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Strange explosion in sky?

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posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Hi ATS, i was wondering if anyone can help me.
A little over two years ago in New Zealand my mum and myself arrived home one day and upon getting out of our car I happened to look up in the sky and I saw a strange explosion out in the distance. From my view it would've been about the same size as holding a small marble in your fingers and it was pretty much impossible to judge a distance. It had a loud sonic boom that even my mum heard (she was still getting out of the car so she didn't see it). It only lasted for all of 1-2 seconds and at first I thought it might have been a power line or a plane or something, but upon further investigation I found no info whatsoever. No newspaper articles or anything, and the newspapers where we live always mention when things like power cuts or stuff like that happen. The only reason I thought it could've been a power line is because from where we live looking in the direction i was, you can see a line of power lines, but when I think about it now, the explosion was very uncharacteristic of a power line exploding.
What does a star look like exploding? Would you be able to hear a sonic boom from an exploding star?
Very strange and it's been puzzling me since. I'm hoping someone has some information on this sort of thing so i can put this mystery to rest.

Peace 2 all

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Hazz-14

I'm not sure what you experienced, But I know for a fact that when a transformer on the power lines blows, It will flash and make a rather big boom. It could have been a small animal that caused the transformer explosion. Very often where I live, squirrels or raccoons will cause them to blow.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by DisturbedToo
Thanks for the reply. The explosion I witnessed looked to be a perfect circle. All power line explosions i've ever seen, are flashy, sparky and explode in random patterns. If anyone has any footage of any clean perfect circle explosions, please share.

Peace 2 all

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Hazz-14

Dear Hazz-14

I can say for sure this was not an exploding star.

If you heard it then it was in our atmosphere.

Very interesting.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Hazz-14

I originally migrated from Sydney, Australia and, during the year 2000 Olympics (we lived in South Granville, about 20 kilometers away) my family observed a LARGE rocket taking off from near the stadium at about 7:00pm during the first day/night (Actual point of launch I estimate to be somewhere between the stadium & our place).

It had a significant flame out the back & it appeared multi-stage (as an amateur rocket enthusiast with experience of several launches, I think I know what I am talking about, this was no home-made model rocket!)

Everything shook and it was a magnificent sight. I thought it may have been part of the Olympic ceremonies but there was no mention of it on the news and no-one else seemed to have noticed it. I couldn't believe that something like that could be going off & no-one saw, it defies logic, but it happened.

So I believe you that you saw it but can't help you much.

I guess that if you heard a boom, it was in the atmosphere. Stars don't do that when they nova (& at the speed of sound, the boom would arrive millions of years after the flash if it could).

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Hazz-14[/url]

I hope this link works...still somewhat new at this.

This is a transformer blowing up at night from a good distance away.
edit on 24-1-2011 by DisturbedToo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

Dear chr0naut

Not a star because sound doesn’t travel in space.

No matter about the speed.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by DisturbedToo
Wow thanks for the pic man.
I didn't realise these explosions could be so beautiful.
I just found another nice one too: Power flash

Nice, I think i can safely tuck this one away. But who knows man, we live in a very interesting place during a very interesting time.
Thanks for the help guys and if anyone else has any other info, feel free to contribute.

Peace 2 all

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by chr0naut

Nice! A couple of real puzzles in one thread.

In the first account, it wasn't mention how high in the sky the explosion was. Since she?() thought it was possible a "power line," I assume it was more or less down at tree level. I used to think it was an exploding transformer also--and it could be--but I've learned that the explosion is usually a foot-long fuse that is attached to the transformer. This protects the transformer and is replaced from the ground by a service man using a long pole. Last year I happened to witness a fuse to fail in my neighborhood. A pine limb fell. It was nighttime and was about three hundred yards from me. There was a flash and a half second later or so a "boom." No smoke or flame is involved in these fuses blowing out, just a flash. They are enclosed in a glass tube.

Since you saw an explosion, just a flash I presume, you mentioned nothing about smoke, and a second or two later heard the noise, I assume it was a transformer or fuse from an electric line not too far from your location. Here, a transformer usually serves one or a few houses, so that would not have attracted much attention from the media.

As for a mult-stage rocket from a stadium during the olympics, that is very interesting! I can't explain that at all!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Thanks for the reply my friend, and yes I forgot to mention how high in the sky the explosion/flash was.
From where i was standing we were sort of at the bottom of a hill looking up, with the power line on top of the hill. So it looked like it was up in the sky, and to top it off, you can't see the power lines during the day cause there to faint in the distance, so you could just imagine, it was quite a sight to behold (for me anyways).
When I first saw it, I honestly thought it was a portal or something.

But what you've explained, sounds like it is right on the money Aliensun.

edit on 25/1/2011 by Hazz-14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Not actually from the stadium, from somewhere between me and the stadium.

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