posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 12:49 PM
Alright, the locked in a room for 3 hours idea is good. But one would have to help Bush. "Which end do I write with? What's a sentence? What's
a paragraph? What's this "English" you speak of?" And Kerry would need some help to. "Ok, I want a speech with emotions in it. I need a
dictionary to look up what this emotion is" And Nader? "Man, 3 hours? I could do alot of, uh, writing, thats right writing, not what I was
thinking of doing in a room for 3 hours, but ok, I'll right, maybe."
I still like my Gladiator Idea, it is so American! Or maybe a football game! Republicans vs Democrats. Bush is the QuarterBack, Cheney is the
coach, Rice is the cheerleader, John McCain is a WR, have Powell be a Line Backer, so forth while for the Dems you Got Kerry as a QB, Edwards as a WR,
Mr. Clinton as a cheerleader, Bill Clinton as the coach(get the joke?) and have Al Gore be a commentator! "And they throw the ball. Running. Oh
no, he was tackeled. Fumble."(All in a robotic emotionless voice) Who ever wins goes on to play Nader at the Political Bowl and winner takes
But hey, the elections could be rigged, and if anyones asks about it, Bush can just do what his daddy did with the Franklin Scandal, media blackout,
if you still gonna run with it, you are threatened with lawsuits and other things that wouldn't be legal.