reply to post by itsawild1
To everybody else, I apologize, this post is specifically intended for itsawild1, I am not looking to get into any discussions or anything of the sort
on this specific point, this is not the place for it, there is a whole forum for that. I simply wanted to put a point across to itsawild1, in the
same thread as he/she posted their inciting post. I do believe it was to incite, because of his/her choice of words, and the way he/she said it. I
think it's only fair I do it here as well. I feel I have said what I wanted to say, and will no longer be elaborating on it in any further posts.
itsawild1, I'm sorry, but seeing as you are getting personal, I'm taking it upon myself to get personal as well. I'm going to tell you a very
personal little story, here for everybody to see, and maybe you will understand why analyzing this is so important.
In 1999 everybody thought the world was going to end on the night of Dec 31 1999, people were talking just like now, some people were panicking,
others were doing what you are doing now. Some people were so scared that they killed themselves. My brother was one of them.
Dec 31st, as we all can see, was not the end of the world, I lost my brother for nothing. Now people like you, are doing the same thing and you are
telling other people to do it too.
Now understand me very clear here, I too believe in God, I too believe that the end is coming, BUT Jesus was very specific about when that is, He said
that a sign will appear in the sky, and everybody will know, and understand. It will be His sign. We don't know exactly what that sign is, but I do
believe that when it appears, we will all know and understand it for what it is, there will be no confusion.
Until the day I see that sign, I will analyze what's causing the deaths, here is why. We can not now just assume that what you are saying is now,
what if this was something that we could stop, that we are supposed to stop, what if this is a test? We were given the job of taking care of nature,
we have not been doing that. I say we, because it's all of us, and includes you, simply by knowing what they were doing to the earth and nature, and
out of our greed for comfort and riches didn't lift a finger to stop them, it makes every one of us guilty. Washing your hands now of innocence, not
taking responsibility, and claiming what's the point, it's the end, is doing absolutely nothing to make you look better in anybody's eyes. We have
to, until the day that the end is happening, until our very last breath, continue to do what we can for nature, as it's our God-given job. Just
because the signs are there, doesn't mean that now we must stop. No where does it say, when you start seeing the signs you can stop doing your job.
And that is exactly what you are insinuating we do. Have you seen the sign of Christ's return in the sky? Did everybody else, and do they know and
understand it to be what it is? No, well until then, my brother/sister, you do not stop doing your job. And even then, you do not stop doing your
job, the only time you stop, is when you are physically/spiritually being removed from your job, that you can no longer do it.
If we now all just say, well now, it's the end of the world, let's just sit back and watch it unfold, when we have not seen the promised sign Jesus
is to send in the sky. Well, now aren't we doing exactly what my brother did? Yes the bible does clearly state that in the end everything will
crumble, this is true, but what ever gave you the idea that this is as bad as it's gonna get? For all you know, this is just the beginning and the
end is still a century away, and things will really get bad. The way I understood it, the end, will be a lot worse than this. Now you want to stop,
because the signs are there, in what could very be a century, a decade, a millennium, away, you want us to stop now.
I specifically didn't bring God into this, because I really believe, especially here on ATS riddled with highly intelligent people, everybody knows
enough about God and the bible, to be able to take responsibility for their own decisions and choices. Do you really think, that coming in here and
telling these people that you are laughing at them for choosing to continue caring for nature amongst all the troubles, is actually bringing more
people to God? Laughing and pointing fingers, yeah, that's very Christian like
All you have managed to achieve is to upset people, or try and
scare them. Last time I checked, true faith in God doesn't do things like that. Jesus told us to let our lights shine, not sit and laugh at people
for caring about something that was in any event a job that God gave us. Do you understand let your light shine? It means lead by example, so that
people can see by your actions what is in your heart, you shouldn't need to sit and preach. All you are achieving is turning people away from God,
and reaffirming the atheistic belief that we are bad people.