posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 08:55 AM
According to some scientist the star Betelgeuse is going to supernova and become another star in our sky, turning night into day. From this article is
says that we may see this even happen before 2012 or in 2012. After reading this article and did a little digging around on the internet I have come
up with a theory I think is pretty interesting.
2012 on the Mayan calender either means destruction or a change for our world. If the event is for the better of our world perhaps this supernova is
part of the prediction. In the article "Dr Cater" says that Neutrinos are important to earth as it would provide our world with elements needed for
survival and continuity. I did some research into this and apparently supernovas create heavy elements such and gold and palladium it could also in
rare cases create new elements.
I am not much of a science major so most of the finer points of this process is lost to me but from what I understand is that there are a few
different processes to how these elements are produced but the one I want to look at is S-process which Is the slow capture of neutrinos to form
This brings me to the next part according to nasa our ancestors
may have witnessed supernovas in our area of space, back in those days supernovas where a common occurrence. Now looking at the S-process for creating
elements could it be possible that over the years these supernovas happened throughout the history of human evolution that these neutrinos slowly
helped us to evolve into what we are today? Neutrinos may pass through us and be harmless but does that mean they do not change us? With a supernova
as close to us as Betelgeuse could the Mayan calender have predicted the next evolution in human history? from what I have read neutrinos are created
by background radiation and even from our earth? Perhaps only neutrinos from supernovas are effective for evolution. Not saying we are going to
physically change and become beings of energy but perhaps our off spring will have more intelligence, use more our their brain power and even be wiser
on how to create our world.
Would like to hear from the brainiacs in the ATS community or those that know the science of the stars an other phenomenon.