posted on Sep, 18 2018 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to:
It's a late reply- I'm new here!
I have had these feelings.I once felt I had died in another existence when I was a young child playing on a buiding site, but I had a strange
experience fairly recently. Briefly, I had a lucky escape in a car accident and the immediate events were quite surreal.
My life started to change a short time later with a marriage break up and then I took a big risk and left my job and went to live in South Germany. I
had a series of misfortunes there, and one night after working in a restaurant kitchen I missed the last train to my home 25 km away.
After walking for some time, my vision in the night appeared strange, as though in black and white and I got a very creepy feeling that I had died,
perhaps in the road accident and I had gone to a kind of hell of my own making.
When I eventually got back to my flat, I decided to read a new book and I chose one from the selection I had brought with me. It was one my wife had
bought me, "What Dreams May Come" by Richard Matheson. I had no idea what this book was about, but the story starts with a man who has died, but does
not realise it, and is in another realm, just like I had been thinking.
The book had quite a big impact on the way I was to see things from then on, particularly as it has a large reference to all the books the author had
read about after-life.
Since then, periods of strange synchronised events have guided my life in a big way, especially recently -
It's been an interesting few years. Your message struck a strong note with me.