsoever and in all honesty I believe you are just trying to troll. If you have anything of actual value to add to this discussion, please do, otherwise just drop this troll baiting, because I am no longer going to be falling for it.

As far as this subject goes, there are honest cops out there, and when a cop does become bent, they should be removed from the force. Not all cops are corrupt, and those that say that all cops are corrupt are probably corrupt themselves.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by whatukno

You have been most supportive of "individuals" within the force, yes respect where it is due.

However, they are the blunt end of our society, and have to firmly believe in the society they serve. We believe that society is sick, and that while their intentions may be the best, their following of orders is making the problem worse. The cannot be rational about their positions, they either believe in the system, or must resign.

See what i'm saying here? They HAVE to believe what they are doing is good, even when it's not. They have tied themselves to a contradiction that is tearing society apart. Either they "grow up" and break free of the mental bonds, or they succumb, and act as extentions of the bonds. Their choice, but they have to make the choice.

And if they think people are unfair about this, well they, as extentions of an broken system, really should rethink these issues. Society id not functioning very well, and continuing to do the things that contribute to the sickness in society, then as with any organism, th infection must be cleansed.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

You don't cure an infection by killing the patient.

Unless you are a completely inept doctor that has absolutely no business in medicine.

If this is your rationale, then it's a flawed one.
edit on 1/27/2011 by whatukno because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Thats what i'm saying, they are the inept doctors. Their actions are irrelevant to solving the disease, and their ineptitude has only made it worse.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Retikx

Bravo. What gets me is that the good cops get NO recognition. Plus, people don't acknowledge that the budgets are cut, and badly. Where my brother lives, they are so seriously understaffed, that all they can do is file reports, and go back out on call. No follow-up - no one to DO it. This is a BIG city, too. Is it the fault of the cops that they don't have the manpower to pursue the criminals? Some, I am sure, blame the cops for slow response times, when, in all probability, they simply have too many calls to handle.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:17 PM
This is not a situation of quid pro quo. Police are human beings and deserve dignity as much as the people they serve and, unfortunately, the ones they arrest as well.

We had two police shot on Thursday last week down here (down in Miami). They put the memorial service for the two law enforcement officers on Monday and it was put on the local AM station. I listened to quite a bit of it and I was moved by the personal statements of family and colleagues of the two murdered officers.

I was not, however, incredibly pleased with some of the statements of the clergy that spoke at the event. They turned the act of policing into a battle of good versus evil, and as with anything, it is not that simple. The police are not warriors for Jesus Christ. The criminals are not minions of Satan. Simplifying the current situation in the US into a religious parable is not reasonable and ignores major social and economic factors that lead to crime.

Poverty and Oppression cause crime. People do not inherently commit crime. As Paulo Freire, emminent Brazilian Pedagog realized this within the context of the Brazilian military dictatorship of the 60s, 70s and 80s. He saw a link between the oppression and the lashing out of the oppressed.

Unfortunately, as we can see from recent acts of police storming the favelas (slums) around Rio, his message was not heeded.

As far as this nation (the US) is concerned, when unemployment is high; when people have already been living in narcotic havens and slums; when 99 weeks is up and there are no jobs because people are not hiring the unemployed, the older, the uneducated...when all of this happens, why is anyone surprised that the outcome is high crime, high violence, high oppression, high exploitation and a high level of lashing out against the face of the oppressing authority.

This is not a question of Satan's minions attempting to corrupt Jesus Christ's suburbia. Paulo Freire realized that the oppressed will just as easily become the oppressors. Look at the control mechanism of fear and violence in the ghettos and slums of this country. The police will never fix the problem. They can't, it's not within their "tool box." True reform will come from social movements and educational reform. The drug war is not solving the problem. The problem is not the availability of drugs,it is the criminalization of addiction, which is already a symptom of larger social ills.

Let's stop scratching at the surface, shall we? Let's stop using band-aids for gaping social wounds.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Sphota
This is not a situation of quid pro quo. Police are human beings and deserve dignity as much as the people they serve and, unfortunately, the ones they arrest as well.

