posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:58 PM
I am far from an economist, but there have been figures presented that i have had a hard time reconciling with my own observations, however local they
may be....
I believe that this manipulation has been taking place as a matter of course for a long time.
It is beginning to look to me like every darn goverment managment person, just cooks the books as best they can to make things look acceptable, even
whether they are or not.
The practice of creative accounting is likely widespread in our system of goverment, as the bosses change every four or so years, and the mid upper
management just blithely goes on running things...many for inordinate lengths of time.(think Hoover, etc.also deputy ministers as in Canada....)
The longer a beureaucrat is in office, the higher the likelihood of there being irregularities and creative accounting practices, as well as some
very, shall we say quiant practices of doing business.
This is just my own rule of thumb, and it seems to work.
In light of the Mortgage scandals, the rip off of vetrans families by insurance companies, and other blatant criminal acts.All committed by the
management and policies of large corporations.
Not to mention the federal Reserve which is a private banking scam, i think it would have been very hard indeed to pull off much of this shady
thievery if there were far more transparency required of the corporations and goverment in informing the public.
Much of this crap is done in relative obscurity, and there is little investgating individuals can do when confronted with a wall of silence.
Like an FBI of industry, we need a police force which would deal with the corporate structures, and keep them both honest..
We need, not a Homeland Security Office, But a Constitutional Enforcement Office.
We need some way to force the goverment to bring back honesty and transparency ..