posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:23 PM
i saw F-911 last week and i wasn't impressed with it. i am extremely anti-bush, and would probably agree with most of moore's points of view. but,
this documentary.. well, where was the research? all moore seems to have done is collate already-known material that was already in the public domain
in one source (and of course interview people).
i learned not one new thing from this documentary. this is in contrast to, say, Panorama or Equinox, or even anything on the history channel, where
usually a documentary teaches me something. i had hoped to see some research on moore's part, something groundbreaking... but all it was was a
wrap-up, a summary.
i guess he gets some credit for attempting to popularize the issues, but lets face it... most of the people who support bush aren't going to change
their minds after seeing this movie.
so.. i guess my point is i agree with what moore's done, and most of what he's said, but don't go thinking he's daniel ellsberg when all he's
revealed to us is his effective use of search engines.
-koji K.