We had two police shot on Thursday last week down here (down in Miami). They put the memorial service for the two law enforcement officers on Monday and it was put on the local AM station. I listened to quite a bit of it and I was moved by the personal statements of family and colleagues of the two murdered officers.

I was not, however, incredibly pleased with some of the statements of the clergy that spoke at the event. They turned the act of policing into a battle of good versus evil, and as with anything, it is not that simple. The police are not warriors for Jesus Christ. The criminals are not minions of Satan. Simplifying the current situation in the US into a religious parable is not reasonable and ignores major social and economic factors that lead to crime.

Poverty and Oppression cause crime. People do not inherently commit crime. As Paulo Freire, emminent Brazilian Pedagog realized this within the context of the Brazilian military dictatorship of the 60s, 70s and 80s. He saw a link between the oppression and the lashing out of the oppressed.

Unfortunately, as we can see from recent acts of police storming the favelas (slums) around Rio, his message was not heeded.

As far as this nation (the US) is concerned, when unemployment is high; when people have already been living in narcotic havens and slums; when 99 weeks is up and there are no jobs because people are not hiring the unemployed, the older, the uneducated...when all of this happens, why is anyone surprised that the outcome is high crime, high violence, high oppression, high exploitation and a high level of lashing out against the face of the oppressing authority.

This is not a question of Satan's minions attempting to corrupt Jesus Christ's suburbia. Paulo Freire realized that the oppressed will just as easily become the oppressors. Look at the control mechanism of fear and violence in the ghettos and slums of this country. The police will never fix the problem. They can't, it's not within their "tool box." True reform will come from social movements and educational reform. The drug war is not solving the problem. The problem is not the availability of drugs,it is the criminalization of addiction, which is already a symptom of larger social ills.

Let's stop scratching at the surface, shall we? Let's stop using band-aids for gaping social wounds.

Well put.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:55 PM
Cops cannot defeat crime. Attempt to interfere with robberies, rapes, gang killings will get the criminals attention and start targeting cops.

Two men taking on an entire police force. That shows how they are not afraid of cops anymore.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:02 PM
I think they have a legitimiate concern here. however by the same token, this has been building for a looong time and it's only been caused by THEIR abuses of power. they expect it because they see it BEGINNING (and i stress BEGINNING) to come to a head. IMO if they don't seriously shape up they ain't seen nothin' yet.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:08 PM
as long as law enforcement stands in the way of freedom, they will continue to get gunned down. if the law wanted to get on the right side of the people, they would join arms and take down all our oppressors starting at the top and working their way down through the ranks of Washington, the military, wall street,the media and so on. if they cannot be the solution, then they are definitely the problem, and a continuing threat to freedom, because of their corruption and alignment with our enemies......and we all know who they are

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:25 PM
Cops as a group sort of ask for this. The system is set up so that the cop's word is always taken over yours. And they're allowed to investigate themselves (conflict of interest) and it's nearly impossible to bring a criminal suit against them because the prosecutor is dependent on other cops' cooperation to operate (another conflict of interest), plus the cop unions bribing local politicians.

On top of which, you've got the "thin blue line" or "blue omerta" thing where they'll lie each other up in court anyway.

Not all of them avail themselves of this. But a lot of them do, eventually, some more than others.

When you get people feeling as if they're helpless against them, and some of them are paranoid and maybe not screwed together real well, you get things like this.

If cops were strictly held accountable for their actions in a system where they had no special advantage and were as likely to be prosecuted and convicted for wrongdoings as any other citizen, then you'd see people trust police more. As it is, they don't, because the system is broken.

Disband local "internal affairs", create a federal bureau to do that job and for policing LEOs under DOJ, prosecute all cop offenses under federal law so that local politicos don't get a chance to intervene, incentivize convictions, rotate staff so you don't get fraternization, and you'd see this stop, cops would be more honest, the really bad ones would leave and peace and harmony would prevail on earth, unicorns would reappear, and the sky would always be blue. Oh, and you need a federal law superseding local law that makes it ALWAYS ok to record cops and politicians, add in a 20 year non-immune sentence for cops trying to confiscate, destroy or plant evidence. Also add in a really punitive sentence minimum for cop perjury to knock down testilying. Pass a two hat law forbidding claims of "off duty policeman" when they're working another job and provoke a conflict.

