posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 03:51 PM
We've all had the unfortunate "luck" of being graced by the droppings off a bird. Its unpleasant to recall; but we all can recognize it. On
windshields and windows, park benches and such, we see it everyday - THAT is not bird "goo". For one, the shear size of the landings would mean the
birds would have been the size of a dog or held wings and went all in unison to land in the same area. And not sure how many of you live in the
PA/NJ/DE/NY area, but birds get into McDonald's trash cuisine almost more often than we do. It'd be widespread and easily explained by the
"officials" who ruled out aircraft. I'm just getting more and more confused as the days go on. And I do believe thats "their" main goal here.
Mission accomplished. I give up.