posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 01:21 AM
By eyes i do mean my pupils and iris
hey everyone, I have got a tricky question... Let's say someone's pupils and iris were glowing green in complete darkness and it lasted about 3m...the
part of my eyes that was glowing were my pupils.. What can you all say about that?
There were no light around for pupils and iris's to reflect, and I have asked every doc I can and they say its impossible, my ex was with me when this
happened and she started freaking out
Ive searched online but haven't found anything about anyone ever having green glowing pupils and iris's... My eye colors are brown, I'm 21 and stuff
like this have been happening my whole life from hearing things to seeing things, to knowing things as well as causing things and doing things that
aren't possible... But I am glad I can/was able to do them. Just looking to find out how and why and maybe how I can repeat some of them.
What's also relevant about my eyes is that there are times when I'm in complete darkness, literally and then ill start seeing coloured pixels that
will define shapes and objects even though there isn't a spec of light, itll look like there are giant pixels that take the shape of everything around
me. Also back in high school, there were these machines I science class that sends electrical current through a glass tube that contained a gas and
this would make the gas glow a certain color like purple, and the color would actually be composed of more than one color and you'd need a special
machine to see these colors... I would be able to see all the colors without using the machine...example, purple was composed of reb,blue, a tad of
green and orange... I had told the teacher the colors b4 I even used the machine but I don't think she ever believed me, but that was over 3 years
Now I know you want to know what other things I'm talking about but all in due time, right now I just want to figure out my eyes.
Any help on figuring this out would be greatly appreciated Ill give more info if required, as well as a lot more um unexplainable stuff
edit on 21-1-2011 by Elvis7 because: added info
edit on 21-1-2011 by Elvis7 because: (no reason given)
edit on
21-1-2011 by Elvis7 because: additional info