That ought to do it.

Not that any of it will ever happen.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 04:50 PM
When Martial law is declared every cop will have to be taken out; if they don't side with the people.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 05:22 PM
I have friends and family who are police officers. My wife watches the child of a police officer. I even took Law Enforcement in college.

That being said, I do not trust police in general what so ever. From day one they are trained that we are the enemy (I remember from college). During training they are shown the power they have over people, and how to scare people into submission.

No where in my classes were we ever taught about serving and protecting people, just how everyone is the bad guy.

So is there a war on cops?


But the war was started by the government, schools, and police forces themselves.

They see themselves as soldiers where it's their job only to protect those that pay them, and each other.

There are good cops out there, but because the bad out weigh the good, the good ones choose not to speak up in fear of their lives.

They started this and they are winning. .

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Beyond Creation
Imagine a world without gun powder.

. Imagine a world without douchebags. Yah know they are the freakin problem, who do ya think...invented gun powder? ....You got it, a freaking DOUCHEBAG!!!!!ii PEACE!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Police fear 'war on cops'

You're damn righ they're afraid
As well they should be.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:45 PM
because some of them have been begging for this for a while.

i hope it stops though. it's hard to tell a good cop from a bad cop because they love the same uniform.

the protests should continue, yet if they keep shooting cops and the shtf, you know what is going to happen, right?

it's open season on anyone walking the street. not good, not good.

that plays right into the hands of tptb- police state.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Retikx

i agree with some of what you said but then you just had to go here ...

You dont want police?
we could certainly live without'em.

Who are you going to call when you're being robbed?
why would i call anyone? i'm busy dealing with a robber

When you need to call someone to come protect you or someone else?
ppl don't call cops for protection, they call them to report crime.

Cause at great risk to their own safety
that's why they are paid so well - risk vs reward (basic logic there)

they will show up and assist anyone who needs their help.
not anywhere on this planet, including the USA.
once in a blue moon, they arrive (or are already on scene) in time to assist with a rescue, IF there isn't someone else nearby that they can command to do so.

apparently, their (cops) perceptions are getting worse by the minute.
not only is this war on cops an invalid perception, but for the past 3yrs, most (as in >50%) of officer deaths involve car crashes, not guns, not criminals and not freedom loving Americans.
2011 2010
Total Fatalities 177 153
Firearms-related 71 59
Traffic-related 64 71
Other Causes 42 23

IF they choose to perceive everyone is a bad guy, fine, that image goes both ways.
as for 2012, the numbers are decreasing, what's the big concern ??

even at 177 total for 2011, that's still less than 1/4 of 1% of the active LEOs in one state.
the 400+ citizens their non-lethal tazer activities have killed far surpass the total loss numbers LEOs have endured in 2+yrs ... by now, maybe they should be concerned but presently, it's just a figment of their imaginations.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
Oh poor cops.

I'll feel bad about a war on cops, when they stop punching women, tazing helpless people, and shooting pot smokers.

Th police definitley have it coming to them. Pretty much everyone I know agrees that cops are stepping way over their boundaries in this society.
edit on 24-1-2011 by theendisnear69 because: grammar

The thing is with cops is that you don't hear about the good ones, only the douche cops who love tasering, beating, abusing their powers and not protecting and serving. A lot of cops are good people, I would say the large majority of them are just regular people. Isn't quite fair to assume they are all pigs and be glad about them dying.

I don't wanna sound like a hippy here, but being glad about anyone dying just shows that damage has been done to the way you think. The violence that some cops do to people is a big problem, but being glad or callous about it happening to cops is no solution at all. All violence does is escalate a situation. And in this case will just result in cops being more paranoid and trigger happy when dealing with regular folks, and so more injustices will happen to us.

We need a legal and proper route for changing the way cops deal with people so they are more accountable and better at their jobs and violence is prevented. If you advocate violence on cops or applaud it, you are just being played by the elements of government or agencies who would like cops to have more powers over us and to interpret law as they would like and basically make stuff up. Violence against cops is used as a reason to implement a more militarized and unaccountable police state.

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