posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 05:01 PM
I'm a new member to this board but I have been reading it for the last few years now... I recently became deeply interested with alot of the stuff
being discussed here (especially psionics) and deceided to sign up. Before I countinue with my post I just want everyone to know that I'm not the
greatest writer to grace this fine board lol.
Anyways, I have always been interested in the so called "unnatural" abilites of the human mind and body. I, for one, have always felt that I have
untouched powers within me - that could just be from watching to many movies, playing to many games or being on here for far to long... Who really
knows? Ok, anyways so being that I have an intrest with all that blah, blah I've recently started looking into the field of Psionics (Telekinesis,
Pyrokinesis, RV, Telepathy etc. etc.). It all has a legitatmet reseaoning imho. There are so many things that we dont really know about in the
universe and so many things science can not proove (or totally denies the exsistance of). So why couldent psionics exsist? Its very plausable seeing
as most of the theories behind it just invovle controlling energy and being able to manipulate it (it also requires a better understanding of ones
self but I'll leave that to the people who are more into RV, telepathy and the such since that invovles more with the human mind then energy). I
mean, energy is all around us and we already have ways to manipulate it for things - so why can our mind not do the same? After all, our mind is
really just one big power plant (Thats the way I look at it). The only thing holding alot of people back from possibly believing in it is God. That is
wh I do not believe in God (I used to, but not anymore... Rather not go into it
). The way I see it is that if we were created by some god then why
would he/she ever fathom giving us such immense powers? I know he gave us (this is if he even exist) the ability to differ between right and wrong but
as far as something as powerful as psionics just goes beyond my intellect. Now if we were to go to the reverse side (as I believe) then everything is
a possiblity including psionics... If we were created from something else such as evolution or just "appearing" then we have no defined limit to
what we can achieve. We would only be limited to what the powers of what lies in the universe and our minds (which as most of you ATS'rs know - those
two things are probally two of the most powerful and unknown fields in existance).
So what do you guys all think about it? Is it a possiblity or is totally out of reason?
BTW, good site to check out (altought it is a pretty fringe website):