Understanding that not everyone can afford bomb shelters or have access to caves, we will discuss various ways to conceal and protect ourselves for
any emergency or situation that requires us to HIDE.
Over the years friends and myself have studied and implemented many various ways of developing fast and efficient survival hides/bomb shelters plus
secret entrance designs. and i will share some of our novel proven ideas and techniques you can easily do and modify, and please feel free to share
any of your thoughts or solutions as well, because you can never have too much good information
Disclaimer: Understand that friends and myself have acreage and all prototypes and concepts were worked out with these luxuries
#1.MiniVan Hide. you can use any year, make or model, running or disabled, the choice is yours. minivans are cheap throw away vehicles and you can get
them for free or for a few hundred dollars if you know where?
drag or drive your minivan into a ravine or a landscape that lowers the minivans signature. if you have lots of time and some fancy equipment, like a
backhoe? you can nicely dig a perfect grade for the van to rest. if not? you can either hand dig a level grade, or use dirt, rocks, brush, logs or any
material that will level your minivan. for our purposes we used hydraulic bottle jacks and jack stands, which comes in real handy if you have them.
once you've got your van set level and as low to a horizontal signature as allowed. you want to completely cover the van to create the hide. first
with heavy mil plastic, black preferably. to help seal out any unwanted moisture, because there is nothing worse than a wet survival hide...lol and
again if you have better materials by all means use them if you have them.
for our purposes we used sandbags and filled them with dirt and rocks and pretty much anything we could fill them with as we stacked them around and
up along side the van until we were at roof level. very time consuming but was very strong and bullet proof. remember to leave one of the doors
accessible, doesn't matter which one as long as you have a way in. we actually cut a doorway in the roof and concealed the entire van, back filled the
landscape so it blended in naturally. but you can use any material like trees, logs,boulders, trash dump which is the perfect cover if you have
the reason for the minivan is. it has more room than a car but its not so big that it cant be easily covered.
another great one is a sleeper cab from a tractor trailer / semi. the old aluminum ones were fairly small and you had a nice side door you could
easily hide and secure..same scenario but even smaller. if you want to go even smaller?, you can use a plastic highway culvert pipe and follow the
same steps.
Secret Entrances.
there are many great ways to conceal doorways, but the best I've came up with were burnt warped rusted rotten barn sheet metal along with garbage and
tree debris. you want to make your hide resemble a rotten old trash dump or bulldozer pile. if you have more time you can plant grasses and ivy's or
anything that will blend it with nature , but for our purposes we buried the van on the back ravine of the dump then pushed the dump over it and
covered the entrance with old barn tin and used metal screws to secure some of it to the roof entrance. its best to use old rusty screws to blend the
materials. if you have a minivan with a sunroof you really have it made...lol
here is just a beginning of a few ideas, but please feel free to criticize or optimist my ideas, but share. cuz i don't know
edit on 18-1-2011 by anumohi because: add