reply to post by smithjustinb
There is a problem to what you just said, it has to do with those surviving. Getting rid of a cancer? Do you mean the poor? Do you not think deeply
and do the math? Out of 7 billion people, close enough, the majority, are very poor, and have been disenfranchised from their land and resources.
For example, Madagascar, where there is overlogging and ruined strips of what was once fertile land, millions are living in abject poverty, the land
owners now, serve international corporations and run fancy resorts/spas for the rich and they grow vanilla beans for export on the smaller amount of
suitable land.
Hialiens who has some very very good pdfs, and is working and documentary/video, I will add links to his work, his solutions by the way are
generators, I would include the very basic science of electro magnetic, based off studying earth rotation and the magnetic poles, of course the anti
gravity is just reverse magnetics for flight, and then stabilizing with waves. I've been told the leaders keep this from us for fear of some crack
pot using scalar weapons against cities and countries. But the governments/para military complex's have been doing this already. They're already
crackpots. So what we need to do, is get high counsels citizens watching everything and the second type of energy needs to be in competent hands, but
benefit the world freely, the first. Thats just PURE GREED, keeping it from people, everyone should have their generators and all the energy they
need. They can bring the deserts back and feed the world. Seed/sprouting kits. Venus Project, Eco Farms, Free Cities, Moneyless.
There is no reason for the starvation. Now, this world is the physical manifestation or our consciousness! Comprehend that one?
Earth changes, the Sun, the cosmos, pole shifts, all of this, can be lions or lambs, having much to do with collective consciousness, karma if you
Higher Ups, and observe50 has shared threads, where I couldn't sit down, was very upset, my memory was stirred, I recall some of the same experiences,
all my life, from childhood as well. My son and I have shared sitings, together. Higher Ups are watching this playground and note the bullies, the
bloodlines who are hurting humanity, the children. This is a school. All things are in opposition, here and we're constantly choosing between Love
for everyone, and yearning for absolute equality, or falling for all the traps here.
We're either growing our consciousness unto infinity, for we're infinte and there is no time, so our Infinite Potential and Family/Higher Self, exists
all at once, and we all have Infinite Progression, in the long run where there is no "long", "short", or any measurement possible in Infinity, for you
can't measure it.
Or we shrink our consciousness unto infinity and become the "dark side" for a time where there is no time utnil we make that proverbial U-Turn and
gain a heart, our love, our compassion, our equality, (note everyone here is family so the fact the every other second a small child is dying of
poverty, should really really matter to each and every one of us,
and we should be getting off our butts and doing something about it. Because we
give countless aid every year and yet nothing changes. Why???? IS someone blocking redistribution and equalizing. Oh Gee Who Would that Pyramid
Loving Cartel be? We need to wake up and get rid of them!!!
Safety, and seeing safety, drawing it in, or very fast SHFTS have to do with LOVE LOVE LOVE. Hitting that Love Channel, ie. compassion for the poor,
service to others, and seeking to help as much as possible is what is called LOVE. Patience, service, compassion, if someone asks for a mile, go an
extra mile with them, give all you have. Everything we have should belong to everyone equally, for that is how the Higher Ups are, we share and share
alike. Don't put your treasures in earthly things, or traps, store them in Heaven or the Beyond, and share everything here, for this all illusion, a
thoughtscape, testing grounds, and the tests are LOVE.
ARK, some posted, it means ACTS of RANDOM KINDNESS! Thats where our safety and progression lies.
But solving the problem by being greedy, not lifting a finger, and waiting for their demise, will be drawing the wrong frequency events to us, because
the tests are unconditional love and equality here on earth, and no teacher or Higher Up, gives their middle school students, kindergarden level
tests, law of consequence plays a role, there are no coincidences.
edit on 25-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)